

218 P a r t I I I : H i g h - F r e q u e n c y B u i l d i n g - B l o c k A n t e n n a s lel resonant traps are used in combination with shortened segments of wire or aluminum tubing to provide the equivalent of quarter-wavelength half-elements on each band of interest. The technique can be applied to monopoles or to both sides of a dipole or other balanced antenna. Typically, each trap is parallel resonant at one of the desired operating frequency ranges. The high impedance associated with a parallel-resonant circuit allows very little radiofrequency (RF) energy at the trap frequency to pass from one side of the trap to the other. At frequencies other than the trap design frequency, the RF excitation of the element passes through the trap relatively unattenuated. Below the trap design frequency, the trap appears as a net inductive component and above the design frequency it appears as a net capacitive component. Let’s look at how one pair of traps can provide two-band operation with low SWR for a simple dipole. In the example of Fig. 8.1A, the trap on each side of the center insulator is parallel resonant on 10 m. Because of the high impedance of the trap on that band, very little 10-m energy gets beyond the traps, and only the sections of wire labeled “A” have any appreciable RF in them. If the length of each section A is approximately one quarter-wavelength (or about 8 ft long on the 10-m band), the antenna will function as a resonant 10-m dipole on that band. If a transmitted signal on a lower frequency (say, 15 m) is applied across the center of this antenna, the reactance of the trap capacitor will increase but the reactance of the inductor will decrease. Since the capacitor and the inductor are in parallel, the capacitor will not have a major impact on the operation of the antenna on 15 m, but the inductor will provide a modest amount of lumped-element “loading”. As a result, the sum of the lengths of A and B will be less than a full l/4 (the natural nontrap length) on 15 m. In general, trap dipoles are shorter than nontrap dipoles cut for the same band. The actual amount of shortening depends upon the values of the components in the traps, so consult the manufacturer’s data for each model of trap purchased. Some trap antennas employ multiple traps on each side of the center insulator to cover three or more bands with a single feedline. The most popular combinations are probably 20-15-10 and 80-40-20, employing two separate parallel-resonant traps on each side of the insulator. The principle of operation is as previously described, except that a third wire segment is usually found between the two sets of traps on a side. Where more than one pair of traps is used in the antenna, make sure they are of the same brand and are intended to work together. On all bands except the highest one, the radiation efficiency of the trap antenna will be somewhat less than that of a full l/4 monopole or l/2 dipole for the same band. That is because a small portion of the radiating element has been converted to a nonradiating lumped inductance. However, the effect is small, usually resulting in a net reduction in radiated field strength of 0.5 dB or so, depending on the exact design of the traps and their distance from the feedpoint. A disadvantage of trap antennas is that they provide less harmonic rejection than an antenna designed for a single band. The antenna has no idea what band the transmitter “thinks” it’s transmitting on, so any harmonic energy that falls within any of the design bands of the trap antenna will be radiated with the same efficiency. As a result, users of multiband antennas need to take every reasonable precaution to be sure that harmonics and other out-of-band spurious emissions from their transmitters or transceivers and associated amplifiers are as low as possible.

C h a p t e r 8 : M u l t i b a n d a n d T u n a b l e W i r e A n t e n n a s 219 Multiple Dipoles Another approach to multiband operation of an antenna consists of two or more l/2 dipoles fed from a single transmission line, as shown in Fig. 8.1B. There is no theoretical limit to how many dipoles can be accommodated, although there is certainly a practical limit based on the total weight of multiple dipoles and their spacers. One trick is to remember that bands related to each other by a 3:1 ratio of frequencies can probably be covered by a single dipole cut for the lower-frequency band. Such is the case, for instance, with 40 and 15 m and possibly even with 80 and 30 m. Assuming the dipoles are at least l/2 above ground at the lowest frequency, a reasonably good match to the feedpoint impedance is provided by either 50-Ω or 75-Ω coaxial cable. The two sides of the coax (center conductor and shield) can be connected to the center of the multi-dipole directly or through a 1:1 balun transformer, as shown in Fig. 8.1B. Each antenna (A-A, B-B, or C-C) is cut to l/2 at its design frequency, so the approximate overall length of each dipole can be found from the standard expression for dipole length. Overall length (A + A, B + B, or C + C): L (feet) or, for each side of the dipole (A, B, or C): L (feet) = F = F 468 (MHz) 234 (MHz) (8.1) (8.2) As always, close to the earth’s surface these equations are approximations and are not to be taken too literally. Some experimentation will probably be necessary to optimize resonance on each band. Also, be aware that the drooping dipoles (B and C in this case) may act more like an inverted-vee antenna (see Chap. 6) than a straight dipole, so the equation length will be just a few percent too short. In any event, a little “spritzing” with this antenna will yield acceptable results. A 1 : 1 BALUN A B B C Coax to XMTR C Figure 8.1B Multiband dipole consists of several dipoles fed from a common feedline.

C h a p t e r 8 : M u l t i b a n d a n d T u n a b l e W i r e A n t e n n a s 219<br />

Multiple Dipoles<br />

Another approach to multiband operation of an antenna consists of two or more l/2<br />

dipoles fed from a single transmission line, as shown in Fig. 8.1B. There is no theoretical<br />

limit to how many dipoles can be accommodated, although there is certainly a practical<br />

limit based on the total weight of multiple dipoles and their spacers. One trick is to remember<br />

that bands related to each other by a 3:1 ratio of frequencies can probably be<br />

covered by a single dipole cut for the lower-frequency band. Such is the case, for instance,<br />

with 40 and 15 m and possibly even with 80 and 30 m.<br />

Assuming the dipoles are at least l/2 above ground at the lowest frequency, a reasonably<br />

good match to the feedpoint impedance is provided by either 50-Ω or 75-Ω<br />

coaxial cable. The two sides of the coax (center conductor and shield) can be connected<br />

to the center of the multi-dipole directly or through a 1:1 balun transformer, as shown in<br />

Fig. 8.1B. Each antenna (A-A, B-B, or C-C) is cut to l/2 at its design frequency, so the<br />

approximate overall length of each dipole can be found from the standard expression<br />

for dipole length.<br />

Overall length (A + A, B + B, or C + C):<br />

L (feet)<br />

or, for each side of the dipole (A, B, or C):<br />

L (feet)<br />

=<br />

F<br />

=<br />

F<br />

468<br />

(MHz)<br />

234<br />

(MHz)<br />

(8.1)<br />

(8.2)<br />

As always, close to the earth’s surface these equations are approximations and are<br />

not to be taken too literally. Some experimentation will probably be necessary to optimize<br />

resonance on each band. Also, be aware that the drooping dipoles (B and C in this<br />

case) may act more like an inverted-vee antenna (see Chap. 6) than a straight dipole, so<br />

the equation length will be just a few percent too short. In any event, a little “spritzing”<br />

with this antenna will yield acceptable results.<br />

A<br />

1 : 1 BALUN<br />

A<br />

B<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Coax to<br />

XMTR<br />

C<br />

Figure 8.1B Multiband dipole consists of several dipoles fed from a common feedline.

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