

C h a p t e r 6 : D i p o l e s a n d D o u b l e t s 197 cles during the 1950s as the so-called Wonder Bar antenna for 10 m. It still finds use, but its popularity has faded in the intervening period. Cage Dipole The cage dipole (Fig. 6.13) is similar in concept, if not construction, to both the bow-tie and the three-wire dipole. (“If three wires are good, five or six must be better, right?”) Again, the idea is to connect several parallel dipoles to the same transmission line in an effort to increase the apparent cross-sectional area. Insulated spreaders to keep the wires separated are typically made from plexiglass, lucite, or ceramic. They can also be made from materials such as wood, if the wood is properly treated with varnish or polyurethane, or from any other lightweight insulating material that has been rendered impervious to moisture. The spreader disks are held in place with wire jumpers (see inset to Fig. 6.13) that are soldered to—or tightly wrapped around—the main element wires. Fan Dipole A tactic used by some 80-m and 10-m amateurs is to parallel two or more dipoles cut for different parts of the same band, fanning the individual wires on each side of the common center insulator out with distance from the center. Unlike the broadbanding schemes previously described, the wires at each end are not connected to each other. This “stagger tuning” method sends most of the RF to the shorter dipole at the upper end of the band and to the longer dipole at the lower end of the band. The overall result is to somewhat flatten variations in VSWR across the entire band. Modeling this configuration beforehand, to get a handle on the desired difference in lengths for optimum coverage of the desired frequency, is highly recommended. If three or four separate half-wavelength elements are employed, it should be possible to overlap even narrower sections of the band in order to create an even flatter VSWR characteristic. Remember: The ends of the wires in fan dipoles should not be tied together! R S I S I I R I Insulator R Rope (etc.) S Spreader Jumper Solder 6 to 12 inches Spreader detail Figure 6.13 Cage dipole.

198 p a r t I I I : h i g h - F r e q u e n c y B u i l d i n g - B l o c k A n t e n n a s Shortened Coil-Loaded Dipoles At lower frequencies, the half-wavelength dipole is often too long for installations where real estate is at a premium. The solution for many operators is to use a coil-loaded shortened dipole such as one of those shown in Fig. 6.14. In the absence of any loading, a shortened dipole (i.e., one that is appreciably less than a half-wavelength) exhibits capacitive reactance at its feedpoint. This reactance can be canceled with an inductance placed at almost any point along the radiator; in Fig. 6.14A and B, coils are placed at 0 percent (i.e., at the feedpoint) and 50 percent of the element length, respectively. Figure 6.14C is a table of inductive reactances (in ohms) as a function of the shortened radiator’s length, expressed as a percentage of a half-wavelength. It is likely that the maximum allowable percentage will be dictated by your specific installation, but the general rule is to pick the largest percentage that will fit within the available space. For overall antenna efficiency, coils in the middle of both sides are preferable to coils at the feedpoint, for two reasons: • Coils at the feedpoint have more current going through them, hence greater ohmic (resistive) losses. • Coils at the feedpoint are replacing the highest current portions of the antenna with lumped components that don’t radiate anywhere near as well. Example 6.4 Suppose you have about 40 ft of backyard available for a 40-m antenna that normally needs about 65 ft for a half-wavelength. What value of inductor do you need? Solution Because 39 ft is 60 percent of 65 ft, you could use this value as the design point for this antenna. From the table, a shortened dipole that is 60 percent of a full l/2 dipole’s length requires an additional inductive reactance of 950 Ω with the loading coils at the midpoint of each radiator element to allow the feedline to “see” a purely resistive feedpoint impedance. Rearrange the standard inductive reactance equation (X L = 6.28 FL) to the form X L L ( µ H) = (6.10) 6.28 F(MHz) where L = required inductance, in microhenrys F = frequency, in megahertz (MHz) X L = inductive reactance obtained from the table in Fig. 6.14C. If the antenna is cut for 7.150 MHz, the calculation is as follows: XL L( µ H) = 6.28 F(MHz) (950) = (6.28)(7.15) = 20.7µ H Keep in mind that the inductance calculated here is approximate; it might have to be altered by cut-and-try methods.

C h a p t e r 6 : D i p o l e s a n d D o u b l e t s 197<br />

cles during the 1950s as the so-called Wonder Bar antenna for 10 m. It still finds use, but<br />

its popularity has faded in the intervening period.<br />

Cage Dipole<br />

The cage dipole (Fig. 6.13) is similar in concept, if not construction, to both the bow-tie and<br />

the three-wire dipole. (“If three wires are good, five or six must be better, right?”) Again,<br />

the idea is to connect several parallel dipoles to the same transmission line in an effort to<br />

increase the apparent cross-sectional area. Insulated spreaders to keep the wires separated<br />

are typically made from plexiglass, lucite, or ceramic. They can also be made from<br />

materials such as wood, if the wood is properly treated with varnish or polyurethane, or<br />

from any other lightweight insulating material that has been rendered impervious to<br />

moisture. The spreader disks are held in place with wire jumpers (see inset to Fig. 6.13)<br />

that are soldered to—or tightly wrapped around—the main element wires.<br />

Fan Dipole<br />

A tactic used by some 80-m and 10-m amateurs is to parallel two or more dipoles cut for<br />

different parts of the same band, fanning the individual wires on each side of the common<br />

center insulator out with distance from the center. Unlike the broadbanding<br />

schemes previously described, the wires at each end are not connected to each other.<br />

This “stagger tuning” method sends most of the RF to the shorter dipole at the upper<br />

end of the band and to the longer dipole at the lower end of the band. The overall result<br />

is to somewhat flatten variations in VSWR across the entire band. Modeling this configuration<br />

beforehand, to get a handle on the desired difference in lengths for optimum<br />

coverage of the desired frequency, is highly recommended. If three or four separate<br />

half-wavelength elements are employed, it should be possible to overlap even narrower<br />

sections of the band in order to create an even flatter VSWR characteristic. Remember:<br />

The ends of the wires in fan dipoles should not be tied together!<br />

R<br />

S<br />

I<br />

S<br />

I<br />

I<br />

R<br />

I Insulator<br />

R Rope (etc.)<br />

S Spreader<br />

Jumper<br />

Solder<br />

6 to 12<br />

inches<br />

Spreader<br />

detail<br />

Figure 6.13 Cage dipole.

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