

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 165 Horizontal dipole (end view) 4 + Distant receiving antenna Figure 5.6B Combined fields from antenna and image at a distant receiver. – Image dipole r 1 Outer circle = 5.3 dB greater than for a dipole in free space. 4 r 2 Figure 5.6C Total received field strength versus elevation angle broadside to dipole of (A). phase at the other antenna, and the line of maximum field strength from this particular array is directly above the two dipoles. At elevation angles between straight up (90 degrees) and the horizon (0 degrees), the faraway field strength takes on intermediate values, as shown in Fig. 5.6C. Because the maximum radiated signal strength for a horizontal dipole at heights of l/4 or less above a ground plane is straight up in the air, the antenna is often called a cloud burner, and it is ideal for near-vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) communications. However, the broadside pattern is actually quite robust until the vertical elevation (or takeoff) angle drops under 30 degrees (the 3-dB point). There are far, far worse antennas for all-around use on 80 and 40 m than a l/2 dipole at a height of roughly l/4 (35 ft)! Above 30 degrees, at those elevation angles that result in the radiated fields from the original horizontal antenna and its image arriving at a distant point in phase, or nearly so, the resulting signal at the receiver is twice the amplitude of the signal that would have come from the original antenna in free space. The image antenna—which is really a way of looking at the ground reflection effect—has increased the received signal strength of our original antenna by nearly 6 dB relative to the free-space case! In general, r 1 and r 2 (the distances from the dipole and its image to a remote receiving point) are not equal, so the phase shift between the two radiated signals is something other than zero. The degree of reinforcement or cancellation at any given elevation angle above an arbitrary horizontally polarized antenna depends on the height of that antenna above ground. As the height of the antenna above ground is increased, eventually the phase shift of the wave from the image antenna on its way to distant receiving points increases to where the maximum radiated field is no longer straight up in the air. With increasing height above ground, the elevation angle corresponding to maximum

166 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s h radiated field strength begins to drop. However, no matter how high the antenna is raised, as long as it is above a ground plane, the horizontally polarized radiation at 0 degrees elevation angle (i.e., the horizon when flat land is involved) will always be zero because the image antenna and the real antenna are always exactly out of phase on these equidistant paths. Now consider a vertically polarized dipole not in contact with the earth, as shown in Fig. 5.7. Further consistent with the mirror analogy, boundary conditions at the ground plane require the image antenna’s vertically polarized (with respect to the ground plane) E-field to be in phase with the corresponding component of the original antenna’s radiated field. Thus, the ground beneath a vertical l/2 dipole, for instance, is replaced with an identical dipole having the same vertical orientation and a standing current that is exactly in phase with the drive current of the aboveground dipole. Figure 5.10 at the end of the chapter consists of a series of graphs depicting the ground reflection factor for vertically polarized antennas as a function of their height above ground. For tilted antennas, or antennas otherwise having a mix of both horizontal and vertical polarization, visualizing the two cases separately may be the easiest way to understand the overall effect of nearby ground on the radiated signal. Of course, if antenna modeling software is available, all the hard work is done for you by the computer! For the specific case of a ground-mounted monopole, the image antenna is best visualized as an identical but upside-down vertical with its upper end just “touching” the base of the real antenna. If the current flow at some instant is downward in the real monopole, it is also downward in the image monopole. Because the vertical component of the two currents is in phase, the current distribution in the two verticals appears continuous across the ground plane; consequently, the effect of the ground-plane boundary conditions is to cause the image antenna to act like the other half of a vertical dipole. Like any other dipole, the standing current is maximum at the center of the resulting antenna structure and in phase across the entire combined length of the two pieces, as suggested by Fig. 5.8. Because the radiated E-fields from the real and image vertical antennas are in phase and at right angles to the ground plane, there is no automatic cancellation of the radiated field at 0 degrees elevation angle. In the presence of a perfectly conducting ground plane, a vertical enjoys the same 6-dB “boost” in received signal strength at certain wave angles as do horizontal dipoles but—because its E-field is at right angles to the ground plane—this boost occurs at 0 degrees. The ground-mounted vertical is, therefore, unsurpassed in its ability to produce a strong signal at the horizon and very low elevation angles. As discussed in Chap. 2 (“Radio Wave Propagation”), however, the losses inherent in real earth cause the distant radiated field from any vertical to be zero near the horizon. Despite that, numerous DXpeditions have demonstrated that groundmounted monopoles at the edge of ocean saltwater have a distinct advantage over virtually any other antenna for intercontinental communications on the MF and HF bands. h Figure 5.7 Image antenna for vertical dipole not in contact with the ground.

166 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

h<br />

radiated field strength begins to drop. However, no matter how high the antenna is<br />

raised, as long as it is above a ground plane, the horizontally polarized radiation at 0<br />

degrees elevation angle (i.e., the horizon when flat land is involved) will always be zero<br />

because the image antenna and the real antenna are always exactly out of phase on<br />

these equidistant paths.<br />

Now consider a vertically polarized dipole not in contact with the earth, as shown<br />

in Fig. 5.7. Further consistent with the mirror analogy, boundary conditions at the<br />

ground plane require the image antenna’s vertically polarized (with respect to the<br />

ground plane) E-field to be in phase with the corresponding component of the original<br />

antenna’s radiated field. Thus, the ground beneath a vertical l/2 dipole, for instance, is<br />

replaced with an identical dipole having the same vertical orientation and a standing<br />

current that is exactly in phase with the drive current of the aboveground dipole. Figure<br />

5.10 at the end of the chapter consists of a series of graphs depicting the ground reflection<br />

factor for vertically polarized antennas as a function of their height above ground.<br />

For tilted antennas, or antennas otherwise having a mix of both horizontal and vertical<br />

polarization, visualizing the two cases separately may be the easiest way to understand<br />

the overall effect of nearby ground on the radiated signal. Of course, if antenna<br />

modeling software is available, all the hard work is done for you by the computer!<br />

For the specific case of a ground-mounted monopole, the image antenna is best visualized<br />

as an identical but upside-down vertical with its upper end just “touching” the<br />

base of the real antenna. If the current flow at some instant is downward in the real<br />

monopole, it is also downward in the image monopole. Because the vertical component<br />

of the two currents is in phase, the current distribution in the two verticals appears<br />

continuous across the ground plane; consequently, the effect of the ground-plane<br />

boundary conditions is to cause the image antenna to act like the other half of a vertical<br />

dipole. Like any other dipole, the standing current is maximum at the center of the resulting<br />

antenna structure and in phase across the entire combined length of the two<br />

pieces, as suggested by Fig. 5.8.<br />

Because the radiated E-fields from the real and image vertical antennas are in phase<br />

and at right angles to the ground plane, there is no automatic cancellation of the radiated<br />

field at 0 degrees elevation angle. In the presence of a perfectly conducting ground<br />

plane, a vertical enjoys the same 6-dB “boost” in received signal strength at certain<br />

wave angles as do horizontal dipoles but—because its E-field is at right angles to the<br />

ground plane—this boost occurs at 0 degrees. The ground-mounted vertical is, therefore,<br />

unsurpassed in its ability to produce a strong signal at the horizon and very low<br />

elevation angles. As discussed in Chap. 2 (“Radio Wave Propagation”), however, the<br />

losses inherent in real earth cause the distant radiated field from any vertical to be<br />

zero near the horizon. Despite that, numerous<br />

DXpeditions have demonstrated that groundmounted<br />

monopoles at the edge of ocean saltwater<br />

have a distinct advantage over virtually<br />

any other antenna for intercontinental communications<br />

on the MF and HF bands.<br />

h<br />

Figure 5.7 Image antenna for vertical dipole not in<br />

contact with the ground.

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