

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 163 Ground Effects In the real world, very few antennas are found in “free space”. Only at VHF and above can we hoist an antenna to heights that approximate free space. Even many satellite antennas have a conducting body under them or near them, so while their signals are truly traveling through space, they still have to be designed and their operation analyzed on the assumption that their radiation patterns might well be affected in some way by nearby conductors. Thus, when discussing antenna operation and performance, we almost always have to incorporate the effects of nearby conductors on the antenna and the waves it radiates or receives. When the dimensions of the nearby conductor are large enough to materially alter the radiation pattern of the antenna at the chosen operating frequency, we call it a ground plane or, more simply, ground. An ideal ground is a perfectly conducting conductor stretching infinitely far in all directions. For many scenarios, especially those involving frequencies below VHF, that’s as rare as “free space”! But for mobile VHF and UHF whips mounted atop a vehicle, a vehicular metal roof is often a “good enough” approximation to an ideal ground. The performance of an antenna located above ground is affected in three ways: • Like any other conductor in the vicinity of a basic antenna, a ground plane functions as a parasitic element by reradiating the EM fields originating at the antenna. The resulting signal strength far from the antenna is thus a combination of signals received directly from the antenna as well as via the ground plane. • Some fraction of the reradiated energy from the ground plane returns to the antenna. Generally, its effect—through superposition at the feedpoint—is to alter the current and voltage relationships there, thus changing the input impedance of the antenna relative to its free-space value. Depending on the spacing between the antenna and the ground plane, the radiated field strength for a given RF power delivered to the antenna from the transmitter may be greater or smaller than in the free-space case. • If the ground is not perfectly conducting, a portion of the RF energy that impinges upon it will be dissipated (and lost forever) in the resistive component of the ground characteristics. As we discuss in Chap. 9, ground-mounted vertical monopoles are more susceptible to this effect than horizontal dipoles because the return current for the vertical comes back to its feedpoint through lossy earth in the region immediately surrounding the vertical. When we talk about the first two of these effects by nearby ground on an antenna we say RF energy from the antenna is “reflected” from the ground plane in the same way that we say light is reflected from a mirror. But what do we mean? The electromagnetic principle that is at work here is this: A perfectly conducting material cannot support a voltage differential (and thus a nonzero E-field) between any two points on the material’s surface (or inside the bulk of the material, for that matter). Perfectly conducting means the resistance (R) between any two points on the conductor is zero, so any voltage differential across those points would imply the existence of an infinitely large current flowing between them. (Anyone who has ever dropped a wrench across the two terminals of a car battery has a good grasp of this concept!) But a voltage differential is the result of an E-field between the two points, so there must be no

164 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s E-field, either. As we did in Chap. 4 (“Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching”), we can use the principle of superposition to see that a zero voltage between any pair of points in space or on the earth’s surface can be the result of two separate waves having equal amplitude and opposite polarities in the region between the two points. In other words, the boundary conditions at a perfectly conducting surface require us to conclude that any horizontal E-fields from the original antenna must be matched by identical fields of equal amplitude and opposite polarity from a second source. But it turns out (without any proof given here) the only magical entity that can do that for all locations on the ground plane beneath and near a specific antenna is something we call an image antenna, looking for all the world like the original antenna viewed in a mirror: It is located the same distance below the ground plane as the original antenna is above it, and the horizontal components of its currents, voltages, and fields are equal in amplitude but opposite in direction (or phase) to those of the original antenna. Why do we bother with a fictitious image antenna? Because doing so allows us to predict the effect of a ground plane on the radiation pattern of a nearby antenna simply by removing the ground plane and replacing it with (fields from) the image antenna! In other words, we can determine the effect of a nearby ground plane on an antenna’s pattern by removing the ground plane and treating the antenna and its image as a twoelement array. Since we’ve already seen how to deal with two-element arrays whose elements are fed out of phase and in phase, we now can use the same visualizations to see what happens to far-field patterns from an antenna over perfectly conducting ground. Example 5.1 What is the broadside elevation response for a horizontal l/2-dipole of Fig. 5.6A erected to a height of l/4 above ground? Solution The dipole is l/4 above ground, so the image antenna must be l/4 below the surface of the ground. Figure 5.6B shows the signal paths r 1 and r 2 from the two dipoles to a distant receiver. Because the original dipole is horizontal (with respect to the ground plane), the image dipole is also horizontal but is considered to be fed 180 degrees out of phase with it. In your imagination, remove the ground and observe that the total spacing between the original dipole and the image antenna is twice l/4, or l/2. Because the antennas are perfectly out of phase, the 4 4 I Horizontal dipole (side view) combined signal strength at any far-field receiving point that is equidistant from them (which corresponds to all points on the surface of the ground) is zero. Further, because the wave from the image antenna takes a half-cycle to travel the half-wavelength straight up toward the original dipole, it arrives in perfect I image Figure 5.6A A horizontal dipole and its image antenna.

164 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

E-field, either. As we did in Chap. 4 (“Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching”),<br />

we can use the principle of superposition to see that a zero voltage between any pair of<br />

points in space or on the earth’s surface can be the result of two separate waves having<br />

equal amplitude and opposite polarities in the region between the two points.<br />

In other words, the boundary conditions at a perfectly conducting surface require us to<br />

conclude that any horizontal E-fields from the original antenna must be matched by<br />

identical fields of equal amplitude and opposite polarity from a second source. But it<br />

turns out (without any proof given here) the only magical entity that can do that for all<br />

locations on the ground plane beneath and near a specific antenna is something we call<br />

an image antenna, looking for all the world like the original antenna viewed in a mirror:<br />

It is located the same distance below the ground plane as the original antenna is above<br />

it, and the horizontal components of its currents, voltages, and fields are equal in amplitude<br />

but opposite in direction (or phase) to those of the original antenna.<br />

Why do we bother with a fictitious image antenna? Because doing so allows us to<br />

predict the effect of a ground plane on the radiation pattern of a nearby antenna simply<br />

by removing the ground plane and replacing it with (fields from) the image antenna! In<br />

other words, we can determine the effect of a nearby ground plane on an antenna’s pattern<br />

by removing the ground plane and treating the antenna and its image as a twoelement<br />

array. Since we’ve already seen how to deal with two-element arrays whose<br />

elements are fed out of phase and in phase, we now can use the same visualizations to<br />

see what happens to far-field patterns from an antenna over perfectly conducting<br />

ground.<br />

Example 5.1 What is the broadside elevation response for a horizontal l/2-dipole of<br />

Fig. 5.6A erected to a height of l/4 above ground?<br />

Solution The dipole is l/4 above ground, so the image antenna must be l/4 below the<br />

surface of the ground. Figure 5.6B shows the signal paths r 1 and r 2 from the two dipoles<br />

to a distant receiver. Because the original dipole is horizontal (with respect to the<br />

ground plane), the image dipole is also horizontal but is considered to be fed 180 degrees<br />

out of phase with it. In your imagination, remove the ground and observe that<br />

the total spacing between the original dipole and the image antenna is twice l/4, or<br />

l/2. Because the antennas are<br />

perfectly out of phase, the<br />

4<br />

4<br />

I<br />

Horizontal dipole<br />

(side view)<br />

combined signal strength at<br />

any far-field receiving point<br />

that is equidistant from them<br />

(which corresponds to all<br />

points on the surface of the<br />

ground) is zero. Further, because<br />

the wave from the image<br />

antenna takes a half-cycle to<br />

travel the half-wavelength<br />

straight up toward the original<br />

dipole, it arrives in perfect<br />

I image<br />

Figure 5.6A A horizontal dipole<br />

and its image antenna.

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