

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 159 time the radiated field from element 1 reaches 2, it has accumulated an additional lag of 90 degrees due to the distance it had to cover. Thus, radiation along the axis heading in the direction of 1 to 2 is the algebraic sum (from 2 outward) of two equal fields that are 180 degrees out of phase, and the radiation field is canceled in that direction. In the opposite direction along the axis of the two elements, heading from 2 to 1 and beyond, the radiation from the feedpoint current in 2 (which leads the feedpoint current in A by 90 degrees) exactly loses the 90-degree lead as it covers Outer circle = 3.0 dB greater the distance from 2 to 1. Thus, from 1 outward, radiation fields from 1 and 2 are than single element. perfectly in phase, and reinforced. /4 Between these two extremes, the amplitude of the radiation pattern at a distant receiving site is a smoothly changing value from maximum to minimum signal strength, symmetrically about each halfcircle. The resulting equation for far-field Dipole orientation signal strength as a function of azimuth (compass heading) is proportional to 1 + Figure 5.5C Cardioid pattern from two l/2 horizontal cosq and has the shape shown in Fig. dipoles. 5.5B. For a pair of l/4 vertical monopoles over perfect ground, the array has a maximum gain of 3.1 dB relative to a single identical monopole. We say this two-element array produces a unidirectional cardioid pattern. (AM clearchannel broadcast station WBZ, 1030 kHz, has used this pattern from their two-tower site overlooking the Atlantic Ocean at Hull, Masssachusetts, to blanket the eastern United States with a commanding signal for decades!) For that reason, the best antenna elements to use for forming a cardioid are omnidirectional radiators in the azimuthal plane—verticals, in other words—but horizontal l/2 dipoles at identical heights above ground and oriented so that their maximum radiation is broadside to the array pattern maximum are a possible alternative if additional side nulls and rear fishtail lobes (Fig. 5.5C) in the pattern are acceptable. Feeding All-Driven Arrays Thus far we have not discussed the practical issues associated with feeding all-driven arrays. In general, feed systems for the various members of the loop and collinear families are the easiest because the second element is driven by the first element, so there is little or nothing for the user to do to make sure currents in the two elements are equal or nearly so. In theory, a l/2 dipole in free space has a feedpoint impedance of 73 W resistive. Most of us are not so lucky, however, as to be able to hang our dipoles in free space, so virtually all MF and HF dipoles are something other than 73 W, and they often

160 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s have a reactive component to their impedance, as well. Even in free space, the second dipole in a loop may well cause the entire structure to have a feedpoint impedance other than 73 W. (The exact change depends on the distance between the centers of the two dipoles.) But the methods for canceling out the reactive part and transforming the real part to 50 W are the same as for a simple dipole. As a general rule, open-wire line, used in conjunction with an antenna tuning unit (ATU) at the transmitter end of the line or at ground level directly below the loop, is an excellent choice and usually represents less of a downward drag on the antenna. But 50-W coaxial cable may actually be a closer match to the loop’s natural impedance. Next in ease of implementation are the bidirectional line arrays with equal element currents. Whether in phase or 180 degrees out of phase, the principle of symmetry assures us that the element feedpoint impedances are identical, and transmitter power can usually be equally divided among them simply by feeding multiple identical transmission lines in parallel. Often it will be useful to incorporate one or more impedancetransforming sections of appropriate transmission line to convert the typically low junction impedance to something higher and more appropriate for the main run back to the transmitter. When we move to element phase angles other than 0 and 180 degrees, feeding the all-driven array becomes much more difficult because the impedances of the individual elements differ from each other and, hence, have a tendency to take differing amounts of power from the source or passive component divider networks unless special techniques are employed for ensuring equal power or equal current at all the element feedpoints. As we saw in Chap. 4, all transmission lines exhibit a velocity of propagation that is somewhat less than the speed of light in free space or air. As a result, a length of transmission line used to create a 90-degree delay at some operating frequency will be shorter than the physical distance between two array elements spaced l/4 apart, as measured in air or free space. If the layout of the array is such that the physical distance of each such delay line from a central combining point to each element is substantially shorter than the distances between the elements themselves, it may be possible to phase each element with a minimum transmission line length. However, frequently it is necessary to make the phasing lines longer, such as using a 3l/4 line to provide a 90-degree delay. Some important points when constructing or procuring phasing lines for arrays with separately fed elements: • Make all phasing lines out of the same transmission line. If the lines are coaxial, be sure to use cable from a single reputable vendor. Ideally, all phasing lines to individual elements of a given array should be cut from the same spool. • Be sure you know the velocity of propagation (as defined by the cable’s propagation factor) for the cable you are using. Don’t guess, and don’t rely on published specifications—measure it! Use a time domain reflectometer (TDR), a vector network analyzer (VNA), or other suitable instrument capable of allowing you to accurately calculate the propagation factor or equivalent line length of your chosen cable material. (See Chap. 27 for some instruments and techniques.) This is not quite as important for broadside arrays where all the elements are fed in phase through identical lengths of cable originating at a common junction,

160 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

have a reactive component to their impedance, as well. Even in free space, the second<br />

dipole in a loop may well cause the entire structure to have a feedpoint impedance<br />

other than 73 W. (The exact change depends on the distance between the centers of the<br />

two dipoles.) But the methods for canceling out the reactive part and transforming the<br />

real part to 50 W are the same as for a simple dipole. As a general rule, open-wire line,<br />

used in conjunction with an antenna tuning unit (ATU) at the transmitter end of the line<br />

or at ground level directly below the loop, is an excellent choice and usually represents<br />

less of a downward drag on the antenna. But 50-W coaxial cable may actually be a closer<br />

match to the loop’s natural impedance.<br />

Next in ease of implementation are the bidirectional line arrays with equal element<br />

currents. Whether in phase or 180 degrees out of phase, the principle of symmetry assures<br />

us that the element feedpoint impedances are identical, and transmitter power<br />

can usually be equally divided among them simply by feeding multiple identical transmission<br />

lines in parallel. Often it will be useful to incorporate one or more impedancetransforming<br />

sections of appropriate transmission line to convert the typically low<br />

junction impedance to something higher and more appropriate for the main run back to<br />

the transmitter.<br />

When we move to element phase angles other than 0 and 180 degrees, feeding the<br />

all-driven array becomes much more difficult because the impedances of the individual<br />

elements differ from each other and, hence, have a tendency to take differing amounts<br />

of power from the source or passive component divider networks unless special techniques<br />

are employed for ensuring equal power or equal current at all the element feedpoints.<br />

As we saw in Chap. 4, all transmission lines exhibit a velocity of propagation that is<br />

somewhat less than the speed of light in free space or air. As a result, a length of transmission<br />

line used to create a 90-degree delay at some operating frequency will be<br />

shorter than the physical distance between two array elements spaced l/4 apart, as<br />

measured in air or free space. If the layout of the array is such that the physical distance<br />

of each such delay line from a central combining point to each element is substantially<br />

shorter than the distances between the elements themselves, it may be possible to phase<br />

each element with a minimum transmission line length. However, frequently it is necessary<br />

to make the phasing lines longer, such as using a 3l/4 line to provide a 90-degree<br />

delay.<br />

Some important points when constructing or procuring phasing lines for arrays<br />

with separately fed elements:<br />

• Make all phasing lines out of the same transmission line. If the lines are coaxial,<br />

be sure to use cable from a single reputable vendor. Ideally, all phasing lines to<br />

individual elements of a given array should be cut from the same spool.<br />

• Be sure you know the velocity of propagation (as defined by the cable’s<br />

propagation factor) for the cable you are using. Don’t guess, and don’t rely on<br />

published specifications—measure it! Use a time domain reflectometer (TDR), a<br />

vector network analyzer (VNA), or other suitable instrument capable of allowing<br />

you to accurately calculate the propagation factor or equivalent line length of<br />

your chosen cable material. (See Chap. 27 for some instruments and techniques.)<br />

This is not quite as important for broadside arrays where all the elements are<br />

fed in phase through identical lengths of cable originating at a common junction,

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