

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 155 dipoles oriented parallel to the array axis are not the best choice for elements in this end-fire array. For instance, if we feed one dipole in the array of Fig. 5.3A with a drive current that is out of phase with the current in the other element, we obtain the azimuthal pattern of Fig. 5.3B—not totally useless, but probably not what we expected, either. Along the array axis, the dipole patterns radiate very little horizontally polarized energy to the far field, and at right angles to the array axis the element spacing and drive current phase Outer circle = 3.8 dB relationships conspire to create a similar more than for a single null. But the radiated energy has to go dipole. somewhere, and it is “easiest” for it to go off at 45 degrees to either axis, looking like a perfect four-leaf clover! Figure 5.2D Overall pattern for the two-element Instead, the horizontal dipoles broadside array in (C). should be rotated on the page 90 degrees, as shown in Fig. 5.3C. The resulting overall pattern of Fig. 5.3D is much more in line with our intentions and our expectations. (As noted before, the overall gain relative to a single antenna is a bit less than 3 dB because of the effect of the mutual impedances between the elements for this spacing and relative element orientation.) If the user wishes to switch a single fixed physical array between broadside and end-fire patterns, the ideal element may well be a vertical dipole or monopole, since those antenna types enjoy omnidirectional azimuthal radiation patterns and can be equally at home in either broadside or end-fire applications without having to be physically rotated or relocated 2 1 r A I 1 = I 2 180˚ r I 2 r Outer circle = 0.5 dB more than for a single Array axis dipole. Figure 5.3A Two-element end-fire array of l/2 dipoles spaced l/2 apart on the array axis. FIGURE 5.3B Overall pattern for the two-element end-fire array in (A).

156 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s r I 1 I A ) ) ) ) 2 ) ) ) ) Array axis r 2 I 1 = I 2 180˚ Figure 5.3C Two-element end-fire array of dipoles spaced l/2 on the array axis. when changing the preferred direction of maximum gain. Nor is it necessary that the feedpoint currents be equal in all elements. Over the years, many AM broadcast stations have employed multielement arrays with unequal feed currents. One common configuration uses a binomial current distribution in the vertical elements. (A five-element array might have relative element currents of 1-4-6-4-1, for instance.) Combined Outer circle = 2.3 dB more than for a single dipole. Figure 5.3D Overall pattern for the two-element end-fire array in (C). with very close element spacings, these arrays are capable of producing extremely high gain patterns and deep nulls or side lobes. (The latter are important in the AM broadcast band to prevent co-channel and adjacent channel interference to “protected” stations on the same frequency in other parts of the country.) Another form of array is the collinear. In this configuration, multiple “copies” of an element type are laid (or stacked, if vertical) end to end and electrically connected “heel to toe” through phasing sections designed to force the currents in all elements to be in phase even though only one element is actually driven by a signal from the transmitter. Many VHF and UHF verticals and mobile whips are collinears; the short lengths of antennas for those frequencies make stacking very practical from a mechanical standpoint. For a vertical, collinear stacking does not alter the shape of the azimuthal pattern at all; instead, the usual objective is to “sharpen” the elevation pattern so that more gain in all azimuthal directions is available at low elevation angles at the expense of (usually useless) high-angle radiation. At VHF and UHF, collinear antennas are often commercially sold as a complete array in a single assembly. As we shall discuss in Chap. 8 (“Multiband and Tunable Wire Antennas”), when a half-wave dipole is operated substantially above its design frequency, f C , it becomes a pair of collinear arrays because the wire on each side of the center insulator is now longer than l/4. As the operating frequency rises above f C , the maximum broadside gain of the antenna grows relative to its value at f C because the additional wire length in the radiating element possesses a greater length x current product. Eventually, however, current reversal in adjacent half-wave segments begins to reduce the maximum broadside gain of the array, which occurs when the total length of the wire is 5/4 l, corresponding to an operating frequency near 9 MHz for an 80-m dipole. Above that frequency, the maximum broadside gain starts to decrease with frequency, and eventually the array

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 155<br />

dipoles oriented parallel to the array axis<br />

are not the best choice for elements in this<br />

end-fire array. For instance, if we feed<br />

one dipole in the array of Fig. 5.3A with a<br />

drive current that is out of phase with the<br />

current in the other element, we obtain<br />

the azimuthal pattern of Fig. 5.3B—not<br />

totally useless, but probably not what we<br />

expected, either. Along the array axis, the<br />

dipole patterns radiate very little horizontally<br />

polarized energy to the far field,<br />

and at right angles to the array axis the<br />

element spacing and drive current phase<br />

Outer circle = 3.8 dB<br />

relationships conspire to create a similar<br />

more than for a single<br />

null. But the radiated energy has to go<br />

dipole.<br />

somewhere, and it is “easiest” for it to go<br />

off at 45 degrees to either axis, looking<br />

like a perfect four-leaf clover!<br />

Figure 5.2D Overall pattern for the two-element<br />

Instead, the horizontal dipoles<br />

broadside array in (C).<br />

should be rotated on the page 90 degrees,<br />

as shown in Fig. 5.3C. The resulting<br />

overall pattern of Fig. 5.3D is much more in line with our intentions and our<br />

expectations. (As noted before, the overall gain relative to a single antenna is a bit less<br />

than 3 dB because of the effect of the mutual impedances between the elements for this<br />

spacing and relative element orientation.)<br />

If the user wishes to switch a single<br />

fixed physical array between<br />

broadside and end-fire patterns, the<br />

ideal element may well be a vertical<br />

dipole or monopole, since those antenna<br />

types enjoy omnidirectional azimuthal<br />

radiation patterns and can be<br />

equally at home in either broadside or<br />

end-fire applications without having<br />

to be physically rotated or relocated<br />

2<br />

1<br />

r<br />

A<br />

I 1<br />

= I 2<br />

180˚<br />

r<br />

I 2<br />

r <br />

Outer circle = 0.5 dB<br />

more than for a single<br />

Array axis<br />

dipole.<br />

<br />

Figure 5.3A Two-element end-fire array of l/2<br />

dipoles spaced l/2 apart on the array axis.<br />

FIGURE 5.3B Overall pattern for the two-element<br />

end-fire array in (A).

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