

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 153 to the broadside pattern. The peak gain of this array’s end-fire mode compared to a single vertical is 2.3 dB—about 1.5 dB less than that of the broadside mode. Array Factor One nice feature about arrays is that we can build them out of just about any kind of antenna element. From a purely mathematical viewpoint, the easiest arrays to analyze are those comprised of isotropic radiators because the individual elements have a very simple pattern—they radiate equally well in all directions. As a result, when two or more isotropic radiators are combined to form an array, the resulting pattern is the array pattern itself. The array pattern (also called the array factor) is an equation obtained from evaluation of the geometry of the element positions, as well as the relative amplitudes and phases of the individual element feedpoint currents. For the two-element broadside array discussed here and shown in Fig. 5.1B, the shape of the azimuthal array pattern is given by the equation ⎛ π ⎞ AP = cos⎜ cosθ⎟ (5.5) ⎝ 2 ⎠ I 1 r 2 I 1 = I 2 r I 2 Array axis r Figure 5.2A Two-element broadside array of l/2 dipoles spaced l/2 apart on their axis. A where θ is the angle between the array axis and a line drawn from the center of the array to a distant receiving antenna. But isotropic radiators, as we saw in Chap. 3, are totally fictitious, so we are forced to form arrays out of “real” elements: dipoles, verticals, loops, and other basic antenna types. When we do that, the resulting radiation pattern developed by the array is the array pattern multiplied by the radiation pattern of an individual element. For example, if we replace the l/4 monopoles of Fig. 5.1B with l/2 dipoles, we still have a two-element broadside driven array with l/2 element spacing. So the resulting radiation pattern will be the array pattern of Fig. 5.1C multiplied by the inherent radiation pattern of a conventional dipole (Fig. 3.7). Clearly, the exact orientation of the dipole elements relative to the orientation of the array itself will make a big difference in the overall pattern. An excellent rule of thumb is to try to use elements in such a way that their natural direction of maximum radiation coincides with at least one of the desired directions of maximum radiation for the array as a whole. Failure to do so will usually lead to arrays that are “temperamental”; that is, they will tend to have patterns that are sharp and/or multilobed (often in the wrong directions) and feedpoint impedances that are unstable and/or difficult to match. Consider the broadside array of Fig. 5.2A, where we have replaced the verticals with l/2 horizontal dipoles laid end to end with centers l/2 apart. The pattern for this array is graphed in Fig. 5.2B. Note that the directivity of the main lobe is “sharper” or narrower than the main lobe of Fig. 5.1C as a result of the added directionality of the l/2 dipoles. However, the peak gain of the main lobe relative to a single l/2 dipole is only 1.5 dB because the mutual impediances between the two dipoles cause the feedpoint current in each dipole to be less than it would be if the

154 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Outer circle = 1.6 dB more than for a single dipole. Figure 5.2B Overall pattern for two-element broadside array in (A). 2 I 1 I 1 = I 2 I 2 Array axis r r Figure 5.2C Two-element broadside array of dipoles spaced l/2 at right angles to the array axis. r A two dipoles were far enough apart to have negligible interaction. But suppose we place one of the dipoles l/2 above the other, as depicted in Fig. 5.2C. Each dipole “sees” the other dipole differently, and their mutual impedances are different from those of Fig. 5.2A as a result. As reported in Fig. 5.2D, the overall gain of this two-element broadside array is 3.8 dB more than that of a single dipole. Clearly, if one is going to use two driven dipoles to maximize forward gain in a broadside array, the configuration of Fig. 5.2C is preferable to that of Fig. 5.2A. Note that in either case, however, the dipoles are oriented so that the direction(s) of maximum innate radiation for the basic dipole element coincides with the desired direction of maximum radiation for the array as a whole when operated in its broadside mode—that is, with in-phase currents at the feedpoints of the dipoles. Along the axis of the array (i.e., the extension of the line drawn between the two antennas of the array), then, not only is the array pattern trying to bring the radiated field strength to zero, so too is the inherent pattern of the dipoles themselves. The overall pattern of Fig. 5.2D will be of particular interest to us later when we discuss the effect of ground on a dipole’s pattern—especially when we vary the height of the dipole. Another popular form of array operation is the end-fire mode. Here the objective is to maximize radiation along the axis connecting the elements. One popular way to do this is by spacing the elements l/2 apart and feeding them 180 degrees out of phase. By the time the out-of-phase field from element A travels along the axis to element B it will have shifted another 180 degrees and be back in phase with the field from B, thus effectively doubling the radiated field along the axis, relative to a single element. For two identical radiators spaced l/2 apart and fed with out-of-phase excitations of equal amplitude, the shape of the array pattern is given by ⎛ π ⎞ AP = sin⎜ cosθ⎟ (5.6) ⎝ 2 ⎠ From our earlier discussion about attempting to align the inherent pattern of the elements of the array with the main lobe of the array pattern, we conclude that horizontal

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 153<br />

to the broadside pattern. The peak gain of this array’s end-fire mode compared to a single<br />

vertical is 2.3 dB—about 1.5 dB less than that of the broadside mode.<br />

Array Factor<br />

One nice feature about arrays is that we can build them out of just about any kind of<br />

antenna element. From a purely mathematical viewpoint, the easiest arrays to analyze<br />

are those comprised of isotropic radiators because the individual elements have a very<br />

simple pattern—they radiate equally well in all directions. As a result, when two or<br />

more isotropic radiators are combined to form an array, the resulting pattern is the array<br />

pattern itself. The array pattern (also called the array factor) is an equation obtained from<br />

evaluation of the geometry of the element positions, as well as the relative amplitudes<br />

and phases of the individual element feedpoint currents. For the two-element broadside<br />

array discussed here and shown in Fig. 5.1B, the shape of the azimuthal array pattern<br />

is given by the equation<br />

⎛ π ⎞<br />

AP = cos⎜<br />

cosθ⎟ (5.5)<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠<br />

I 1<br />

r<br />

2<br />

I 1<br />

= I 2<br />

r<br />

I 2<br />

Array axis<br />

r <br />

Figure 5.2A Two-element broadside array of l/2<br />

dipoles spaced l/2 apart on their axis.<br />

A<br />

where θ is the angle between the array axis and a line drawn from the center of the array<br />

to a distant receiving antenna.<br />

But isotropic radiators, as we saw in Chap. 3, are totally fictitious, so we are forced to<br />

form arrays out of “real” elements: dipoles, verticals, loops, and other basic antenna<br />

types. When we do that, the resulting radiation pattern developed by the array is the<br />

array pattern multiplied by the radiation pattern of an individual element. For example,<br />

if we replace the l/4 monopoles of Fig. 5.1B with l/2 dipoles, we still have a two-element<br />

broadside driven array with l/2 element spacing. So the resulting radiation pattern will<br />

be the array pattern of Fig. 5.1C multiplied by the inherent radiation pattern of a conventional<br />

dipole (Fig. 3.7). Clearly, the exact orientation of the dipole elements relative to the<br />

orientation of the array itself will make a big difference in the overall pattern. An excellent<br />

rule of thumb is to try to use elements in such a way that their natural direction of maximum<br />

radiation coincides with at least one of the desired directions of maximum radiation<br />

for the array as a whole. Failure to do so will usually lead to arrays that are “temperamental”;<br />

that is, they will tend to have patterns that are sharp and/or multilobed (often in the<br />

wrong directions) and feedpoint impedances that are unstable and/or difficult to match.<br />

Consider the broadside array of Fig. 5.2A, where we have replaced the verticals<br />

with l/2 horizontal dipoles laid end to end<br />

with centers l/2 apart. The pattern for this<br />

array is graphed in Fig. 5.2B. Note that the directivity<br />

of the main lobe is “sharper” or narrower<br />

than the main lobe of Fig. 5.1C as a<br />

result of the added directionality of the l/2<br />

dipoles. However, the peak gain of the main<br />

lobe relative to a single l/2 dipole is only 1.5<br />

dB because the mutual impediances between<br />

the two dipoles cause the feedpoint current in<br />

each dipole to be less than it would be if the

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