

C h a p t e r 5 : a n t e n n a A r r a y s a n d A r r a y G a i n 151 In other words, by cutting the power to the original TX antenna in half, we have reduced the received E-field strength from that TX antenna to 71 percent of its original value. This is a consequence of power in a resistive load being proportional to the square of the current. But there are two currents at the receiving site, each resulting from intercepting the radiated field from one of the two TX antennas, and their magnitudes are in phase, so thanks to the principle of superposition we can add the two: E = 2( 0.707) kI = 1.414kI (5.4) RXnew TXorig TXorig Thus, the new current at the receiver resulting from the same total power at the transmitting site is 1.414 times the original current—or 3 dB larger! What we have just created is an antenna array—more specifically, a two-element alldriven phased array operated in its broadside mode. (In broadside mode, the element feed currents are in phase and the direction(s) of maximum radiation are on a line at right angles (hence, broadside) to an imaginary line—called the array axis, and indicated by the vertical dotted line in Fig. 5.1B—connecting the elements.) In a sense, we have created “something from nothing”. Through the simple expedient of erecting a second antenna and splitting our allowed transmitter power equally between the two antennas, we have accomplished an increase in received signal strength at a distant point—an increase that would have required us to double our transmitter power (from, say, 100 to 200 W) if we had continued to use just the original antenna. This seems magical and it is, in a way, but “there’s no free lunch”, as the saying goes. In this case, as with all the arrays we will discuss, we have increased our radiated field in some directions at the expense of the field or signal strength in others. It may be helpful to visualize the radiation field of the original antenna as a spherical balloon, and a given transmit power corresponds to blowing the balloon up to a certain size. Now wrap your two hands around the middle of the balloon and squeeze. Pushing in on part of it causes the skin of another part of the balloon to extend, even though the total air within the balloon remains constant. Similarly, an array of antenna elements modifies the radiation field of the original antenna, making it stronger in certain directions while weakening it in others. In fact, if we were to move our receiving antenna to a distant point anywhere on the array axis we would find the received E-field to be zero or nearly so. Let’s see why that is. The two transmitting verticals of Fig. 5.1B are spaced l/2 apart, but their feed currents are in phase. When the field from antenna A reaches antenna B, it will have traveled a half-wavelength, and, hence, its waveform will be 180 degrees out of phase from its starting point at A and also 180 degrees out of phase with the waveform of antenna B’s field (since we said at the beginning that the two TX feedpoint currents were in phase at the base of each antenna). Because A and B are so close together (compared to the distance to the receiving antenna), the magnitudes of the two fields from the two TX antennas are virtually identical at the receiving antenna. As the fields from antennas A and B propagate outward along an extension of the line connecting A and B, they are essentially the same strength at every point on the line, but 180 degrees out of phase. That is to say, they almost completely cancel at all receiving points on a line connecting the centers of the two antennas. The received signal strength from this two-element phased array is, for all intents and purposes, zero anywhere along the axis of the array. The array has “stolen” power from certain directions to increase the

152 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Figure 5.1C Array pattern for the two-element array of (B) in broadside (fed in phase) mode. Outer circle = 3.8 dB (relative to a single radiator) Array axis radiated power in other directions—specifically, those broadside to the elements of the array. If we move our receiving antenna around the compass at a constant distance from the center of the array, we find that the received signal varies from zero on the array axis to a maximum broadside to the array, as shown in Fig. 5.1C. Any time the two elements of an array are odd multiples of l/2 apart and the currents at the two elements are in phase, radiation along the axis of the array will be zero and radiation broadside to the line connecting the two elements will be a maximum. In our first example we calculated a gain of 3 dB over a single element, but that is only a rough approximation because we ignored possible interactions between the two elements. In truth, if the two elements are l/2 apart, onaxis radiation is everywhere zero, but interaction between the two elements alters their feedpoint impedances and the resulting gain in the desired (broadside) direction is not exactly 3 dB greater than that of a single radiating element. In fact, for l/4 verticals spaced l/2 apart, it’s a bit higher than 3 dB; as shown in Fig. 5.1C, it’s 3.8 dB. For other spacings, such as 3l/2, 5l/2, etc., and for other antenna orientations (dipoles end to end, for instance) the mutual impedances of the elements can cause the array gain to be either greater than or less than 3 dB for a fixed input power to the array. (Also, for other than l/2 spacing, additional side lobes form.) As we shall see in Chap. 12, it is these same interactions between closely spaced conductors that allow us to obtain array gains from multielement antennas having only one element directly connected to a feedline! If now the RF signal being applied to one of the two radiating verticals in Fig. 5.1B is shifted 180 degrees so that the two antennas are being driven out of phase, the pattern of Fig. 5.1D results. Note that the pattern is not just rotated 90 degrees but is somewhat “squashed” compared Outer circle = 2.3 dB (relative to a single radiator) Figure 5.1D Array pattern for the two-element array of (B) in end-fire (fed 180 degrees out of phase) mode.

152 p a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

Figure 5.1C Array pattern for the two-element<br />

array of (B) in broadside (fed in phase) mode.<br />

Outer circle = 3.8 dB<br />

(relative to a single<br />

radiator)<br />

Array axis<br />

radiated power in other directions—specifically,<br />

those broadside to the elements<br />

of the array.<br />

If we move our receiving antenna<br />

around the compass at a constant distance<br />

from the center of the array, we find<br />

that the received signal varies from zero<br />

on the array axis to a maximum broadside<br />

to the array, as shown in Fig. 5.1C.<br />

Any time the two elements of an<br />

array are odd multiples of l/2 apart and<br />

the currents at the two elements are in<br />

phase, radiation along the axis of the<br />

array will be zero and radiation broadside<br />

to the line connecting the two elements<br />

will be a maximum. In our first<br />

example we calculated a gain of 3 dB over<br />

a single element, but that is only a rough approximation because we ignored possible<br />

interactions between the two elements. In truth, if the two elements are l/2 apart, onaxis<br />

radiation is everywhere zero, but interaction between the two elements alters their<br />

feedpoint impedances and the resulting gain in the desired (broadside) direction is not<br />

exactly 3 dB greater than that of a single radiating element. In fact, for l/4 verticals<br />

spaced l/2 apart, it’s a bit higher than 3 dB; as shown in Fig. 5.1C, it’s 3.8 dB. For other<br />

spacings, such as 3l/2, 5l/2, etc., and for other<br />

antenna orientations (dipoles end to end, for instance)<br />

the mutual impedances of the elements<br />

can cause the array gain to be either greater than<br />

or less than 3 dB for a fixed input power to the<br />

array. (Also, for other than l/2 spacing, additional<br />

side lobes form.) As we shall see in Chap. 12,<br />

it is these same interactions between closely<br />

spaced conductors that allow us to obtain array<br />

gains from multielement antennas having only<br />

one element directly connected to a feedline!<br />

If now the RF signal being applied to one of<br />

the two radiating verticals in Fig. 5.1B is shifted<br />

180 degrees so that the two antennas are being<br />

driven out of phase, the pattern of Fig. 5.1D results.<br />

Note that the pattern is not just rotated 90<br />

degrees but is somewhat “squashed” compared<br />

Outer circle = 2.3 dB<br />

(relative to a single<br />

radiator)<br />

Figure 5.1D Array pattern for the two-element array of<br />

(B) in end-fire (fed 180 degrees out of phase) mode.

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