

C h a p t e r 4 : T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e s a n d I m p e d a n c e M a t c h i n g 143 Special Cases If we use an impedance bridge or other instrument to determine the input impedance at one end of an infinitely long transmission line, we will obtain the value Z 0 —the characteristic or surge impedance for that particular type of line. If we attach a load impedance equal to Z 0 at the far end of a much shorter length of transmission line, we will again measure Z 0 at the input. But if we attach a load impedance Z L ≠ Z 0 , we have no idea what input impedance we will see unless we know Z L , Z 0 and the exact length of the line in electrical wavelengths. As we have seen in the preceding paragraphs, that is because the impedance “looking into” a transmission line at the input is the result of the line transforming the load impedance in a manner determined by the length of the line and the relationship between the line and load impedances. Here are some specific combinations that are important to know. Matched Line and Load Impedances Assuming a reasonably low loss transmission line, a purely resistive load impedance Z L = Z 0 appears as Z 0 at the line input for any length of line. Any other load impedance, whether a pure resistance ≠ Z 0 or a resistive component R 0 accompanied by a reactive component, will transform to some other R ± jX value at the line input; the value (relative to Z L ) will be solely determined by the length of the line (in wavelengths). Half-Wavelength Section of Line A half-wavelength section of transmission line is “magical” because it repeats any load impedance, whether matched or not. Thus, for a single frequency or band of frequencies, a transmission line that is any integer multiple of l/2 long can be used to remotely measure and monitor the feedpoint impedance of an antenna. The two caveats are: • An accurate knowledge of the line’s velocity factor is needed before cutting the line to length. • A given length of line is l/2 only over a very narrow range of frequencies. Quarter-Wave Matching Section A quarter-wavelength line exhibits a transforming property, converting low-resistance loads to higher ones, and capacitive reactances to inductive. The best way to understand and use this feature is with the Smith chart (explained in detail in Chap. 26) or a similar tool. One important application of this property is to transform a load impedance to a higher (or lower) main transmission line impedance. For instance, suppose an antenna for 10 MHz has a feedpoint impedance of 100 Ω resistive. It’s not a very good match for 52-Ω coaxial cable, but a l/4 section of 75-Ω RG-59 or RG-11 coaxial cable for television systems will transform the antenna feedpoint impedance from 100 to 52 Ω. Impedances for the l/4 transformer are calculated (for resistive loads) as follows: Z Z = Z 2 (4.54) L S 0 where Z L = load or antenna feedpoint impedance Z 0 = characteristic impedance of l/4 section Z S = characteristic impedance of system transmission line The l/4 transmission line transformer, shown in Fig. 4.12, is sometimes called a Q-section matching network.

144 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Z L Load impedance Example 4.9 A 50-Ω source must be matched to a load impedance of 36 Ω. Find the characteristic impedance required of a Q-section matching network. Solution Z0 = Z Z S L = (50 Ω) (36 Ω) = 1800 Ω = 42 Ω 2 Z o Z s /4 Q section Figure 4.12 Quarter-wavelength Q section. Clearly, the key to success is to have available a piece of transmission line having the required characteristic impedance. Unfortunately, the number of different coaxial cable impedances available for the Q-section is limited, and so its utility for matching an arbitrary pair of impedances is also limited. On open-wire transmission line systems, on the other hand, it is quite easy to achieve the correct impedance for the matching section. As before, we use the preceding equation to find a value for Z 0 , and then calculate the conductor spacing and diameter needed for a short length of a custom transmission line! Armed with information about the diameter of common wire sizes, once we know the feedpoint impedance, we can use Eq. (4.55) to calculate the appropriate conductor spacing: S = d × 10 ( Z0 / 276) (4.55) where S = spacing between conductors of parallel line d = conductor diameter expressed in same units as S Z 0 = desired surge impedance for Q-section Assuming true open-wire line (with air dielectric) is used, the length of the quarter-wave section in feet can be calculated using the familiar 246/F, where F is in megahertz. A quarter-wavelength shorted stub is a special case of the stub concept that finds particular application in microwave circuits. Waveguides (Chap. 20) are based on the properties of the quarter-wavelength shorted stub. Figure 4.13 shows a quarter-wave stub and its current distribution. The current is maximum across the short, but wave cancellation forces it to zero at the terminals. Because Z = V/I, when I goes to zero, the impedance becomes infinite. Thus, a quarter-wavelength stub has an infinite impedance at its resonant frequency, and acts as an insulator. This concept may be hard to swallow, but the stub is a “metal insulator”.

C h a p t e r 4 : T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e s a n d I m p e d a n c e M a t c h i n g 143<br />

Special Cases<br />

If we use an impedance bridge or other instrument to determine the input impedance<br />

at one end of an infinitely long transmission line, we will obtain the value Z 0 —the characteristic<br />

or surge impedance for that particular type of line. If we attach a load impedance<br />

equal to Z 0 at the far end of a much shorter length of transmission line, we will again<br />

measure Z 0 at the input. But if we attach a load impedance Z L ≠ Z 0 , we have no idea<br />

what input impedance we will see unless we know Z L , Z 0 and the exact length of the<br />

line in electrical wavelengths. As we have seen in the preceding paragraphs, that is because<br />

the impedance “looking into” a transmission line at the input is the result of the<br />

line transforming the load impedance in a manner determined by the length of the line<br />

and the relationship between the line and load impedances. Here are some specific<br />

combinations that are important to know.<br />

Matched Line and Load Impedances<br />

Assuming a reasonably low loss transmission line, a purely resistive load impedance<br />

Z L = Z 0 appears as Z 0 at the line input for any length of line. Any other load impedance,<br />

whether a pure resistance ≠ Z 0 or a resistive component R 0 accompanied by a reactive<br />

component, will transform to some other R ± jX value at the line input; the value (relative<br />

to Z L ) will be solely determined by the length of the line (in wavelengths).<br />

Half-Wavelength Section of Line<br />

A half-wavelength section of transmission line is “magical” because it repeats any load<br />

impedance, whether matched or not. Thus, for a single frequency or band of frequencies,<br />

a transmission line that is any integer multiple of l/2 long can be used to remotely<br />

measure and monitor the feedpoint impedance of an antenna. The two caveats are:<br />

• An accurate knowledge of the line’s velocity factor is needed before cutting the<br />

line to length.<br />

• A given length of line is l/2 only over a very narrow range of frequencies.<br />

Quarter-Wave Matching Section<br />

A quarter-wavelength line exhibits a transforming property, converting low-resistance<br />

loads to higher ones, and capacitive reactances to inductive. The best way to understand<br />

and use this feature is with the Smith chart (explained in detail in Chap. 26) or a<br />

similar tool. One important application of this property is to transform a load impedance<br />

to a higher (or lower) main transmission line impedance. For instance, suppose an<br />

antenna for 10 MHz has a feedpoint impedance of 100 Ω resistive. It’s not a very good<br />

match for 52-Ω coaxial cable, but a l/4 section of 75-Ω RG-59 or RG-11 coaxial cable for<br />

television systems will transform the antenna feedpoint impedance from 100 to 52 Ω.<br />

Impedances for the l/4 transformer are calculated (for resistive loads) as follows:<br />

Z Z = Z 2<br />

(4.54)<br />

L S 0<br />

where Z L = load or antenna feedpoint impedance<br />

Z 0 = characteristic impedance of l/4 section<br />

Z S = characteristic impedance of system transmission line<br />

The l/4 transmission line transformer, shown in Fig. 4.12, is sometimes called a<br />

Q-section matching network.

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