

C h a p t e r 4 : T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e s a n d I m p e d a n c e M a t c h i n g 123 Figure 4.5 Standing waves. A B C Now let’s look at a transmission line with characteristic impedance Z 0 connected to a load impedance Z L , as shown in Fig. 4.2. The generator at the input of the line consists of a voltage source V with source impedance Z S in series V with a switch S 1 . Assume for the present that both the source and the load impedances are pure resistances V/ 2 T 0 (i.e., R + j0) equal to Z 0 , the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. V When the switch is closed at time T 0 (Fig. 4.6A), the voltage at the input of the line (V IN ) jumps to V/2. In Fig. 4.2, you may have noticed that the L′C′ circuit resembles a delay line. As might be expected, therefore, 0 V L/ 2 L the voltage wavefront propagates along the line at a velocity v: V/ 2 1 T 0 v = (4.17) V L'C' V/ 2 0 V T 0 T 1 L/ 2 T 1 L T d where v = velocity, in meters per second L′ = inductance, in henrys per meter C′ = capacitance, in farads per meter At time T 1 (Fig. 4.6B), the wavefront has propagated one-half the distance L, and by T d it has propagated the entire length of the cable (Fig. 4.6C). If the load is perfectly matched to the line (i.e., Z L = Z 0 ), the load absorbs the wave and no component is 0 L/ 2 L Figure 4.6 Step-function propagation along transmission line at three points.

124 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s reflected. But in a mismatched system (where Z L ≠ Z 0 ), a portion of the wave is reflected back up the line toward the source. Reflection Coefficient Mismatches can vary from a perfect short circuit at the load to an open circuit (no load at all). In between are all the possible combinations of resistance and reactance—an infinite number! It seems intuitive that the effect of a very slight difference between Z L and Z 0 should have less effect on the resulting line conditions than a major mismatch, such as a short or open circuit. The reflection coefficient G of a circuit containing a transmission line and load impedance is a measure of how well the load is matched to the transmission line: where V REF = reflected voltage V FWD = forward, or incident, voltage REF G = V (4.18) V The absolute value of the reflection coefficient varies from –1 to +1, depending upon the nature of the reflection; G = 0 indicates a perfect match with no reflection, while –1 indicates a short-circuited load (Z L = 0), and +1 indicates an open circuit (Z L = ∞). To see how this comes about, consider the set of boundary conditions that must be true at the junction of the transmission line and the load (antenna). • Just before arriving at the load, the advancing step function knows only that it’s traveling on a transmission line of characteristic impedance Z 0 . Therefore, at each and every point on the transmission line prior to the step function first reaching the load, the voltage is related to the current by V FWD = I FWD Z 0 . • The voltage across the load (usually an antenna) must always be related to the current through it by V L = I L Z L . • At the junction of the line and the load, the current must be continuous; that is, the current in the transmission line has no place else to go except into the load. Thus, if I L = I FWD , then V L = V FWD only if Z 0 = Z L . This is the matched condition, for which G = 0. • Suppose, however, that we substitute a short circuit for the original load. Now Z L = 0, so V L = I L Z L = 0. The advancing wave is attempting to apply a voltage V FWD = I FWD Z 0 to the boundary, yet we measure a voltage of zero at the boundary. For this to be true, there must be a second voltage present at the boundary such that the sum of V FWD and this new voltage is zero (by linear superposition). We call this new voltage V REF , and it has to be exactly equal in magnitude to V FWD , but of opposite polarity. In other words, V REF = -V FWD , hence FWD VREF VFWD Γ = = − = −1 V V FWD FWD

C h a p t e r 4 : T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e s a n d I m p e d a n c e M a t c h i n g 123<br />

Figure 4.5 Standing waves.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Now let’s look at a transmission line with characteristic impedance Z 0 connected to<br />

a load impedance Z L , as shown in Fig. 4.2. The generator at the input of the line consists<br />

of a voltage source V with source impedance Z S in series<br />

V<br />

with a switch S 1 . Assume for the present that both the<br />

source and the load impedances are pure resistances<br />

V/ 2<br />

T 0<br />

(i.e., R + j0) equal to Z 0 , the characteristic impedance of<br />

the transmission line.<br />

V<br />

When the switch is closed at time T 0 (Fig. 4.6A), the<br />

voltage at the input of the line (V IN ) jumps to V/2. In<br />

Fig. 4.2, you may have noticed that the L′C′ circuit resembles<br />

a delay line. As might be expected, therefore,<br />

0<br />

V<br />

L/ 2 L the voltage wavefront propagates along the line at a velocity<br />

v:<br />

V/ 2<br />

1<br />

T 0<br />

v =<br />

(4.17)<br />

V<br />

L'C'<br />

V/ 2<br />

0<br />

V<br />

T 0<br />

T 1<br />

L/ 2<br />

T 1<br />

L<br />

T d<br />

where v = velocity, in meters per second<br />

L′ = inductance, in henrys per meter<br />

C′ = capacitance, in farads per meter<br />

At time T 1 (Fig. 4.6B), the wavefront has propagated<br />

one-half the distance L, and by T d it has propagated the<br />

entire length of the cable (Fig. 4.6C).<br />

If the load is perfectly matched to the line (i.e.,<br />

Z L = Z 0 ), the load absorbs the wave and no component is<br />

0<br />

L/ 2<br />

L<br />

Figure 4.6 Step-function propagation along transmission line at<br />

three points.

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