

C h a p t e r 4 : T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e s a n d I m p e d a n c e M a t c h i n g 119 Some practical considerations arise from the fact that the physical length of a real transmission line is shorter than its electrical length. For example, in certain types of phased-array antenna designs, radiating elements are spaced a half-wavelength apart and must be fed 180 degrees (half-wave) out of phase with each other. The simplest and least expensive connection between the two elements is a transmission line of a length that provides an electrical half-wavelength. Unfortunately, because of the velocity factor, the physical length for a one-half electrical wavelength cable is shorter than the freespace half-wave distance between elements. In other words, the cable will be too short to reach between the radiating elements! Clearly, velocity factors must be known before transmission lines can be selected and cut to length for specific situations. Table 4.1 lists the velocity factors for several popular types of transmission lines. Because these are at best nominal values, the actual velocity factor for any given line should be measured, using techniques and instruments described in Chap. 27. Type of Line Z 0 (ohms) Velocity Factor 1 ⁄2-in TV parallel line (air dielectric) 300 0.95 1-in TV parallel line (air dielectric) 450 0.95 TV twin-lead 300 0.82 UHF TV twin-lead 300 0.80 Polyethylene coaxial cable * 0.66 Polyethylene foam coaxial cable * 0.79 Air-space polyethylene foam coaxial cable * 0.86 Teflon coaxial cable * 0.70 CATV hardline 75 0.8–0.9 * Various impedances depending upon cable type. Table 4.1 Transmission Line Characteristics Loss in Transmission Lines As we saw earlier, loss in a two-conductor transmission line is modeled in the series R′ and shunt G′ terms of Eq. (4.1), repeated here as Eq. (4.12) for convenience. Up until this point we have discussed only lines with zero loss or negligible loss. Z 0 = R' G' + + jwL' jwC' (4.12) As you can see, when R′ and G′ are zero, the expression under the square root sign simplifies to L′/C′. When either R′ or G′ or both are large enough to affect things, the math gets too messy for us to go through in detail, so much of the following will have to be taken on faith.

120 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Earlier we modeled the series impedance of a short length of transmission line as R′ + jwL′, and the shunt admittance as G′ + jwC′. The propagation constant for a lossy transmission line is defined as γ = ( R' + jωL' ) ( G' + jωC' ) (4.13) The propagation constant can also be written in terms of the line attenuation constant a and phase constant b: γ = α + jβ (4.14) Thus, when the line has loss, we can represent a sinusoidal (single-frequency) waveform with the following equation: −α V( z, t) = V e z cos(2 πft −βz) (4.15) 0 where V(z,t) = notation that tells us the observed amplitude of the wave is a function of (i.e., depends upon) its location along the line (the z axis) and the time of observation V 0 = amplitude of the input waveform at the peak of its sine wave or cycle e –az = decaying exponential term representing the effect of line loss, called the attenuation factor; it is a function of wave frequency 2pft = portion of the cosine argument that mathematically accounts for the sinusoidal or cyclic variation in the amplitude of the wave with the passage of time bz = portion of the cosine argument that mathematically accounts for the sinusoidal spatial variation in the amplitude of the wave at any instant; b is “shorthand” for 2p/l where l is the wavelength of the wave in the transmission line The loss term is exponential because the loss mechanism in a transmission line is a linear function of distance along the line; that is, the peak amplitude of the wave a little farther along the line is, say, 99 percent of the peak wave amplitude at this point on the line. The peak amplitude of the wave at a second point farther along the line is then 99 percent of its amplitude at the previous point. And so on. In theory, the wave never quite goes to zero, no matter how long the line may be. a is called the attenuation constant of the transmission line, and it is a dimensionless number with units of nepers per meter (Np/m). It is related to natural logarithms the same way bels and dB are related to base-10 logarithms. (See App. A.) Unfortunately, in the general case where we have no feeling for the relative importance of the R′ and G′ terms, a and b are unbearably complicated and Z 0 is a complex quantity—that is, it includes reactance terms. However, for the case of a line with just a little bit of attenuation, we can “cheat” by allowing the argument of the cosine term to be the same as for the lossless line and pretending the only significant effect of the loss is the addition of the exponential term in Eq. (4.15). In that case, a can be inferred from the attenuation specification for the line, and b can be rewritten in terms of parameters we know. Specifically, we know the velocity of propagation, v, in the transmission line is given by v = fl. Since b = 2p/l, we can write

120 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

Earlier we modeled the series impedance of a short length of transmission line as<br />

R′ + jwL′, and the shunt admittance as G′ + jwC′. The propagation constant for a lossy<br />

transmission line is defined as<br />

γ = ( R' + jωL'<br />

) ( G' + jωC'<br />

)<br />

(4.13)<br />

The propagation constant can also be written in terms of the line attenuation constant a<br />

and phase constant b:<br />

γ = α + jβ (4.14)<br />

Thus, when the line has loss, we can represent a sinusoidal (single-frequency) waveform<br />

with the following equation:<br />

−α<br />

V( z, t) = V e z cos(2 πft −βz)<br />

(4.15)<br />

0<br />

where V(z,t) = notation that tells us the observed amplitude of the wave is a function<br />

of (i.e., depends upon) its location along the line (the z axis) and the<br />

time of observation<br />

V 0 = amplitude of the input waveform at the peak of its sine wave or cycle<br />

e –az = decaying exponential term representing the effect of line loss, called<br />

the attenuation factor; it is a function of wave frequency<br />

2pft = portion of the cosine argument that mathematically accounts for the<br />

sinusoidal or cyclic variation in the amplitude of the wave with the<br />

passage of time<br />

bz = portion of the cosine argument that mathematically accounts for the<br />

sinusoidal spatial variation in the amplitude of the wave at any<br />

instant; b is “shorthand” for 2p/l where l is the wavelength of the<br />

wave in the transmission line<br />

The loss term is exponential because the loss mechanism in a transmission line is a<br />

linear function of distance along the line; that is, the peak amplitude of the wave a little<br />

farther along the line is, say, 99 percent of the peak wave amplitude at this point on the<br />

line. The peak amplitude of the wave at a second point farther along the line is then 99<br />

percent of its amplitude at the previous point. And so on. In theory, the wave never<br />

quite goes to zero, no matter how long the line may be. a is called the attenuation constant<br />

of the transmission line, and it is a dimensionless number with units of nepers per<br />

meter (Np/m). It is related to natural logarithms the same way bels and dB are related to<br />

base-10 logarithms. (See App. A.)<br />

Unfortunately, in the general case where we have no feeling for the relative importance<br />

of the R′ and G′ terms, a and b are unbearably complicated and Z 0 is a complex<br />

quantity—that is, it includes reactance terms. However, for the case of a line with just a<br />

little bit of attenuation, we can “cheat” by allowing the argument of the cosine term to<br />

be the same as for the lossless line and pretending the only significant effect of the loss<br />

is the addition of the exponential term in Eq. (4.15).<br />

In that case, a can be inferred from the attenuation specification for the line, and b<br />

can be rewritten in terms of parameters we know. Specifically, we know the velocity of<br />

propagation, v, in the transmission line is given by v = fl. Since b = 2p/l, we can write

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