

CHAPTER 4 Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching Transmission lines and waveguides are conduits for transporting RF energy between elements of a radio system. For example, in a typical station with a transmitter (or exciter) and a power amplifier, one transmission line carries exciter output to the amplifier input and a second line delivers transmitter output energy to the antenna. A third line may carry the incoming RF energy from a transmit/receive switch or separate receiving antenna to the station receiver. Still other lines may switch filters in and out, or pass transmitter RF through signal monitors, power meters, and other station accessories. A good analogy for visualizing how transmission lines do their job is a forced hot water heating system for your home or office. In such a system, copper pipes carry hot water from a central furnace or boiler to distant radiating units that extract a large percentage of the heat from the water and deliver it to the air or the floors in your building. In both radio and heating systems: • The objective is to transfer as much energy as possible to the radiating unit(s) and minimize the unintentional loss of energy in the transmission line or copper pipes. • A return path for the delivery medium back to the energy source must be provided. • The longer the distance between the source and the radiating unit(s), the greater the potential for loss of energy in the transmission (distribution) system. Because of the requirement for a return path, virtually all transmission lines below microwave frequencies (where waveguides are an important exception to this statement) have at least two conductors: At the same time RF current is flowing toward the radiating unit (antenna) in one conductor it is flowing away from the antenna and back to the source in the other. Similarly, to minimize the unintentional loss of energy from the transmission line, virtually all lines in use today keep the conductors very close together for the entire distance between the source and the antenna. (This is where our analogy with the heating system breaks down because the return lines in many, if not most, heating systems travel completely different paths back to the furnace.) 109

110 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s To summarize: The geometry of almost all transmission lines has been designed to minimize the tendency of the lines to act as antennas and radiate on their own. In contrast, the geometry of an antenna has been designed to maximize its tendency to radiate! If we know the geometry of the conductors in a transmission line, as well as dielectric properties of the material that occupies the space between them, we can use equations found later in this chapter to calculate the characteristic impedance, or Z 0 , of that line. While it is possible to construct transmission lines of any desired Z 0 over a very wide range of impedances, certain favored impedances have evolved over the years and today represent almost the entirety of commercial transmission line production. Selection of a characteristic impedance, also known as the surge impedance, for a system is a very important decision that should be made early in the design of that system. Certain standard choices exist today: Most amateur, CB, and marine communications installations utilize a system impedance of 50 to 52 Ω (ohms). Most cable television systems (in the United States, at least) have standardized on 75 Ω. There are also historical and practical reasons for 300-, 450-, and 600-Ω lines, too. And a few transmission lines for specialized applications have more than two conductors. Types of Transmission Lines One of the earliest types of transmission lines was a single copper wire connected between the transmitter and some point on a horizontal antenna. Then, as now, the return path for this type of line was the earth or other ground path between the antenna and the transmitter. In almost all installations, this form of transmission line exhibits many undesirable characteristics, and we shall not dwell on it because it has, for the most part, been supplanted by far superior two-conductor lines with controlled geometries. Parallel Conductor Lines Next to appear were parallel conductor lines, whose general shape is shown in Figs. 4.1A through 4.1E. Figure 4.1A shows a cross-sectional, or end, view of a typical parallel conductor transmission line. Two conductors, both of diameter d, are separated by a dielectric (which might be air) at a spacing S. (These designations will be used in calculations later.) At first, all parallel lines were open-wire line (OWL), shown in Fig. 4.1B. Here, the wire conductors are separated by an air dielectric; spac- Conductors S d (End view) d Insulator Tie Figure 4.1A Parallel line transmission line (end view). Figure 4.1B Parallel open-wire line construction details.

110 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

To summarize: The geometry of almost all transmission lines has been designed to<br />

minimize the tendency of the lines to act as antennas and radiate on their own. In contrast,<br />

the geometry of an antenna has been designed to maximize its tendency to radiate!<br />

If we know the geometry of the conductors in a transmission line, as well as dielectric<br />

properties of the material that occupies the space between them, we can use equations<br />

found later in this chapter to calculate the characteristic impedance, or Z 0 , of that<br />

line. While it is possible to construct transmission lines of any desired Z 0 over a very<br />

wide range of impedances, certain favored impedances have evolved over the years<br />

and today represent almost the entirety of commercial transmission line production.<br />

Selection of a characteristic impedance, also known as the surge impedance, for a system<br />

is a very important decision that should be made early in the design of that system.<br />

Certain standard choices exist today: Most amateur, CB, and marine communications<br />

installations utilize a system impedance of 50 to 52 Ω (ohms). Most cable television<br />

systems (in the United States, at least) have standardized on 75 Ω. There are also historical<br />

and practical reasons for 300-, 450-, and 600-Ω lines, too. And a few transmission<br />

lines for specialized applications have more than two conductors.<br />

Types of Transmission Lines<br />

One of the earliest types of transmission lines was a single copper wire connected between<br />

the transmitter and some point on a horizontal antenna. Then, as now, the return<br />

path for this type of line was the earth or other ground path between the antenna and<br />

the transmitter. In almost all installations, this form of transmission line exhibits many<br />

undesirable characteristics, and we shall not dwell on it because it has, for the most<br />

part, been supplanted by far superior two-conductor lines with controlled geometries.<br />

Parallel Conductor Lines<br />

Next to appear were parallel conductor lines, whose general shape is shown in Figs. 4.1A<br />

through 4.1E. Figure 4.1A shows a cross-sectional, or end, view of a typical parallel<br />

conductor transmission line. Two conductors, both of diameter d, are separated by a<br />

dielectric (which might be air) at a spacing<br />

S. (These designations will be used<br />

in calculations later.) At first, all parallel<br />

lines were open-wire line (OWL), shown<br />

in Fig. 4.1B. Here, the wire conductors<br />

are separated by an air dielectric; spac-<br />

Conductors<br />

S<br />

d<br />

(End view)<br />

d<br />

Insulator<br />

Tie<br />

Figure 4.1A Parallel line transmission line (end<br />

view).<br />

Figure 4.1B Parallel open-wire line construction<br />


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