

C h a p t e r 3 : A n t e n n a B a s i c s 105 RF energy on an antenna, however, moves at a velocity somewhat less than that of the radiated energy in free space because the antenna’s dielectric constant, e, is greater than the e 0 of free space. Because of the difference in velocity between the wave in free space and the wave on the antenna, the physical length of the antenna no longer corresponds to its electrical length. An antenna that is exactly a half-wavelength electrically will be somewhat shorter than this physically. This is also reflected in the formula for the velocity of electromagnetic waves, vP = f λ (3.30) Circumference wavelengths where n P is the velocity of propagation, ƒ is the frequency, and l is the wavelength. Since the frequency of the RF energy must remain constant, a decrease in the velocity results in a decrease in the wavelength. Therefore, the RF wave traveling in an antenna has a shorter wavelength than the same wave traveling in free space, and the physical length of a l/2 dipole will be shorter. The actual difference between the physical length and the electrical length of the antenna depends on several factors. A thin wire antenna, for example, has less effect on wave velocity than an antenna with a large cross section. As the circumference of the antenna increases, the wave velocity becomes progressively lower relative to its freespace velocity. The effect of antenna circumference on wave velocity is illustrated in the graph of Fig. 3.12. Other factors can also lower wave velocity on the antenna. Stray capacitance, for example, increases the dielectric constant. In many installations this capacitance is dominated by the insulators used to give physical support to the antenna, as well as nearby objects made of metallic or high dielectric materials. The change in velocity resulting from stray capacitance is called end effect because the ends of .01 the antenna act as though they are farther apart electrically than they are .005 physically. End effect for a typical dipole of wire that is thin compared to its length is counteracted by making the physical length about 5 percent .002 shorter than the electrical length, as expressed in the formula .001 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Wave velocity Free-space velocity Figure 3.12 Effect of antenna circumference on wave velocity.

106 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s ⎛ ⎞ L = 492 ⎛ ⎞ L = 0.95⎜ 492 ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ ⎝ƒ ƒ⎠ ⎠ = = 468 468 ƒ ƒ (3.31) where L is the physical length in feet and ƒ is the frequency in megahertz. This formula is reasonably accurate for determining the physical length of a half-wavelength antenna at the operating frequency, but every dipole installation is different, and “one size” definitely does not fit all. The capacitive end effect also impacts the standing voltage and current waveforms. When the standing waves are measured, it is found that the nodes have some value and do not reach zero, because some current is necessary to charge the stray capacitance— especially that of the end insulators. One associated result is to lower the apparent impedance of the dipole at its ends; that which theoretically should be infinite is actually a few thousand ohms in practical dipoles, as suggested in Fig. 3.13. Dipole Resonance The antenna is a circuit element having distributed constants of inductance, capacitance, and resistance, which together form a resonant circuit. The half-wave antenna is the shortest resonant length of antenna, but antennas that are an integer multiple of l/2 can also be resonant. Such antennas are said to be resonant at harmonic frequencies of f 0 , the fundamental or design frequency of the l/2 dipole. As an example, if an antenna is four half-wavelengths at the transmitter frequency, it is being operated at the fourth harmonic of its lowest resonant frequency, f 0 . In other words, this antenna is a halfwavelength at one-quarter of the frequency of operation. The center-fed antenna of Fig. 3.9 is a 6l antenna at the frequency shown in the figure. (The figure shows only one side of the antenna.) Z 2,500 ohms (end) I V 73 ohms (center) /2 Figure 3.13 Impedance along half-wave antenna.

C h a p t e r 3 : A n t e n n a B a s i c s 105<br />

RF energy on an antenna, however, moves at a velocity somewhat less than that of<br />

the radiated energy in free space because the antenna’s dielectric constant, e, is greater<br />

than the e 0 of free space.<br />

Because of the difference in velocity between the wave in free space and the wave<br />

on the antenna, the physical length of the antenna no longer corresponds to its electrical<br />

length. An antenna that is exactly a half-wavelength electrically will be somewhat<br />

shorter than this physically. This is also reflected in the formula for the velocity of electromagnetic<br />

waves,<br />

vP = f λ<br />

(3.30)<br />

Circumference wavelengths<br />

where n P is the velocity of propagation, ƒ is the frequency, and l is the wavelength.<br />

Since the frequency of the RF energy must remain constant, a decrease in the velocity<br />

results in a decrease in the wavelength. Therefore, the RF wave traveling in an antenna<br />

has a shorter wavelength than the same wave traveling in free space, and the physical<br />

length of a l/2 dipole will be shorter.<br />

The actual difference between the physical length and the electrical length of the<br />

antenna depends on several factors. A thin wire antenna, for example, has less effect on<br />

wave velocity than an antenna with a large cross section. As the circumference of the<br />

antenna increases, the wave velocity becomes progressively lower relative to its freespace<br />

velocity. The effect of antenna<br />

circumference on wave velocity is illustrated<br />

in the graph of Fig. 3.12.<br />

Other factors can also lower wave<br />

velocity on the antenna. Stray capacitance,<br />

for example, increases the dielectric<br />

constant. In many installations<br />

this capacitance is dominated by the<br />

insulators used to give physical support<br />

to the antenna, as well as nearby<br />

objects made of metallic or high dielectric<br />

materials. The change in velocity<br />

resulting from stray capacitance<br />

is called end effect because the ends of<br />

.01<br />

the antenna act as though they are farther<br />

apart electrically than they are<br />

.005<br />

physically. End effect for a typical dipole<br />

of wire that is thin compared to<br />

its length is counteracted by making<br />

the physical length about 5 percent<br />

.002<br />

shorter than the electrical length, as<br />

expressed in the formula<br />

.001<br />

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0<br />

Wave velocity<br />

Free-space velocity<br />

Figure 3.12 Effect of antenna<br />

circumference on wave velocity.

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