

C h a p t e r 3 : A n t e n n a B a s i c s 103 small region somewhere along either side of the dipole over the course of one complete cycle of RF energy from the transmitter. In Fig. 3.10A, standing voltage waveforms occurring at equal time intervals over the course of one cycle of RF energy are brought together on one axis, AB, corresponding to the total length of a half-wave antenna. As before, we assume that RF energy to drive the antenna is being injected at the center (point X). Figure 3.10B plots the standing voltage waveform as a function of time throughout one cycle of RF energy for two different points (A and Y) on the dipole. Note that the standing voltages seen at these two points are in phase—that is, their amplitudes go up and down simultaneously even though the peak amplitudes of the two points are, in general, different. This curve is valid for any pair of points or any number of points on the dipole. T 4 T 4 T 2 T 6 T 1 T 7 T Time 0 T 8 T 16 A Y X B T 9 T 15 T 10 T 14 T 12 T 12 A Current distribution Current T 0 T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 T 9 T 10 T 11 T 12 T 13 T 14 T 15 T 16 Current at X Current at Y B Figure 3.11 Standing waves of current at two points on an antenna.

104 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s Figure 3.11 presents the same information for the standing current waveforms on a l/2 dipole. Important facts to take away from Figs. 3.10 and 3.11 are: • The standing voltage waveform is always minimum at the center of a l/2 dipole. • The amplitude of the standing voltage waveform is always maximum, but of opposing polarities, at the two ends of the dipole. • The standing current waveform is always maximum at the center of the l/2 dipole. • The standing current waveform is always zero at both ends of the dipole (because of the boundary condition there—it’s an open circuit!). Note If a radiator is longer than l/2, the standing wave of current reverses direction every half-wavelength along the conductor. Starting with the boundary condition that the current at either end of a center-fed dipole must be zero, we arbitrarily choose a polarity for the current throughout the first half-wavelength from either end as we move toward the feedpoint. When we reach the next current node, l/2 back from that end, the current reverses polarity for the next half-wavelength along the radiator (or as much of a half-wavelength as exists before reaching the feedpoint). In the center-fed dipole of Fig. 3.9, for instance, the length of each side is 3 l, or six half-wavelength sections. Observe that the standing wave of current is positive on every other one and negative on the alternate three. To see why the current reverses, we can use the following argument: If a positive current in a l/2 section corresponds to the left end of the section having a positive voltage and the right end having a negative voltage, a negative current in such a section must correspond to the right end having a positive voltage. Since the right end of one l/2 section is the same point on the conductor as the left end of the next l/2 section (except, of course, when we get to the end), having the same (positive or negative) voltage on the right end of one section and the left end of the next section must necessarily mean that the currents are of opposite polarity, or direction, in the two adjacent sections. Remembering that the current reverses in each adjacent l/2 section of a conductor will be key to understanding the patterns of loops, folded dipoles, collinear arrays, and other antenna types discussed in later chapters. Velocity of Propagation and Antenna Length In free space, electromagnetic waves travel at a constant velocity of 300,000 km (or approximately 186,000 mi) per second, according to the equation 1 c = µ ε O O (3.29) where m 0 , the permeability = 4p • 10 −7 H/m 1 e 0 , the permittivity = 36π • 10−9 F/m

104 P a r t I I : F u n d a m e n t a l s<br />

Figure 3.11 presents the same information for the standing current waveforms on a<br />

l/2 dipole.<br />

Important facts to take away from Figs. 3.10 and 3.11 are:<br />

• The standing voltage waveform is always minimum at the center of a l/2<br />

dipole.<br />

• The amplitude of the standing voltage waveform is always maximum, but of<br />

opposing polarities, at the two ends of the dipole.<br />

• The standing current waveform is always maximum at the center of the l/2<br />

dipole.<br />

• The standing current waveform is always zero at both ends of the dipole<br />

(because of the boundary condition there—it’s an open circuit!).<br />

Note If a radiator is longer than l/2, the standing wave of current reverses direction every<br />

half-wavelength along the conductor. Starting with the boundary condition that the current<br />

at either end of a center-fed dipole must be zero, we arbitrarily choose a polarity for the<br />

current throughout the first half-wavelength from either end as we move toward the<br />

feedpoint. When we reach the next current node, l/2 back from that end, the current reverses<br />

polarity for the next half-wavelength along the radiator (or as much of a half-wavelength as<br />

exists before reaching the feedpoint). In the center-fed dipole of Fig. 3.9, for instance, the<br />

length of each side is 3 l, or six half-wavelength sections. Observe that the standing wave of<br />

current is positive on every other one and negative on the alternate three.<br />

To see why the current reverses, we can use the following argument: If a positive current<br />

in a l/2 section corresponds to the left end of the section having a positive voltage and the<br />

right end having a negative voltage, a negative current in such a section must correspond to<br />

the right end having a positive voltage. Since the right end of one l/2 section is the same<br />

point on the conductor as the left end of the next l/2 section (except, of course, when we get<br />

to the end), having the same (positive or negative) voltage on the right end of one section and<br />

the left end of the next section must necessarily mean that the currents are of opposite<br />

polarity, or direction, in the two adjacent sections.<br />

Remembering that the current reverses in each adjacent l/2 section of a conductor will<br />

be key to understanding the patterns of loops, folded dipoles, collinear arrays, and other<br />

antenna types discussed in later chapters.<br />

Velocity of Propagation and <strong>Antenna</strong> Length<br />

In free space, electromagnetic waves travel at a constant velocity of 300,000 km (or approximately<br />

186,000 mi) per second, according to the equation<br />

1<br />

c = µ ε<br />

O O<br />

(3.29)<br />

where m 0 , the permeability = 4p • 10 −7 H/m<br />

1<br />

e 0 , the permittivity =<br />

36π • 10−9 F/m

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