Corola de lumini, Nr. 18 (1/2018)

Revistă școlară realizată de elevii Școlii Gimnaziale „Tudor Vladimirescu” din Tg.-Mureș, România. Revistă școlară realizată de elevii Școlii Gimnaziale „Tudor Vladimirescu” din Tg.-Mureș, România.

from GabrielaSandru More from this publisher

Corola de lumini Revistă şcolară The best way to predict your future is to make it Future…. What is it? Well, nobody is certain. It’s an abstract concept that has baffled philosophers and scientists for thousands of years. But what makes the future something so fascinating? For that, I do have an answer. It’s so unpredictable. It’s also a bit scary of course; full of twists and unknowns… Us, humans, are animals; accept it or not. We are indeed more evolved than our fuzzy friends but we do have something in common: curiosity. We are curious, and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with wondering what will happen tomorrow, next year or a thousand years from now. People have been trying to predict the future for so many years, trying out different techniques from science to scented candles. But that is impossible, right? There’s no way that a person could know what something they’ve never experienced feels like and as a result, they can’t predict the future. Or can they?... Abraham Lincoln once said that the best way to predict the future is to create it with your own hands because no one in charge of your life, your actions influence what happens next. You does it better that you do it. You are and your decisions which could don’t need to be a scientist to know what that means. Basically, no matter what you do, it will have an effect over a long period of time. You’ve probably heard this a billion times from your parents and they’re right, you have to think about the consequences; how the smallest decision will affect you future, but don’t let consequences scare you away from doing what doesn’t hurt anyone, do it! grow old and realize that you interesting esting and amazing to tell your you want; as long as it Trust me, you don’t want to haven’t really done anything grandchildren. Would you rather be that grandpa who tells his grandchildren about how he dropped a penny in front of the supermarket and couldn’t pick it up or the one that tells them how he went paragliding for his 60 th birthday? You won’t be able to tell amazing stories if you don’t live them! Think of your life as a puzzle. There are so many parts that you have to piece together in order to create something beautiful. It will take you a lot of time and I mean a lot and plenty of work, but the results are always worth fighting for. The feeling of achievement when you manage to connect only two pieces is enough to motivate you to go on and finish that puzzle. It’s the same with life: you have to grab those rains and guide your life in the direction that you want it to go! Don’t wait for others to help you achieve your goals. It’s never good to rely on someone to make decisions for you. You have to be independent and daring enough to make them by yourself because only then you will finally be proud of what your life has come to. In conclusion, go ahead and be the writer of your own novel. Accept that challenge, take that risk, and write your own story; because if you’re not going to do it, no one else will… Șandru Kara Medeea, VIII A 53

Corola de lumini Revistă şcolară Togetherness Warm, joyous Caring, sharing, giving Friends, family, strangers, crowds Aching, doubting, crying Sad, overwhelming Loneliness. Crețu Darius, V A Wishes… There once lived a boy Who wished that he was deaf. He didn’t want to hear the cruel words addressed to him. He didn’t want to hear that he should rather sink than swim. He was always told that he’d never done things well And those words, he just couldn’t repel… There once lived a boy Who wished that he was blind. He didn’t want to see his weakened body. He didn’t want to see his w rists go bloody. He would see the monster’s evil grin Making him feel estranged in his own skin… There once lived a boy Who wished that he was mute. He didn’t want to talk about his decaying mind. He didn’t want to be stabbed again from behind. He tried to smile and act fake But his heart was in an ache… There once was a boy Who wished that he was dead. He didn’t want to feel the monster’s teeth sink into his skin. He didn’t want to feel his demons devour him from within. So he put a stop to this. Giving death his one, last kiss… Șandru Kara Medeea, VIII A 54

<strong>Corola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>lumini</strong><br />

Revistă şcolară<br />

Togetherness<br />

Warm, joyous<br />

Caring, sharing, giving<br />

Friends, family, strangers, crowds<br />

Aching, doubting, crying<br />

Sad, overwhelming<br />

Loneliness.<br />

Crețu Darius, V A<br />

Wishes…<br />

There once lived a boy<br />

Who wished that he was <strong>de</strong>af.<br />

He didn’t want to hear the cruel words addressed to him.<br />

He didn’t want to hear that he should rather sink than swim.<br />

He was always told that he’d never done things well<br />

And those words, he just couldn’t repel…<br />

There once lived a boy<br />

Who wished that he was blind.<br />

He didn’t want to see his weakened body.<br />

He didn’t want to see his w rists go bloody.<br />

He would see the monster’s evil grin<br />

Making him feel estranged in his own skin…<br />

There once lived a boy<br />

Who wished that he was mute.<br />

He didn’t want to talk about his <strong>de</strong>caying mind.<br />

He didn’t want to be stabbed again from behind.<br />

He tried to smile and act fake<br />

But his heart was in an ache…<br />

There once was a boy<br />

Who wished that he was <strong>de</strong>ad.<br />

He didn’t want to feel the monster’s teeth sink into his skin.<br />

He didn’t want to feel his <strong>de</strong>mons <strong>de</strong>vour him from within.<br />

So he put a stop to this.<br />

Giving <strong>de</strong>ath his one, last kiss…<br />

Șandru Kara Me<strong>de</strong>ea, VIII A<br />


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