CJS 240

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<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 9 Final Punishment Versus Rehabilitation<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 9 Final Punishment versus Rehabilitation<br />

Throughout this course you have become acquainted with explanations of juvenile<br />

delinquency, correlates of juvenile delinquency, and the intricacies of the juvenile<br />

justice system. For your final project, assess one of the controversial issues<br />

regarding the juvenile justice system.<br />

Resource: Appendix A<br />

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word position paper arguing one of the following<br />

positions:<br />

1. The juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation.<br />

2. The juvenile justice system should focus on punishment.<br />

Include the following in your paper:<br />

1. Why should the juvenile justice system adopt the focus you have chosen?<br />

2. Explain how the specific focus you have chosen affects the following:<br />

a. Law enforcement<br />

b. Court processes<br />

c. Probation<br />

d. Corrections<br />

e. Community services<br />

f. Intervention programs<br />

3. What are some arguments that opposeyour views?<br />

Why are these arguments not as valid as your own?<br />

Provide evidence to support your claims.<br />

Explain how the advantages would outweigh the disadvantagesif the juvenile<br />

justice system were to adopt the focus you have chosen.<br />

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.<br />

Cite at least five sources to support your position.<br />

Post your paper as an attachment.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 8 Assignment Drug Czar Presentation<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 8 Assignment Drug Czar Presentation<br />

Resource: p. 256 of Juvenile Delinquency<br />

Read the “Applying What You Have Learned” scenario on p. 256 of Juvenile<br />

Delinquency.<br />

Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPointâ presentation illustrating the<br />

advantages and disadvantages of the three drug control policy strategies presented<br />

at the open hearing in the scenario. Take on the role of the drug czar in the<br />

presentation. Present the policy or policies that you, as the drug czar, believe to be<br />

the best strategies for reducing youth drug use.<br />

Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.<br />

Cite at least two sources in APA format to support your statements.<br />

Post your presentation as a Microsoft® PowerPoint® attachment.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 8 Checkpoint Drug Use And Delinquency Response<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 8 Checkpoint Drug Use and Delinquency Response<br />

Research the University Library for two current, scholarly journal articles that<br />

highlight reasons for youth drug use and the association between drug use and<br />

delinquency.<br />

Write a 200- to 350-word response answering the following questions:<br />

According to the articles:<br />

What are the main reasons for youth drug use?

In what ways does drug use relate to delinquency?<br />

Cite the articles in APA format.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 Checkpoint Gang Development And Control Checkpoint<br />

(Appendix E)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 Checkpoint Gang Development and Control Checkpoint<br />

(Appendix E)<br />

Complete the Gang Development and Gang Control tables in Appendix E.<br />

Post Appendix E as an attachment.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 6 Checkpoint Probation Presentation<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 6 Checkpoint Probation Presentation<br />

Create an informative 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation about<br />

probation and the roles and responsibilities of probation officers. Take on the role<br />

of a juvenile probation officer recruiter and address the presentation to an audience<br />

of individuals who are interested in applying for the position of a juvenile<br />

probation officer.<br />

Your presentation should include:<br />

General information regarding probation<br />

What is probation? Who is on probation? What are the conditions of probation?<br />

Roles and responsibilities of juvenile probation officers

What are the duties of probation officers?<br />

When do probation officers become involved in the court process?<br />

What are the responsibilities of probation officers?<br />

Prepare detailed speaker notes for each of the slides<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 6 Assignment Corrections And Treatment<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 6 Assignment Corrections and Treatment<br />

Write a 350- to 700-word paper in APA format summarizing information on<br />

juvenile corrections and community-based treatment programs. Include the<br />

following in your paper:<br />

Community based treatment<br />

Describe two or three community-based treatment efforts.<br />

Briefly explain the purpose and importance of the community-based treatment<br />

efforts you described<br />

Institutionalization Describe two or three issues affecting institutionalized<br />

juveniles.<br />

Address why the juvenile justice system should be concerned with those issues<br />

Aftercare programs<br />

Describe two of the three Intensive Aftercare Programs (IAP) discussed in the text.<br />

Address the importance of aftercare programs.

Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 Checkpoint The Justice Systems (Appendix D)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 Checkpoint The Justice Systems (Appendix D)<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 4 Individual Assignment Gender And Family<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 4 Individual Assignment Gender and Family<br />

Ch. 6 & 7 discuss the impact gender and family can have on delinquency. In<br />

addition, you have read briefly about gender and the juvenile justice system.<br />

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format answering the following<br />

questions:<br />

1. How does gender affect delinquency?<br />

2. What are some current explanations for gender differences?o How does<br />

family affect delinquency?<br />

3. How does family makeup affect delinquency?<br />

4. How does family behavior impact delinquency?<br />

5. Are delinquent females treated differently by members of the juvenile justice<br />

system?<br />

6. Are they treated unfairly?<br />

7. Do they benefit from being female? Why or why not?<br />

Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 4 Checkpoint Case Study Critique Checkpoint (Appendix C)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 4 Checkpoint Case Study Critique Checkpoint (Appendix C)<br />

Write a 200- to 350-word response answering the following questions:<br />

What are some of the possible reasons caseworkers were not aware of the<br />

conditions in the Jackson home?<br />

From the information presented in the case study, should the nine members of the<br />

Division of Youth and Family Services staff have been fired? Why or why not?<br />

Do you believe justice was served in this case? Why or why not?<br />

Could this situation have been prevented? If so, how? If not, why?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response<br />

Research the Internet to find federal, state, or local programs with elements that<br />

exemplify the application of each of the sociological theories listed below:o Social<br />

structure theorieso Social process theorieso Social conflict theories.<br />

Write a 100-word description for each program. You should have one program that<br />

exemplifies social structure theories, one that exemplifies social process theories,<br />

and one that exemplifies social conflict theories. Include the programs’ main<br />

elements and explain the aspects of each program that address the focus of the<br />


Cite your references in APA format.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence Response<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence Response<br />

Write a 300- to 350-word response explaining how the threat of punishment either<br />

does or does not deter juvenile delinquency. Provide examples of general<br />

deterrence, specific deterrence, and situational crime prevention strategies.<br />

Additionally, identify which concept or concepts of deterrence you believe offer<br />

the best method of controlling juvenile crime.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 2 Assignment Individual Theories<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 2 Assignment Individual Theories<br />

Write a 500- to 750-word paper in APA format explaining why some adolescents<br />

are motivated to commit crimes while others in similar circumstances are not.<br />

Support your explanation by applying at least two of the individual theories of<br />

delinquency listed below:o Routine activities theoryo General deterrence theoryo<br />

Specific deterrence theoryo Biochemical theoryo Neurological theoryo Genetic<br />

theoryo Psychodynamic theoryo Behavioral theoryo Cognitive theory.<br />

Cite at least two sources to support your explanation.<br />

Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 Checkpoint Statistics<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 checkpoint Statistics<br />

Complete the UCR and Self-Report Data matrix in Appendix B.<br />

To complete this matrix, you will need to list two pros and two cons of UCR data<br />

and two pros and two cons of self-report data. Additionally, find one Web resource<br />

of official information and one Web resource of unofficial information about the<br />

occurrence of delinquency in the United States.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 9 Capstone DQ<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 9 capstone DQ<br />

The future of the juvenile justice system under debate. There has been a movement<br />

supporting aggressive measures on juvenile crime while researchers see more<br />

public support for prevention and intervention methods. Consider the future of the<br />

juvenile justice system. Should there be a juvenile justice system? Why or why<br />

not? Should there be a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy or should the<br />

juvenile justice system focus on one particular strategy? Explain your answers.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 DQ 2

How is academic failure related to delinquency? Do delinquents fail at school or is<br />

academic failure responsible for delinquency? Explain your answers.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 DQ 1<br />

How do peers affect delinquency? Do delinquents seek out antisocial and<br />

delinquent peers as friends or does having delinquent peers cause an individual to<br />

become delinquent? Explain your answers.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 DQ 2<br />

Should certain juvenile offenders be waived to adult courts? Why or why not?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

What is more important—freedom of press to publish pictures and names of<br />

juvenile offenders or juveniles’ rights to private court proceedings? Explain your<br />


To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 DQ 2<br />

During the 1960s, social structure theories strongly influenced the development of<br />

delinquency prevention programs. Why did many of the earliest programs fail?<br />

What is being done differently today in the development of prevention programs?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 DQ 1<br />

Describe a community in your city or state that currently exemplifies the concept<br />

of social disorganization. What solutions might you implement to revitalize that<br />

community?<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 DQ 2<br />

Is the participation in delinquent activities a normal part of maturing or are there<br />

specific factors that initiate this behavior? If taking part in delinquent activities is<br />

part of maturing, what contributes to the progression from normal adolescent<br />

behavior to chronic offending? Explain your answers.

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 DQ 1<br />

Are juveniles truly capable of understanding the seriousness and consequences of<br />

their actions? If so, at what age are they capable of understanding? At what age<br />

should juveniles be tried as adults? Explain your answers.<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Complete Course<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Complete Course<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 checkpoint Statistics Checkpoin<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 1 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 2 Assignment Individual Theories Assignment<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 2 Checkpoint Delinquency Deterrence Response<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 Checkpoint Sociological Theories Response<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 3 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 4 Assignment Gender and Family Assignment<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 4 Checkpoint Case Study Critique Checkpoint (Appendix C)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 Checkpoint The Justice Systems (Appendix D)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 5 DQ 2<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 6 Assignment Corrections and Treatment<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 6 Checkpoint Probation(Presentation)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 Checkpoint Gang Development and Control Checkpoint<br />

(Appendix E)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 DQ 1<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 7 DQ 2

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 8 Assignment Drug Czar Presentation(Presentation)<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 8 Checkpoint Drug Use and Delinquency Response<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 9 capstone DQ<br />

<strong>CJS</strong> <strong>240</strong> Week 9 Final Punishment versus Rehabilitation<br />

To Know More Tutorials Visit http://www.tutorialfirm.com

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