Nr. 1 - Pro Didactica

Nr. 1 - Pro Didactica

Nr. 1 - Pro Didactica


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SummaryThe main objective of the present publication, “<strong>Didactica</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>…” is to contribute to the process of professionaldevelopment of educators from various levels. A secondary target will be to raise the awareness and active involvementof main educational stakeholders – teachers, students, parents, educational authorities, the community etc. –towards issues and problems of the educational reform process.Through the support of Soros Foundation Moldova, the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA has taken thischallenge of publishing a pedagogical journal that aims to become a reference point for the professional developmentof educators all over the country. We would like to contribute to the enrichment of the educational process by providingthe most update information in the field. The materials will focus on the most actual concepts of formative-developingeducation, offering teachers from lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as school managers, a variety of methodsand techniques as tools for their professional growth.The articles will reflect current activities within programs implemented by PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center,as well as current events in different educational institutions, which are welcome to contribute with information.In the current issue’s first section,Valentina Chicu, a teacher trainer with great experience in managing a village school, elucidates in her articlesome essential issues of the management of change.In the same column entitled Managerial Rubicon, Gheorghe Girnet, Ministry specialist in the Management Department,elaborates on the objectives of the planning as a managerial function.In the column Quo vadis the reader will find two interviews: with Anatol Mocrac, the Head of the Chisinau Departmentof Education, Youth and Sports, and Tudor Cojocaru, the Vice Director of Balti County Department of Education,Youth and Sports.The column Pedagogical World Map offers an insight by Hamilton Beck, Ph.D. into higher education in USA.Mariana Kiriakov’s article presents information on a particular feature in American education – the voucher.The second section of the journal focuses on teaching methods and techniques, aiming to offer concrete tools foreducators in gymnasiums and lyceums.The column Ex catedra reflects issues of the implementation of school curriculum. In her article “CurricularPreliminaries” Viorica Goras-Postica, doctoral student, focuses on the objectives of the National Curriculum for lyceumlevel. Tatiana Cartaleanu, Ph.D. and Olga Cosovan, Ph.D., authors of curricular materials, offer a series of suggestionsfor curriculum implementation in Romanian language and literature for grade 10.The experience of “Gaudeamus” Lyceum in Chisinau, that developed an individual school based curriculum,is disclosed in the article signed by Pavel Cerbusca, Ph.D.The column Docendo discimus offers teaching aids for teachers of geography, history, Romanian language andliterature developed by several already well-known teachers.The column Exercito, ergo sum offers some useful tools, including brainstorming technique, zigzag method,and suggestions for the operationalization of objectives.Ex libris will permanently cover the news in the publishing of pedagogical books indispensable for our readers.The Dictionary column will cover terminology aspects, starting with feedback and curriculum in this issue.Our intention is to keep these columns and inaugurate new ones, based on readers’ contributions, in order toensure a truly professional value to the journal.<strong>Didactica</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>..., <strong>Nr</strong>.1, anul 2000

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