Caracterul algebric al inegalitatilor Blundon - Universitatea din ...

Caracterul algebric al inegalitatilor Blundon - Universitatea din ... Caracterul algebric al inegalitatilor Blundon - Universitatea din ...


6 CONSTANTIN P. NICULESCUequations, with the demonstration of other rules in algebra, Phil. Transactions36 (1729), 59-96.[8] A. W. Marshall and I. Olkin, Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications,Academic Press, 1979.[9] I. Newton, Arithmetica universalis: sive de compositione et resolutione arithmeticaliber, 1707.[10] C. P. Niculescu, A New Look at Newton’s Inequalities, sub tipar.[11] T. Sasaki, Y. Kanada and W.Watanabe, Calculation of discriminants of higherdegree equations, Tokyo J. Math. 4 (1981), 493-503.[12] V. P. Soltan şi S. I. Meidman, Identit¼aţi şi inegalit¼aţi în triunghi, Ed. Ştiinţa,Chişin¼au, 1982 (În lb. rus¼a)[13] J. Sylvester, On a theory of syzgetic relations of two rational integral functionscomprising an appplication to the theory of Sturm’s functions, Phyl. Trans. ofthe Royal Soc. of London CXLIII (1853), 407-548.[14] V. Gh. Vod¼a, Vraja geometriei demodate, Ed. Albatros, Bucureşti, 1983.Universitatea din Craiova, Str. Al. I. Cuza 13, Craiova 1100E-mail address:

6 CONSTANTIN P. NICULESCUequations, with the demonstration of other rules in <strong>al</strong>gebra, Phil. Transactions36 (1729), 59-96.[8] A. W. Marsh<strong>al</strong>l and I. Olkin, Inequ<strong>al</strong>ities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications,Academic Press, 1979.[9] I. Newton, Arithmetica univers<strong>al</strong>is: sive de compositione et resolutione arithmetic<strong>al</strong>iber, 1707.[10] C. P. Niculescu, A New Look at Newton’s Inequ<strong>al</strong>ities, sub tipar.[11] T. Sasaki, Y. Kanada and W.Watanabe, C<strong>al</strong>culation of discriminants of higherdegree equations, Tokyo J. Math. 4 (1981), 493-503.[12] V. P. Soltan şi S. I. Meidman, Identit¼aţi şi ineg<strong>al</strong>it¼aţi în triunghi, Ed. Ştiinţa,Chişin¼au, 1982 (În lb. rus¼a)[13] J. Sylvester, On a theory of syzgetic relations of two ration<strong>al</strong> integr<strong>al</strong> functionscomprising an appplication to the theory of Sturm’s functions, Phyl. Trans. ofthe Roy<strong>al</strong> Soc. of London CXLIII (1853), 407-548.[14] V. Gh. Vod¼a, Vraja geometriei demodate, Ed. Albatros, Bucureşti, 1983.<strong>Universitatea</strong> <strong>din</strong> Craiova, Str. Al. I. Cuza 13, Craiova 1100E-mail address:

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