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BULETINUL PROCEDURILOR DE INSOLVENŢĂ Nr. 7.779/13.10.2010IV. Categoria creante izvorate din drepturi <strong>de</strong> muncar. Crt. DenumireCreditor7680 TOTHSIGISMUND7681 TOTOSALEXANDRU7682 TOTOSEMERIC7683 TOTOSGYORGY7684 TOTOSLASZLO7685 TOTOSLASZLOCP Adresa Valoare Creanta TabelDefinitiv163022330001315106260528611710717311825164061331183716203243118387686 TOTOS MIHAI 15010043118267687 TRACHECONSTANTIN7688 TRAIANIULIAN7689 TRAISTARUDOREL7690 TRAISTARUION7691 TRAISTARULIVIU-GHEORGHE7692 TRAISTARUSAVIAN7693 TRAISTARUSTELICAFANEL7694 TRAISTARUVALERICACab. Av.MorgovanGeorge inOra<strong>de</strong>a Str.Aurel Lazar, nr.11, ap 3, judBihorCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.Bihor- LOC.ZAUAN,COM.IP,NR.325,JUD.SALAJ18005061504391640516344265164080428437415510180318401740116384207162040638418916911223442671580922344244Cab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorAv. PiciorusiBianca-BucurestiAv. HorvathSorin Mircea-Str. Bucuresti,Bl. J135, Sc. C,Ap. 32,Alexandria, JudTeleormanAv. PiciorusiBianca-BucurestiCom. Stefan CelMare, Jud.ArgesCab. av. SimionIon, Pitesti, StrLibertatii nr.6,bl 12B, sc A, et2, ap.12, judArgesin loc . Babeni ,jud. Valceaor.Vi<strong>de</strong>le,Str.Tractoristilor, Nr.6,jud.TeleormanAv. HorvathSorin Mircea-Str. Bucuresti,Bl. J135, Sc. C,Ap. 32,Alexandria, JudTeleormanValoare Creanta TabelDefinitiv Rectificat1.215,00 1.215,003.329,00 3.329,004.056,00 4.056,004.056,00 4.056,004.056,00 4.056,009.900,00 9.900,003.924,00 3.924,0013.651,14 13.651,1415.370,00 15.370,0013.184,55 13.184,553.535,00 3.535,004.020,25 4.020,256.730,00 6.730,00Observatii10.857,00 7.244,00 Prin <strong>de</strong>cizia nr. 247 din data <strong>de</strong> 19.01.2009 a Curtii<strong>de</strong> Apel Bucuresti pronuntata in dos nr.4252/87/2007a fost admis recurs<strong>ul</strong> PSV, casatasentinta si trimisa cauza pentru solutionare la aceeasiinstanta. A fost radiat din tabel cu suma admisainitial <strong>de</strong> 3613 lei.1.668,00 0,00 Prin Decizia din data <strong>de</strong> 16.01.2009, in dosar<strong>ul</strong>4114/87/2007, Curtea <strong>de</strong> apel Bucuresti admiterecurs<strong>ul</strong> PSV, caseaza sentinta si trimite cauza sprereju<strong>de</strong>care la aceeasi instanta, motiv pentru care afost radiat din tabel cu suma <strong>de</strong> 1668 lei.672

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