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BULETINUL PROCEDURILOR DE INSOLVENŢĂ Nr. 7.779/13.10.2010IV. Categoria creante izvorate din drepturi <strong>de</strong> muncar. Crt. DenumireCreditor2988 GABURICIDORELCP Adresa Valoare Creanta TabelDefinitiv1500822510018Av. MateiMaria-Str. IonCreanga, Bl. D4,Ap. 4, Moinesti,Jud. BacauValoare Creanta TabelDefinitiv Rectificat1.973,00 1.973,00Observatii2989 GABURICIVASILE1470101045878Av. MateiMaria-Str. IonCreanga, Bl. D4,Ap. 4, Moinesti,Jud. Bacau878,00 878,002990 GACEUMIRCEA2991 GACEUPARTENIE2992 GAGEANUCATALINA148013005286315201050528512690905295890Cab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorBEJ PetreCristian,Bucuresti,str.Baniei nr.17,ap.2,parter,sector 33.924,00 3.924,0010.212,00 10.212,0011.517,71 11.517,712993 GAGIONEAVASILE16603141517812994 GAGU GELU 16606230922452995 GAGUTUDOREL2996 GAITAVIOREL2997 GALALEXANDRU2998 GALGABRIEL-FELICIAN1690617092245166043018114417006110528831720512052862Av. PiciorusiBianca-BucurestiStr.Rozelor,Nr.150, Ianca,Jud. BrailaS.C. Av. A.A.Iordan,Dimitrica siasociatiiSatPoiana,Com.Turburea,Jud.GorjCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.BihorCab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.Bihor2999 GAL GAVRIL - Cab. Av.Vidican P.Cosmin in Bd.Dacia, nr. 114,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.Bihor3000 GALGHEORGHEADRIAN3001 GALGHEORGHEPETRU1720725052871Cab. Av. PortanIoan Calin inStr. Aurel Lazar,nr. 11, Ap. 3,Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Jud.Bihor- Av. Lazar Calin-Str. Horia, Nr. 2,Arad, Jud. Arad8.345,00 8.345,005.605,76 5.605,765.605,76 5.605,769.342,00 9.342,004.056,00 4.056,004.056,00 4.056,004.056,00 4.056,001.215,00 1.215,0014.750,09 0,00 Prin Decizia nr 343 din data <strong>de</strong> 26.02.2010, inproces<strong>ul</strong> 4027/108/2008, Curtea <strong>de</strong> Apel Timisoara aadmis recurs<strong>ul</strong> PSV si a respins pe fond actiunea,motiv pentru care s-a radiat din tabel<strong>ul</strong> <strong>de</strong>finitivcreanta aferenta acestei sentinte, respectiv suma <strong>de</strong>14750,09 lei.291

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