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. Crt.BULETINUL PROCEDURILOR DE INSOLVENŢĂ Nr. 7.779/13.10.2010IV. Categoria creante izvorate din drepturi <strong>de</strong> muncaDenumireCreditor2914 FLOREA ION 16505221517892915 FLOREA ION 1670719151874CP Adresa Valoare Creanta TabelDefinitivCom GuraOcnitei, StrFantanii nr.25,jud Dambovitasat Comisani,com.Comisani,jud.DambovitaValoare Creanta TabelDefinitiv Rectificat19.587,00 19.587,00Observatii18.587,00 0,00 Prin Decizia nr 941 din data <strong>de</strong> 06.05.2010, indosar<strong>ul</strong> nr.7310/120/2007 Curtea <strong>de</strong> Apel Ploiesti aadmis recurs<strong>ul</strong> PSV si a altor recurenti, a casatsentinta si a trimis cauza spre reju<strong>de</strong>care. Avand inve<strong>de</strong>re ca reclamantii au solicitat cval prime Paste -Craciun, a fost radiata suma acceptata iniatial intabel<strong>ul</strong> <strong>de</strong>finitiv, respectiv suma <strong>de</strong> 18.587,00 lei2916 Florea Ion - Cab. av.Ne<strong>de</strong>leaAndreea,loc.Bol<strong>de</strong>stiScaieni ,Intrarea Pietii nr3 , bl 12 B , scA, et. 1, ap.7 ,jud. Prahova.11.106,00 11.106,002917 FLOREALAURENTIU2918 FLOREAMARIN2919 FLOREAMILICAIULIAN2920 FLOREANICUSORVALENTIN2921 FLOREARADU-NICOLAE2922 FLOREATEODOR2923 FLOREAVASILE2924 FLOREAVICTORVALENTIN2925 FLOREAVICTORVIOREL17207270900391670601031903156092903499117111031542251710808290457Mun.Braila,Str.Deva,Nr.65,Jud BrailaCab. av. SimionIon, Pitesti, StrLibertatii nr.6,bl 12B, sc A, et2, ap.12, judArgesSatDinc<strong>ul</strong>esti,Nr.191,Com.PoianaLac<strong>ul</strong>ui,Jud.ArgesAv. Dinu Elena-Str. Azur<strong>ul</strong>ui,Nr. 3, Bl. 114A,Sc. B, Et. 1, Ap.61, Sector 6,BucurestiCab. av.Ne<strong>de</strong>leaAndreea,loc.Bol<strong>de</strong>stiScaieni ,Intrarea Pietii nr3 , bl 12 B , scA, et. 1, ap.7 ,jud. Prahova.- Cab. av. SimionIon, Pitesti, StrLibertatii nr.6,bl 12B, sc A, et2, ap.12, judArges159091617031517608041542151701113151788Av. Dinu Elena-Str. Azur<strong>ul</strong>ui,Nr. 3, Bl. 114A,Sc. B, Et. 1, Ap.61, Sector 6,Bucurestisat Moara dinGroapa,com.CorbiiMari, nr.9 , jud.DambovitaTargovisteAleea Prof.Radu GioglovanNr.9, Bl.57,Sc.A, Ap.34,jud. Dambovita10.741,00 10.741,004.020,25 4.020,259.388,00 9.388,0014.426,00 14.426,0022.696,55 22.696,5528,00 28,005.050,00 5.050,006.901,00 6.419,00 Prin <strong>de</strong>cizia nr. 1752 din data <strong>de</strong> 07.10.2009 a Curtii<strong>de</strong> Apel Ploiesti pronuntata in dos nr. 6129/120/2008a fost admis recurs<strong>ul</strong> PSV, casata sentinta si respinsape fond actiunea. A fost radiat din tabel cu sumaadmisa initial <strong>de</strong> 482 lei.3.347,00 3.347,002926 FLOREAVIOREL1741228034966Com.PoianaLac<strong>ul</strong>ui,Jud.Arges9.388,00 9.388,00285

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