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Advances on Geomaterials and Structures – Hammamet, Tunisia, pp 415-420,ISBN 978-9973-61-317-27. Roşca Daniela, Roşca A, Petrisor A., 2005, Modelisation des reducteurs etmultiplicateurs, 5 th International Conference on Electromechanical And PowerSystems, Chisinau, pp 559-562, ISBN GEN: 973-716-208-0.;8. Petrisor A, Drighiciu M., Bazdoaca N., Roşca Daniela, Popescu M., Ravigan F.,2005, The mathematical model of a walking robot with four free joints - 14 thInternational Workshop on Robotics in ALPE-ADRIA-DANUBE, RAAD’05,Bucuresti, 473-478, ISBN 973-718-24139. Roşca A., Stanciu V., Roşca Daniela, Rotaru P., 2005, Oxygen - Enriched AirExperimental Equipment, The 11-th International ICIT Conference Progress inCriogenics and Isotopes Separation, Ministry of Education and Research - NationalAuthoritz for Scientific Research, Rm. Valcea, 213-216, ISSN 1582-257510. Roşca A., Roşca Daniela, 2005, Concerning Pneumatic Impulses Utilized in Agriculturaland Food Industries, Durable Agriculture-Agriculture of the future, Craiova, 3.34/CD,ISSN-1582-939111. Roşca A., Roşca Daniela, 2005, Unconventional Method for Walnut Trees Shaking –Harvest, Durable Agriculture- Agriculture of the future, Craiova, 3.33/CD, ISSN-1582-939112. Roşca A, Roşca Daniela., Nour V., 2004, Equipement de haute pression destiné auxrecherches dans le secteur agro-alimentaire, Actes de Séminaire d’animation régionale(Région Europe Centrale et Occidentale) SAR - 2004, Réseau Génie des ProcédésAppliqué à l’Agro-alimentaire, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, EdituraTehnică INFO Chişinău, pp 299-304, ISBN 9975-63-233-513. Roşca A., Stanciu V., Roşca Daniela., Pricină L., 2004, Modular Air DryerEquipment, The 10-th ICSI Conference Progress in Criogenics and IsotopesSeparation, Ministry of Education and Research -National RD Institute for Criogenicsand Isotopic Technologies Rm. Vâlcea, pp 245-248, ISSN 1582-257514. Roşca A, Roşca Daniela, 2003, Mechanical Characteristics and Elastic Deformations ofModular Elements Made by Recoverable Belt Conveyors, Simpozionul Mediul siIndustria, Bucuresti, INCD ECOIND, 6 pg. CD, ISBN 973-85841-9-115. Roşca A., Roşca Daniela, 2003, Deformation Energy of Porous Plates Stressed byDynamic Loads, Simpozionul Mediul si Industria, Bucuresti, INCD ECOIND, 8 pg. CD,ISBN 973-85841-9-116. Roşca Daniela, Roşca A., 2002, Dynamic Analysis of a Robot Used in ThermicConditions, 11 th International Workshop on Robotics in ALPE-ADRIA DANUBERegion, Budapesta, pp 73-77, ISBN 963 7154 10817. Roşca Daniela, Roşca A., 2001, Energy Deformation of Thin Plates made byPorous Materials Stressed by Impulsive Loads, European Congress on PowderMetalurgy, vol.4, 262-267, Nice, Franta, ISBN 1 899072-08 X18. Roşca A., Roşca Daniela, 2001, Deformation Velocity of Thin Sheets PorousMaterials Deformed by Air Blasting, European Congress on Powder Metalurgy, PM2001, vol.4, 258-261, Nice, Franta, ISBN 1 899072-08 X19. Roşca Daniela, 2001, L’etude de l’influence d’un champ thermique exterieur versles chaines cinematique planes, The Eight International Symposium on Theory ofMachines and Mechanisms (SYROM 2001), vol.I, 285-289, Bucuresti20. Roşca Daniela, 2001, Influenta campului termic exterior asupra lanturilor cinematicespatiale, A XXIX-a Sesiune de comunicari stiintifice cu participare internationala“Tehnologii moderne in secolul XXI”, Academia Tehnica Militara, SectiuneaMecanica Aplicata, S 14, Bucuresti, ISBN 973-8290-27-95

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