Programul congresului - PaginaMedicala.ro

Programul congresului - PaginaMedicala.ro

Programul congresului - PaginaMedicala.ro


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Dear Colleagues,Al VI-lea Congres National de CitometrieThe Sixth National Congress of CytometryEforie Nord, Romania,6-8 mai 2010The 6th Meeting of the Rumanian Society of Cytometry will take place f<strong>ro</strong>m Thursday,May 6 th<strong>ro</strong>ugh Saturday, May 8, 2010 in Eforie.It will be the 6 th Meeting of this Society which has evolved during these years and hasnow reached a stage of maturity. This achievement confirms the great work performedby her President, the Scientific Committee and all of you.These two-and-a-half-day meetings are an important event in the life of the RumanianSociety of Cytometry because it p<strong>ro</strong>vides a place for discussions and exchange betweenscientists, biologists and clinicians. They also give the opportunity to focus on newapplications and to convert scientific advances into reality at the patient level.This year we have a very exciting and stimulating p<strong>ro</strong>gram. We will have a Workshop, aSymposium, Plenary lectures, Oral presentations, a Conference and for the first timePoster Sessions on a variety of useful clinical and scientific topics.Here are some of the highlights of the meeting:A Workshop: will focus on the activities of Eu<strong>ro</strong>Flow, panels and new tools for theimmunophenotyping in Hematology. This workshop includes practical softwaredemonstrations.A Symposium on clinical and laboratory diagnosis of Pa<strong>ro</strong>xysmal NocturnalHemoglobinuriaPlenary lectures will focus on several key issues: Hematology and News in technology.Oral and Poster presentations: in varied fields of Hematology, Immunology, Bio-medicalResearchA Conference: including the new applications of flow cytometry in Mic<strong>ro</strong>biology.Finally, another area of focus will be the standardization in flow cytometry laboratory.With the increased utilization of flow cytometry in the clinical laboratories there is aneed to implement quality assurance p<strong>ro</strong>cedures to ensure that comparable results areobtained when using different commercially available instruments and reagents. So, aRound Table concerning the Standardization in flow cytometry will take place onSaturday.As every year, Invited speakers will participate in interactive discussions.On the whole, the Scientific Committee tried to be innovative and to cover a largenumber of topics in Cytometry.I am sure you will enjoy both the Meeting and the exciting location.Lydia Campos, MD, PhD

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