Programul congresului - PaginaMedicala.ro

Programul congresului - PaginaMedicala.ro

Programul congresului - PaginaMedicala.ro


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Al VI-lea Congres National de CitometrieThe Sixth National Congress of CytometryEforie Nord, Romania,6-8 mai 201018. FENOTIPURI CELULARE PARTICULARE IN HEMOPATIIMALIGNEPECULIAR CELLULAR PHENOTYPES IN MALIGNANTHEMOPATHIES)Georgiana Grigore, Mihaela Zlei, Angela Dascalescu, Iuliu Ivanov,Eugen CaraseviciIasi, Romania17.00-17.30Pauza de cafea, Expozitie, PostereCoffee Break, Exhibition, Posters17.30-18.30ConferenceFLOW CYTOMETRIC APPLICATIONS IN MICROBIOLOGYChairperson: Ve<strong>ro</strong>nica Lazar19. RAPID SINGLE CELL ANALYSIS OF BACTERIA BY FLOWCYTOMETRYSarah Baatout, Benny Pycke, Nicolas Morin, Felice Mast<strong>ro</strong>leo,Natalie LeysMol, Belgium18.30-19.00 Adunarea Generala a membrilor ASOCIATIEI DECITOMETRIE DIN ROMANIA (RAC General Assembly)19.30CinaDinner12

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