Mihai Eminescu, Opere vol IX, Publicistica

Mihai Eminescu, Opere vol IX, Publicistica

Mihai Eminescu, Opere vol IX, Publicistica

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459Stern, Adolf 373, 738Sternberg, Joachim conte 108Sterne, Carus vezi Krause, Ernest LudwigStevici (ministru) 182, 597Stoean, Gheorghe, D. 540, 642Stoianovici, A. 538, 699Stoica, Sever 837Stolojan, A. 665 737, 738Stolzenwald (ofiţer) 248Strabo (Strabon) 500Strajanu, <strong>Mihai</strong>l 518Strauss, Eduard 708Strauss, Johann 330, 708Streinu, Vladimir 8, 41, 687, 692, 839Stremayr, Karl von 161, 216, 217, 259, 587, 629 Stroe 509, 510Stuart, Dmitrie F. 365, 728Sturdza (Sturza) Dimitrie A. 331, 381, 387, 508, 512, 633, 708, 742, 830Sturza, Ioan (Ioniţă) Sandu 172, 465, 468Sturza, Gr. 345Sturza, <strong>Mihai</strong>l Grigorie 146, 259, 468, 564, 861Sturza Miclăuşeanu, Alex. 512Suciu, Gheorghe 843Suciu, Petru 242, 654, 702Sue, Eugene Marie-Joseph 688Suleiman II 160, 161, 163, 236, 269 Suleiman Paşa 150, 364, 390, 395, 397, 398, 403, 404, 411, 414, 420, 426, 434,483, 754, 755, 772, 802Sulzer, Franz Joseph 244, 638, 656Sumarakov (ofiţer) 209, 210, 630Sundfort 730Surdu, Bujor 525Sută-Selejan, Sultana 840Suţu, Alexandru V. V. 146Suţu, <strong>Mihai</strong>l Grigorie V. V. 146Suţu, Nicolae 568Suţu, Nathalia 406Suvarov (principe) 382Széchenyi, István 261Széll, Kálmán 321ŞŞafarik vezi SchaffarikŞaguna, Andrei 261, 322, 323, 456, 703, 762, 798Şahovski, Aleksei Ivanovici Iahovski 248, 660Şahovski (prinţesa născută Cetvertinski) 174Şapira (soldat) 355Şaraga vezi ŞragărŞarlota vezi CordayŞefket Paşa 428, 429Şeik Ul. Islam 153, 303Şendrea, A. M. 684

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