Mihai Eminescu, Opere vol IX, Publicistica

Mihai Eminescu, Opere vol IX, Publicistica Mihai Eminescu, Opere vol IX, Publicistica

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440Gelaleddin Paşa, vezi Mustafa Gelaleddin PaşaGellert, Christian Fürchtegott 412, 768George I (al Greciei) 229, 645George, Alexandru 14, 15, 838Georgescu, Paul 838Georgios vezi George IGerando, A. de 524, 525, 530, 532Germani (Ghermany), Menelas 176, 179, 387Gerstäcker, Fr. 768Geta, Publius Septimius 509Ghazi-Osman Paşa 434Ghelase, Ion 841Gheorghe, Fănică 842Gheorghian, Vasile 361Gheorghievici 138Gherasim, Vasile 842Gherasim, Veniamin 146Gherghel, Valeriu 843Ghergheli de Ciocotici, Vasile 145Ghibu, Onisifor 571Ghica, Constantin 146Ghica, Dimitrie 378, 809Ghica, Elena vezi Istria Dora, D'Ghica, Emanoil de Dejanfalva 146Ghica, Grigorie 30, 40, 216, 218 — 221, 341, 429, 519, 637 — 639, 728, 781Ghica, Ion 16, 212, 287, 291, 334, 448, 536, 578, 682, 683, 830Ghica, Pantazi 85, 119, 519, 520Ghica, Ruxandra 638Ghica, Scarlat Ion 738Ghiţescu, Gheorghe 674Gianni, Dimitrie 665Girardin, Émile de 354Giskrakarol 88, 254, 364, 523, 525Giurescu, Constantin C. 540, 585, 728, 781Gladstone, William Ewart 193 195, 231, 618, 624, 646Goethe (Göthe) Johann Wolfgang 19, 85, 131, 298, 452, 688, 768, 778Goga, G. 290Goga, Octavian 7, 48Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievici, 41, 273, 282, 283, 520, 670, 675, 676, 722, 835Gogoneaţă, Nicolae 712, 840Goldbacher (profesor) 208Goldfaden, Avram 613, 614Goldner, H. 133, 134, 142Goldstein, S. 614Goldoni, Carlo 145Golescu, Alexandru G. 536Golescu, Gr. 556Gomoiu, V. 646Gontaut vezi BironGorceakov, Alexandr Mihailovici 110, 120, 121, 129, 138, 162, 225, 322, 328, 332, 352, 382, 424, 535, 549, 569, 642Gordian (Marcus Antonius Gordianus) 509Gorjan, A. 190, 616Gorovei, Artur 658, 688, 768, 827, 828Gött, Johann 747Gotthelf, Jeremias (Albert Bitzius numit) 771Graber, Vitus 160Grabovschi, Atanasie 146Grabovski, Constantin, 146Gracchus, Caius Sempronius 492, 493Gracchus, Tiberiu Sempronius 492, 493Gracián, Baltazar 54

441Grandea, Grigore H. 538, 768, 795Graviére vezi Jurien de la Graviere, Jean Pierre-EdmondGrădişteanu, C. 695Grădişteanu, Petre 273, 282, 283, 457, 670, 675, 676, 696Grămadă, I. 792, 793, 835Gregoriady-Bonachi, Al. 657Grigorcea, Radu 791Grigorcea-Logotheti, Olga 791Grigorescu, C. 664Grigorescu, I. 791Grigorin (Buduşcă), Petre V. 53,742, 745, 750Grigoroviţă, Vasile 517Gröber, Gustav 826Grodner, Israel 614Grotius, Hugo (Hugo de Groot) 167Grozescu, Iulian 517Gruici, Sava 160, 172, 182, 597Grünberg, vezi Vermont, B. V.Gurko, Iosif Vladimirovici 404, 411, 420Gustav, Adolf (al Suediei), 164, 274,Gusti, Dimitrie 570, 818, 821HHabsburgi (familie) 70, 89, 377, 740Haeckel, Ernest 737Haffim Paşa 319Hafiz (Hafuz) Paşa 150, 160, 163, 234 — 236, 319, 428, 471, 472, 802Hahn, Eduard 768Haintl, Francisc, 408Halepliu, Constantin 85, 519, 520Haman (prinţ egiptean) 411Hamid Paşa 135, 499Hammer, Iosef von 729Hammond (om politic englez) 501Handl, Alois 160Haneş, Petre V. 730, 837, 838Hanganuţiu, Nicolae 661Hania, Maria 744Hannibal 285, 254, 618Hanţă, Al. 841Haralambie (doamna) 496, 820Haret, A. 399Harte, Francis Bret 41, 242, 6767Hartington, Spencer-Compton Cavendish, 175Hasan Paşa 126, 163, 174Hasan (prinţ egiptean) 403Hasan (şeih) 195Hasdeu, B. P. 34, 35, 85, 507, 508, 510, 518, 519, 570, 617, 670, 751, 773, 789, 827, 828Hasnaş, George 288Hasner, Leopold 523, 525Hass, Adriana 616Hasselbach, 439Haşeganu, I. 838Havrda, V. 397Havrişciuc 217

440Gelaleddin Paşa, vezi Mustafa Gelaleddin PaşaGellert, Christian Fürchtegott 412, 768George I (al Greciei) 229, 645George, Alexandru 14, 15, 838Georgescu, Paul 838Georgios vezi George IGerando, A. de 524, 525, 530, 532Germani (Ghermany), Menelas 176, 179, 387Gerstäcker, Fr. 768Geta, Publius Septimius 509Ghazi-Osman Paşa 434Ghelase, Ion 841Gheorghe, Fănică 842Gheorghian, Vasile 361Gheorghievici 138Gherasim, Vasile 842Gherasim, Veniamin 146Gherghel, Valeriu 843Ghergheli de Ciocotici, Vasile 145Ghibu, Onisifor 571Ghica, Constantin 146Ghica, Dimitrie 378, 809Ghica, Elena vezi Istria Dora, D'Ghica, Emanoil de Dejanfalva 146Ghica, Grigorie 30, 40, 216, 218 — 221, 341, 429, 519, 637 — 639, 728, 781Ghica, Ion 16, 212, 287, 291, 334, 448, 536, 578, 682, 683, 830Ghica, Pantazi 85, 119, 519, 520Ghica, Ruxandra 638Ghica, Scarlat Ion 738Ghiţescu, Gheorghe 674Gianni, Dimitrie 665Girardin, Émile de 354Giskrakarol 88, 254, 364, 523, 525Giurescu, Constantin C. 540, 585, 728, 781Gladstone, William Ewart 193 195, 231, 618, 624, 646Goethe (Göthe) Johann Wolfgang 19, 85, 131, 298, 452, 688, 768, 778Goga, G. 290Goga, Octavian 7, 48Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievici, 41, 273, 282, 283, 520, 670, 675, 676, 722, 835Gogoneaţă, Nicolae 712, 840Goldbacher (profesor) 208Goldfaden, Avram 613, 614Goldner, H. 133, 134, 142Goldstein, S. 614Goldoni, Carlo 145Golescu, Alexandru G. 536Golescu, Gr. 556Gomoiu, V. 646Gontaut vezi BironGorceakov, Alexandr <strong>Mihai</strong>lovici 110, 120, 121, 129, 138, 162, 225, 322, 328, 332, 352, 382, 424, 535, 549, 569, 642Gordian (Marcus Antonius Gordianus) 509Gorjan, A. 190, 616Gorovei, Artur 658, 688, 768, 827, 828Gött, Johann 747Gotthelf, Jeremias (Albert Bitzius numit) 771Graber, Vitus 160Grabovschi, Atanasie 146Grabovski, Constantin, 146Gracchus, Caius Sempronius 492, 493Gracchus, Tiberiu Sempronius 492, 493Gracián, Baltazar 54

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