I S T O R I A H A N D B A L U L U I R O M Â N E S C ... - Frh

I S T O R I A H A N D B A L U L U I R O M Â N E S C ... - Frh

I S T O R I A H A N D B A L U L U I R O M Â N E S C ... - Frh

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2. MĂZĂREANU ANA, portar, 16 ani, 1,79m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 0/4Debut: LPS IaşiProf.: LUPAN LENUŢA3. CHIRILĂ ROXANA, portar, 17 ani, 1,79m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 0/3Debut: CSŞ 2 BucureştiProf.: RĂDULESCU OCTAVIAN4. VARGA ROXANA, int.dr., 17 ani, 1,80m, LPS Roman, 15/6Debut: LPS RomanProf.: LAZĂR MARIA5. BUCESCHI ELIZA, centru, 16 ani, 1,78m, Extrem Baia Mare, 50/6Debut: Extrem Baia MareProf.: CAMELIA SILINC6. TOMA MIRABELA PAULA, centru, 17 ani, 1,64m, LPS Iaşi, 1/6Debut: LPS IaşiProf.: LUPAN LENUŢA7. CIOBANU FLORINA, inter-stg., 17 ani, 1,80m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 8/16Debut: LPS SlatinaProf.: PERPELEA IULIAN8. APIPIE ANA, centru, 17 ani, 1,70m, CNOER Rm. Vâlcea, 10/6Debut: CSŞ CaracalProf.: DINCĂ CONSTANTIN9. PAVALACHE ALEXANDRA, pivot, 17 ani, 1,74m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 12/6Debut: LPS BrăilaProf.: BUCOVALĂ ION10. SABADAC ANDREEA, pivot, 17 ani, 1,75m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 2/6Debut: LPS VasluiProf.: POPESCU PAUL11. FLORICA CRISTINA, ex.stg., 17 ani, 1,70m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 11/6Debut: CSŞ DrăgăşaniProf.: GIURAN CAMELIA12. BICA OANA, extr.-dr., 17 ani, 1,71m, CSŞ Constanţa, 6/6Debut: CSŞ 1 ConstanţaProf.: ION PUŞCAŞU13. ION ANA, inter-dr., 17 ani, 1,82m, CNOE Rm. Vâlcea, 4/6

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