2007, nr. 3 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2007, nr. 3 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2007, nr. 3 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei


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mediu, superior atelectazii segmentare cu localizare în lobul superior), spirografie (tulburări <strong>de</strong> conductibilitatea bronhiilor) [4, 8, 13, 15, 16, 24] .Diagnostic diferenţial. RGE asociat cu simptome respiratorii impune exclu<strong>de</strong>rea alergiei respiratorii,astmului bronşic, bronşitei obstructive, bronşitei astmatice, polipozei nazale, rinosinusitelor,laringotraheitei), imuno<strong>de</strong>ficienţei umorale selective IgA, <strong>de</strong>ficitului α 1-antitripsină, mucoviscidozei,fistulei traheoesofagiene, corpului străin inclavat, malformaţiilor bronhopulmonare, laringiene [8, 13,15, 19].ConcluziiRGE la copil poate induce manifestări respiratorii, geneza cărora necesită a fi <strong>de</strong>monstrată pentrua programa conduita medicală terapeutică şi <strong>de</strong> recuperare.Bibliografie selectivă1. Anton C., Boala <strong>de</strong> refl ux gastroesofagian // Gastroenterolgie, Bucureşti, 2001, 11 (2):15-26.2. Buligescu L., Tratat <strong>de</strong> hepatogastroenterologie, Bucureşti; 1997;31-67.3. Castell D.O., Gastroesofageal Refl ux Disease: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Therapy // NewYork, 1985;3-9.4. Cohen M. C., Rua R., Balcarce N., Drut R., The clinical and histological spectrum of esophagitisin pediatrics. Some keys to its links to gastritis // Acta Gastroenterol, Latinoam, 2001;31(3):143-7.5. Eid N. S., Morton R. L., Rational approach to the wheezy infant // Paed. Respir. Rev.,2004;5(1):77-9.6. Field S. K., Asthma and gastroesophageal refl ux: another piece in the puzzle. // Chest,2002;121(3):1024-1027.7. Galmiche J. P., Des Varannes B., Symptoms and disease severity in gastrooesophageal refl uxdisease // Scand.J.Gastroenter., 1994;29(201):62-68.8. Grigorescu M., Tratat <strong>de</strong> gastroenterologie, v. I, Bucureşti, 2001, 488 p.9. Jain A., Patwari A., Bajaj P., Association of gastroesophageal refl ux disease in young childrenwith persistent respiratory symptoms // J.Trop. Pediatr., 2002;48(1)3.10. Juchet A., Bremont F., Dutau G., Olives J. P., Chronic cough and gastroesophageal refl ux inchildren Arch. Pediatr. // 2001;8(3):629-634.11. Harding S.M., Riehter I. E. et al., Asthma and gastroesophageal refl ux: Acid. Supressivetherpy improves asthma outcome // Amer. I. Med., 1996;100(2):395.12. Leonard D., Domnişoru D., Gastroenterologie practică // Galaţi, 1992, 236 p.13. Lupaşcu Iu., Dumbrava V.-T.A., Romanciuc I.., Boala <strong>de</strong> refl ux gastroesofagian, Chişinău,2002, 112 p.14. Rudolph C. D., Mazur L. J., Liptak G. S., Gui<strong>de</strong>lines for Evaluation and Treatment of GastroesophagealRefl ux in Infants and Children: Recommendations of the North American Society forPediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition // J. Pediatr. Gastroenter. Nutr., 2001;32:1-31.15. Scorpan A., Bivol G., Viziuni contemporane asupra patogeniei, diagnosticului şi tratamentuluiBRGE. Actualităţi în Gastrohepatologie, Chişinău, 2003, p.13-24.16. Trifan A., Manual <strong>de</strong> endoscopie (endoscopie digestivă superioară), Iaşi, 2002, 232 p.17. Vincent D.,Tonathan A., Leport C., Gastroesophageal refl ux prevalence and relahonshipwith bronchial reactivity in asthma // Eur.Rep.J.,1997;10(11):2255.18. Wasowska-Krolikowska K., Toporowska E., Krogulska A., Asthma and gastroesophagealrefl ux in children. // Med. Sci. Monit., 2002;8(3):64-71.19. Билхарц Л. И., Осложнения ГЭРБ // Рос. Жур. гастр. Гепат., 1998;5:69-76.20. Таболина В.А., Детская гастроентерология. // Москва, 2001, 125c.21. Маев И.В., Вьючнова Е. С., Щекина М. И., ГЭРБ – болезнь XXI века // Лечащий врач,2004;4:10-14.209

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