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discussed lately at other universities too, but no measures have been yettaken.Stimulating technical creativity in universities is as useful as forscientific research, in addition to image and visibility, it can bring greateconomic and social benefits. I say this because the patents are indexed byDerwent Innovation Index, subsystem scientometric Thomson ISI, and alsoby other IDB sites, such as well-known Espacenet, an indispensable tool inresearch today and in the analysis and evaluation of inventions too. Thereare authors of inventions with a large number of citations, either by otherinventions from abroad, or by papers published in ISI journals. Maybe thiswould suggest also that OSIM's accepted roundtable dialogue with theinventive academics, to find solutions to solve priority problems ofRomanian inventive. Of these, return to shorten analysis of inventions frommore than a year and a half. Rhetorical question, what degree of novelty canprovide that invention patented after five or six years from registration?Then, publishing inventions in BOPI be done under the rules of ThomsonISI indexing system (along with Romanian, title, summary and referencesshould be in English too). In this context, quotations will be better reflect,and OSIM will provide better value of professional referees. Of course,there are many other important issues related to patent to be solved. Theanswer that we are aligned with WIPO and the FIA is unsatisfactory whenthe game is about national dignity. The Romanian was born not only a poetbut also an inventor. National institutions are obliged to give him a chanceof becoming and accomplishment that vocation. Laws, if we refer to theinventions, promoted by WIPO, OSIM and other national and cantonaloffices of patent, must necessarily change, as they are made only by lawyers,without the involvement of professional associations and experts in the fieldand without taking account the peculiarities, its geopolitical position and thedevelopment of a country. Consequence of an unjust law is found in the rateof invention in the hundred thousand inhabitants, a chapter to whichRomania is among the last countries in <strong>Europe</strong>.Another aspect of the invention already consumed and <strong>Iasi</strong>, and notonly, had to suffer, is related to National Program INVENT, given formanagement to Agricultural Machinery Research Institute in Bucharest,even in <strong>Iasi</strong> was already well held the Romanian Research National Instituteof Inventions. Question, how much money has been spent elsewhere on theoutstanding issues without anyone being held accountable? It is a matter ofdignity, to ask such questions too! Be more careful in evaluating projectsand activities and in management of public money. To become a member ofthe evaluation commission is not enough to have a PhD degree, you musthave visible scientific production (eg minimum 20 ISI published papers, at178

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