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In the UK, patent fees are fully covered by the state, if the holder isan English institution.In Japan there are inventors recording over 3,000 inventions(Guinness Book record), because the state exempts inventor of patent fees.The examples could continue.Another aspect nonstimulating the Romanian inventors, areexcessively high fees for patenting and protection. Only for patenting,OSIM perceives 23 taxes, of which seven are compulsory. What is theregistration fee or the fee for publication of the application required for,other than the fee for publishing the invention after patening and manyothers which do not sense, when a single charge would be sufficient foranalysis, printing and publishing [4, 5]?!...The rush of money and a superficial analysis of the known state,lead to easily accepting some demands, which in fact are found in the priorinventions base. An example is a Romanian invention on a procedure forrecovery of useful components of used batteries of manganese dioxide -zinc electrochemical system, considering as a current stage a group ofrecovering procedures of useful components from lead batteries, radicallydiffering in structure, composition and working mechanism. That inventionwas claiming among other things, separation of useful components (!?...). Ithas been patented, although in OSIM's patents library existed twoRomanian inventions relating to the same system with patented invention,but were removed from protection, since a few years earlier authors havenot had money to continue implementation. The effect is equal to the repatentsof an invention in the same country [1-3].If inside scientific research, investigation method or technique hasa very important role, we could say fundametal, in technical creativity(technological research), the leading role belongs to the workmanship,ingenuity and individual IQ. In this respect, it should “be given to Caesarwhat is Caesar's". Comparing to discovery that exists, but has not yet beenrealized until publishing, the invention does not exists, it has to be created,author's skill and ingenuity increasing its chance of occurrence.In Romania, the inventor (having or not financial resources) isobliged by its own effort to apply his idea and pay fees for patent andprotection, which are of <strong>Europe</strong>an level. Nor WIPO, neither OSIM(government institution financed from the budget), can not justify the highcosts of patenting and protection fees.175

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