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<strong>SERVICII</strong> <strong>EXTERNE</strong> <strong>ABILITATE</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Nr.crt Denumire SE Localitate AdresaConducator SE / Personalde execuţietelefon1 2D - CONSULTING Avrig Str. GARII nr.22 Radu Alexandru 0745/010649Popa Dorel Ioan2 ADRIA PREST <strong>Sibiu</strong> Nicolae Porumbescu nr. 38 Gheorghe Adriana 0369/4100923 AGROMEC SURA MARE Sura Mare Str. HAMBEI 36 Sandu Georgeta Livia0269/2528270740/2458704 ALCASIAN <strong>Sibiu</strong> Sos. ALBA IULIA 81 Lomnasan Calin Ioan 0721/7719755 ALEXA VASILE FOREST <strong>Sibiu</strong> ARIESULUI 3 Alexa Vasile6 ALSAMIR CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Calea POPLACII 2 Vaides Mircea 0726/4645197 PFA ANGHELEA ROMULUS <strong>Sibiu</strong> Calea Dumbrăvii 18/A/8 Anghelea Romulus8 AMI CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Calea DUMBRAVII 141 Voivoda Florin 0745/3839419 AMZA CONSTANTIN <strong>Sibiu</strong> Amza Constantin 0724/07471810 ANGHEL TRADE Sura Mica PRINCIPALA 34 Anghel Ioan 0269/57713911 ARUAL CONSULTING Medias Str. DEALUL FURCILOR 13 Sirbu Stefan 0755/06427312 ASSA GRUP 2000 Medias Str. GEORGE COSBUC 5 Irimescu Traian 0269/24366013 BALU CRISTINA <strong>Sibiu</strong> c. negri 11 Balu Cristina 0369/42876614 BOTA TRAUDI <strong>Sibiu</strong> Teilor nr. 82 Bota Traudi 0757/08677215 B &B SSM CONSULTING<strong>Sibiu</strong> Eschile nr.38 Borţan Marcel 0745/537659Borcea Ovidiu0269/2442440744/36565616 BEST SSM CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> B-dul MIHAI VITEAZU 2 Ionita Nicusor 0723/95469117 BISS CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. E.A.BIELTZ 68 Brie Maria 0722/63999518 BLUE SERVICES Medias AUREL VLAICU 68 Barbu Marius Gabriel 0269/44836819 BORDI MAGDALENA Medias FELEAC 5 Bordi Magdalena 0369/80258720 BREZAIE NICOLAE <strong>Sibiu</strong> Brezaie Nicolae 0752/75972721 CALBOREAN MAGELONA <strong>Sibiu</strong> GORASLAU 4 Calborean Magelona 0369/402863CALLDEX CONSULT22<strong>Sibiu</strong> Aleea FRATII BUZESTI 5 Gusan Elena0722/6141250269/427327CASA PALTINUL23Agnita Str. MIHAI VITEAZU 30 Hurdu Dan Dumitru0269/2121460766/36582124 CONSULT SILVA 2009 <strong>Sibiu</strong> POPOVICI BANATEANU 1 Prodan Ovidiu 0732/53088025 CONSULTPROT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. CRINT 3 Pavel Monica Mihaela 0369/407376raportsemestrial

26 CRIS CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Aleea TURNU ROSU 1 Cristian Mircea 0723/69435827 CRISS PREST CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. LUNGA 65 Stafanescu Nicolae 0740/840564Lazăr PetruAlexa Vasile28 CRISSERVMedias Str. AUREL VLAICU 88 Bara Cristinel Craciun 0269/832776Gusan ElenaDăian IoanTodoran CosminaRusu Daniela29 D M B PREST<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. ESCHILE 38 Borcea Ovidiu0269/2442440744/36565630 D.G.T. PROTECTION <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. LUDOS 5 Dobrici Tatiana Georgeta 0269/24409531 DAHM-KLEIN CONSULTING Selimbar Str. MIHAI VITEAZU 428 Marginean Florin Emilian 0726/193710Vlad MariaAna IonelCostea Iuliana Maria32 DAMIAN TRAIAN <strong>Sibiu</strong> TEILOR 47 Damian Traian 0269/23865533 DANTE SERV<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. PROF. AUREL POPA 1a Jugarean Daniel Claudiu0269/2266230745/256616Jugărean Cornelia34 DASCALU FLORIN <strong>Sibiu</strong> SEMAFORULUI Dascalu Florin 0723/35188735 DASIM SSM CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. NICOLAE IORGA 70 Simion Florin 0271/33670136 DEN CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. BIELTZ EDUARD ALBERT 15 Fratila Ioan Dumitru 0727/30236037 DINEA VASILE <strong>Sibiu</strong> BIRUINTEI 5 Dinea Vasile 0369/40295938 DUO CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. MASINISTILOR 28 Patan Silvia 0740/24162439 EURO OFFICE CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. JUSTITIEI 3 Muntean Florin Vasile 0722/65428940 EURO SELL<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. DINICU GOLESCU 4a Aldea Daniela Florina0269/2120790729/250697Blaga MirceaState Ileana41 EVALPROTECT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. DULGHERILOR 4 Szekeres Antonica 0721/12086742 EXCEPTIONAL CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> TG.CAILOR 4 Popa Constantin Adrian 0269/221064FLAVSIB0740/24787243<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. GEORGE BACOVIA 9 Cotrigasanu Valentin Gabriel0269/254773G.I.A. START CONSULT0749/06151944<strong>Sibiu</strong> Sos. ALBA IULIA 55 Gavrila Ioan Antoniu 0369/402115

GTL CONSULT45Medias PETRU RARES 13 Gusan Gelu Titus0269/8228270726/12261146 HARHOI OVIDIU <strong>Sibiu</strong> Harhoi Ovidiu 0722/14902947 ILVA SIBIU URLEA SANDRU ILIE VALERIU48 ITAT CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> PROGRESULUI 16 Antonovici Gheorghe Mihai 0742/121991IVAN CONSULTING0369/30131049<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. STAVILARULUI 8 Ivan Gheorghe075128170950 IVANCESCU MARCELA Medias VIDRARU 7 Ivancescu Marcela 0369/405954KLEIN CONSULTING<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. LUNGA 65 Lazar Petru 0726/19371051Mărginean FlorinAlexa Vasile52 MADIS SERV <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. CRISTIAN 8 Iaru T Ioan Sorinel 0269/22505153 MAVRA <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. EDUARD ALBERT BIELTZ 23 Danila Felicia 0269/228475MEDIASTING54Medias Str. DEALUL FURCILOR fn Susu Lucian0269/8318090727726464MEDSANA CONSULT<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. ST.IOSIF 15 Copca Adrian 0269/228866Furtună Gheorghita55MIONE COM56<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. MARGARETELOR 36 Oltean Ioan0269/222396074438231357 MITRAS <strong>Sibiu</strong> ZAHARIA BOIU Gheran Dumitru 0269/21150958 MOHAN BACILA DANA MARIA Medias VIDRARU 11 Mohan Bacila Dana Maria 0369/40556859 MORDASAN ANES MARIA Medias IULIU MANIU Mordasan Anes Maria 074/933123560 MUSCA ALEXANDRU <strong>Sibiu</strong> TIMIS 2 Musca Alexandru0269/21554561 NEGUS MIHAIL <strong>Sibiu</strong> CRONICAR ION NECULCE 6 Negus Mihail0745/63652862 NIRVANA Cisnadie Str. LUNGA 13 Kenyeres Ion 0269/56477763 O H S CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. MIHAI VITEAZU Foloba Mircea 0752/115041OPREA ION PFA<strong>Sibiu</strong> SEMAFORULUI 22 Oprea Ion 0730/09506164Oprea Adriana Ioana65 II ONiTA AUGUSTIN SIBIU Onita Augustin66 PADUREANU ION <strong>Sibiu</strong> NEGOVEANU 11 Padureanu Ion 0269/23304167 PARASCHIV GHIORGHE <strong>Sibiu</strong> BIHORULUI 4 Paraschiv Ghiorghe 0723/199678

68 PASCA DOREL MIRCEA <strong>Sibiu</strong> Pasca Dorel Mircea 0269/25470869 PFA HAMBASAN NICOLAE <strong>Sibiu</strong> GRAL GRIGORE BALAN 19 Hambasan Nicolae 0269/23105470 PFA PETRU DAMIAN CLAUDIU <strong>Sibiu</strong> VASILE AARON Petru Damian Claudiu 0745/55956971 PFA BASARABA FLORIN <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. LIVEZII 71 Basarabă Florin72 PIENARU RADU <strong>Sibiu</strong> BALEA 9 Pienaru Radu 0722/919288PM & PSI CONSULTING<strong>Sibiu</strong> B-dul MIHAI VITEAZU 1 Vraciu Dumitru Liviu 0269/243256Vraciu MariaParaschivoiu Madaluţa7374 PFA ROTARU MIHAELA <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. MARAMURESULUI Rotaru Mihaela 0721/54316575 PROFI ZON CONSULT Medias Str. IAZULUI 4 Moldovan Maria Gabriela76 PRO-SIG Medias Str. GHETII 10 Bogdan Ioan Olimpiu 0269/832150PROT NET CONSULTCisnadie TEXTILISTILOR 18 Tarcea Ioan 0744/351352Costea IacobMiclea IoanTiriboi Josin7778 PROVITAEXPANS <strong>Sibiu</strong> Brazilor nr. 26 Ranga VasilePUNKT CONSULT<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. HATEGULUI 7 Sangatinean Ioan OlimpiuDemian Petru Rreş79Demian Isabela0369/8060390741/12060080 PURTA JEAN DANIEL <strong>Sibiu</strong> lutului 6 Purta Jean Daniel 0269/21913881 RCI CONSULTING Cisnadie SURU 5 Rotarescu Roman Ionut 0751/24268482 ROSCA WORK & FIRE SAFETY <strong>Sibiu</strong> IAZULUI 17 Rosca Nicolae Stelian 0724/61109183 ROSU CLAUDIU <strong>Sibiu</strong> BOBALNA 13 Rosu Claudiu 0752/30966984 S P WORK CONSULT <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. PUTNEI 34 Lupu Gheorghe 0745/133436S S M EURO CONSULT85TEMPO CONSULT<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. MIHAI VITEAZU 2 Brezaie Ion<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. DR. MARIUS STURZA 1 Roman ValeriuDuca CatalinaCostea M. StefanSas Mihai0745/6035500369/4094440744/3663960269/214041Roşu VasileBerea Alina

Roşianu Marius86Cristian PetruTEMPO STING CONSULT<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. DR. MARIUS STURZA 1 Costea M. StefanCristian PetruPaliuc CatalinaSas MihaiRoşu VasileBerea AlinaTatu Mihai87Roşianu MariusS.M. CONSULTING0740/20695588<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. IAZULUI 19 Gabor T Liviu Simion 0269/23354489 SAGE FOREST <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. CORESI 3 Gaina Silviu Emilian 0269/21415090 SAN-SIG Medias Str. AVRAM IANCU 21 Florea Nichita 0731/32293091 SECURITATEA MUNCII <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. NEGOVEANU 1 Toparcean Mircea Ioan 0727/7889260269/55560192 SENIOR EXPERT Talmaciu Str. DR.VICTOR BABES 4b Buzuleciu Dorin Gheorghe 0745/40804393 SERB LAVINIA <strong>Sibiu</strong> STRUNGULUI 26 Serb Lavinia 0269/23699494 SIDRA <strong>Sibiu</strong> Intr. SIRETULUI 2 Suciu Ilie 0269/24453795 SIMA DAMIAN <strong>Sibiu</strong> Sima Damian 0269/83135296 STAFF CONSULTING & MORE <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. SEMAFORULUI 29 Blaga Mircea 0745/427824Nandrea Cristina97 TEHNOPROT SOLUTIONS <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. RAHOVA 45 Mardale SimonaSSM PROFESIONAL CONSULT<strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. DR. MARIUS STURZA 1 Cristian PetruDuca CatalinaCostea M. StefanSas MihaiRoşu VasileBerea AlinaRoşianu Marius98Roman Valeriu0369/59148507453672870744/3663960269/21404199 TEVAS <strong>Sibiu</strong> Calea DUMBRAVII Calborean Dorin 0742/390105100 TICHINDELEAN CONSULTING <strong>Sibiu</strong> Calea DUMBRAVII 51 Tichindelean Dan 0269/233219101 TOADER MARIUS <strong>Sibiu</strong> ceferistilor 1 Toader Marius 0744/505215

102 VARCOLACU GABRIELA DANIELA <strong>Sibiu</strong> COSTACHE NEGRUZZI 8 Varcolacu Gabriela Daniela103 VERSOR <strong>Sibiu</strong> Str. GEORGE BACOVIA 32 Tant Camelia Iuliana 0269/443595104 PFA FRATILA DUMITRU <strong>Sibiu</strong> Fratila Dumitru

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