DIGIPREP 251 and 301 complete catalogue - Kemet International

DIGIPREP 251 and 301 complete catalogue - Kemet International

DIGIPREP 251 and 301 complete catalogue - Kemet International


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GFffi4503 Dt8DnEP25lProg6mmabk lvilh 5,7'HMllouch sct?en conlrclBase Unilwilh arce 0,75HP Molor, Variabk rvheelspeed 50600 Om,0uilebeltdrive, Complernenlary or conlra rclalional diection, Soll Slart<strong>and</strong> Sl0pwith 250 mm diam. Workn€ kil conshtinq ol lqluminium llheel<strong>and</strong> Splash Guard',Hel|aclablewater hose, rvith Ylahr supply <strong>and</strong> d|ainlubes. Automath Head,Urge LCD screen, pro0ramnable sample prcpalalion pammelerc, centalan orindiUdual lome application, sleelrnounling column, rilh mtuble specimen holdelspeed 50-150 rpm,100 Walt DC motor, LED lightinq, quick-locking slving rnounleddesign, audible\{arning signal, lvilh h0ldirg chuck, inleqaled DosimalF uid Dispenser,lvith 4 rnicro perislaltic pumps allo$in0 signilicanl savlngs <strong>and</strong> pedect rcprcducibility,(3lor diamond suspensions/lubricanlani 1 lor alumina suspensi0n$ Alr supplyl!besComplele <strong>and</strong> readylor operalion. Wilhout Specimen HoldDrs.230 V 1-phase,50 Hz.Inc udes the Jolo9llng sl<strong>and</strong>ad selolconsumables'SpecialMagnelc Foil,0 250 mm.'ThinMelalPlal€(l pcs),0 250 mm'l\tagnelo q.inding disc18 rnh. 250 mm dia.'An assorlemenl ol5 polhhiirg clolhs250 mm dia.'oiamondsuspens ons one ol each 016 nic. <strong>and</strong> I mic., plus lubricant1504 DtEtPntP <strong>301</strong>Programmabhwith 5,7'Hl llouch sdeen control,Base llnit wilh la0e 1,oHP Molor, variable lvheelspeed 50-600 nm, Qoile beltd ve, Complemenlary or Conia olalionaldieclion, Solt Sla.l <strong>and</strong> Stop,Wlli 300mm diam. Wo*ing kit consisting ot'A uminium wheel <strong>and</strong> splash Guard"Felractable vlaler hose, lth waler supply <strong>and</strong> dmin tubes. Aulomalic Head,brg€ LCD scr$n, prolGrnmable sample prepamtion patamelen, c€nlnlan 0rindividuallorce a0plication, sleelmounling column,wilh \triable specimen holdelsFDed 50150 rpm, 10014afl DC molor, LED lighlin!, quick-locking swlng mounleddesign, audible waninq slgnal, lvit holding chuck, DosimalFluid Dispenser,wilh4 micrc peftlallic pumpsallo$lng siqnilicanlsavings <strong>and</strong> pedectEpmducibilily,(3 lor diamond suspensions/lubricanl <strong>and</strong> 1 lor alumina suspeflsions), Air supply lubes.Complel€ <strong>and</strong> rcady lor operation. WilhoulSpeclmen Nolders.230V 1'phase, 50 Hz.lncludes lhe Iollowing st<strong>and</strong>ard sel ol consumables:'SpeclallraqnelicFoil0 300 rnm.'TlrinMetal Plale(1 pcs),0300 mm'Malnelo qrindln! disc 10mic.,300 mmdia.'An assorlemenl ol 5 po ishln! clolhs300mm dia.'Diamondsuspensiors oneoleach ol6 mk. <strong>and</strong> 1 mic., plus lubrlcanlS!.chn.r lloldcrr l0r DIGIPIEP <strong>251</strong>/ <strong>301</strong>lcoitr.! Fon. |Illlcrdonl4511 Clamp type specimen holder,ol3ornm, 6 specimenr wilh g25mm.4512 Clamp lype sp€cim€n holde(gi30mm,6 specimenswilh 030mm4513 Clanrp lype specimen h0der,0130mm,4 specimenswilh 040mm451{ Carnp type specimen hoder,0130mm 6 specirnens lvith g1'4515 C amp lype specimen holder,o13omm 6 specimens with 011/4'4516 Clamp type specimen holder, 0130mm,4 specirnenswilh g1 1/2'4521 Clamp lype specimen holder,0155mm,3 specinenswilh 050 mm.4522 Clamp lype specimen holder,9155mm,3 specimenswilh 02'4523 TeardoF specimen holder,0145 mm.6speclmenxl0 - 32 mm. Slanless sleel452i1 Teardmp specimen holder, 0145 mm, 4 spec men x 10 42 mm. slainless slee4525 Clamp lype specimen holder, g 145 mm lor 6 rEclangularspecimen 25X32 mm. slainless sleel4526 Clarnp lype soecimen holder,0145 nm lor 3 Ectanqularspecimen 40X50 mm, slain essleel4531 Clarnp lype specimen h0lder, 0170mm, 10 specjnens with025 mm.4532 Clamp lype specimen hoder 0170mm, 8 specimens rvilh 930 Em.{533 Clamp type specimen holder, 0170mm, 6 sp€c mens l/vilh 940 mm.{5 3a Clamp type specimen holder, 0170mm, 4specmenswilh 050mrn.15t5 Clamp lype specirnen h0lder,0170mm,10specimens v{ith 0l'4536 Clamp type specimen holder,0l70mm,I specimenswilh 011/4'45 E7 Clamp lype specimen holder,9170mm,6 specimenswilh 011/2'4530 clamp lype specimen holder, gl70nrm,4 specimens{/ilt 02"4539 Clamp lype specimen holder, 0220rnm, 3 specimens lor lrrcgular shaped simplesS!8ch!|| Hold€ntor olGlPnEP <strong>251</strong> i 101(lrdlddud Forc! &Fllc.ll.rl455l D GIPBIP specimen ho der o145mm,lor6xo25mm0r6x01'specimen.4552 <strong>DIGIPREP</strong>specimen hoder, 145mrn, lor6x, 30mmspecimen.3101 <strong>DIGIPREP</strong>specimen holder, ol45mrn, lorGxs40mm specimen.3307 <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> specimen holder, d 145mm i 3 x , 50mm specimen.1555 DIGIPfiEP specimen holder. s145mm, iorOxl 1/4inch specimen.4556 DIGIPHEP specimen holder,s145mm, JoI6x1 1/2inch specimen4550 <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> specimen holder. 6145mm,ior 3x 2 inch specimen.3306 <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> srecimen holder s 145mm. Blank.0 lonal lcc!$orllt lor Dlilpal <strong>251</strong>/401Gn 0172 Z-axis malerlalrernovallvilh deplh conlro,lor Digiprep <strong>251</strong>/<strong>301</strong>0o be ordered simu laneous y t0gelher $ th lhe machine order)It 10 SpecialP eryolass Protection llnit,lo be used wilh <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> <strong>251</strong>flo be ordered simullafleously tooelher$ilh the machine o.deo3111 SpecialPlexyglass Proteciion Unil, to beusedwilh <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> <strong>301</strong>(lo be odered s mullan€ously togelher wilh llre machineoder)Add onal h!!lt lorlltlpr.p 25U<strong>301</strong>3122 Alumlnium \lheel,250 mm for0|G|PREP <strong>251</strong>ll 63 Splash quard,250 mmlor DIGIPBEP <strong>251</strong>tl 12 Alunnium wheel,300 mm tor <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> <strong>301</strong>ll 73 Splash guard,300 mmlor <strong>DIGIPREP</strong> <strong>301</strong>GB 0065 Elvno neckcul.d||l Fl[!rln! Stlt n,Closed oop 1 rnicronlilt€rlngsystem wilh 20ll. recirculalingualerlank, suitable lo opeaale wilh linewaleron 80 miclonlit€ras v{ell. Reouircs 4 bar c0momssed atReadv lor ooeralion \,!ith all Metkon Grinder/PolishersAcc6rorlrt lor SIaElnlCn Lodlnl:15 60 LEY0IilATSpecimen l-oadinq Flxlure, to leve lhe specimens wilhin lhecenlral lorce specimen holdels, wilhoul specimen loading0t4rc.Slaclnan LodlnI Plalrt1510 Specimen bading Plale t 130 mm1520 Specimen Loadin0 Plale 0145mm1530 Spscimen Loading Pkle s lT0 mm _a5 41 specimen l-oading Plale s 155 mm0rd6r lloApplicalion ol ForceIndivid!al Force, (N)Centlal Force, (N)Head Motor, WBase Motor, kWfead Sp€ed, (rpm)Sase Sp€ed, (rpm)Wheel Diameter, (rnm)Head Rotation oireclionWheel Rolation DiEclionH[,ll Touch Scre€n, {iich)Program Memory'G ndli0 deplh meas!rcm€nt {Z-axis)"'Grindin!depth m€asurem€nt Accuracy, (/r)"Dim€nsions, WxDxH, {cm)WeiQhl, {kg)lvains45 03lndNidual+Centnl5-10030-5001000,7550r 5050-600250cwcwccwotherv0lkges<strong>and</strong> lrequencies avaibable upon €quest.Pl€ase state Yvhen ordering.All sp€ciilcations a€ subjectt0 change withoulnolice.45 04lndNidual+Cenhal5-10030-500100150-15050-600300cwCWCCW2525lesT0s10t0480X730X640 520X770X64073861 phase, 230V 50H2. AC 1 phase, 230V 50H2. AC- -<strong>Kemet</strong> <strong>International</strong> LimitedParkwood Trading Estate, Maidstone, KentTelephone: +44 (0)1622755287 Fax: +44EXCLUSIVE UK DISTRIBUTORME15 gNJ, United Kingdom(0)1622670915 E-mail: sales@ kemet.co.uk Website: www.kemet.co.uk

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