Operatori de transport feroviar şi deţinători de ... - Catalog Feroviar

Operatori de transport feroviar şi deţinători de ... - Catalog Feroviar

Operatori de transport feroviar şi deţinători de ... - Catalog Feroviar


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126<strong>Operatori</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>transport</strong> <strong>feroviar</strong> şi <strong>de</strong>ţinãtori <strong>de</strong> vagoane private /Railway <strong>transport</strong> operators and private car owners■■ ALUM S.A.Str. Isaccei, Nr. 83,Tulcea, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul TulceaTel: +40 0240 535022Fax: +40 0240 535495Email: alum@alumtulcea.roWebsite: www.alum.ro■■ AMBRO S.A.Calea Unirii, Nr. 24, Cod poştal: 720019, Suceava, ju<strong>de</strong>tul SuceavaTel: + 40 0230 517514Fax: + 40 0230 205205Email: office@ambro.roWebsite: www.ambro.ro■■ AMONIL S.A.Şoseaua Călăraşi km. 4, Cod poştal: 920120, Slobozia, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul IalomiţaTel: +40 243 211225Fax: +40 243 232539Email: amonil.sl@amonil.roWebsite: www.amonil.ro■■ AMURCO S.R.L.Str. Chimiei, Nr. 1, Cod poştal: 600289, Bacău, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul BacăuTel: +40 234 575440Fax: +40 234 575413Email: amurco_bacau@yahoo.com■■ ANSETT LOGISTICS S.R.L.Str. Ion Minulescu, Nr. 84, Sector 3, BucureştiTel: +40 31 1024416Fax: +40 31 1024415Email: office@ansett-logistics.roWebsite: www.ansett-logistics.ro■■ APRIA S.R.L.Str. Avram Iancu, Nr 52, ap. 4, Cod poştal: 400083, Cluj Napoca, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul ClujTel: +40 264 599141Fax: +40 264 599141Email: apria_srl@yahoo.com■■ ARCELORMITTAL GALAŢI S.A.Str. Smârdan, Nr. 1, Cod poştal: 800698, Galaţi, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul GalaţiTel: +40 236 801331Fax: +40 236 803883Website: www.arcelormittal.com■■ AUTOGAS IMPEX S.R.L.Str. Spicului, Nr. 4, Sector 2, BucureştiTel: +40 751 291655■■ AUTOMOBILE DACIA S.A.Str. Uzinei, Nr. 1, Cod poştal: 115400, Mioveni, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul ArgeşTel: +40 248 500000Fax: +40 0248 500076Website: www.daciagroup.com■■ AWAMARF GRUP S.R.L.Str. Lt. Col. Dumitru Petrescu, Târgu Jiu, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul GorjTel: +40 747379028■■ AZOMUREŞ S.A.Str. Gheorghe Doja, Nr. 300, Cod poştal: 540237, Târgu Mureş, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul MureşTel: +40 265 253700Fax: +40 265 252107Email: office@azomures.comWebsite: www.azomures.com■■ BADUC S.A.Str. Alexandru Câmpeanu, Nr 9-11, Sector 1, BucureştiTel: +40 21 2225000Fax: +40 21 2228374Website: www.baduc.ro■■ BAREXIM S.R.L.Strada Vaselor, Nr. 34, Sector 2, BucureştiTel: +40 21 2107200Fax: +40 21 2104189■■ BCR LEASING IFN S.A.Bd. Regina Elisabeta, Nr 5, Cod poştal 030016, Sector 3, BucureştiTel: +40 21 3237310Email: office@bcr-leasing.roWebsite: www.bcr-leasing.ro■■ BEGA REPARAŢII VAGOANE S.A.Str. Gării, Nr. 2, Cod poştal: 300166, Timişoara, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul TimişTel:+40 256 493383Fax:+40 256 494952Email: begareparatiivagoane@bega.roWebsite: www.begareparatiivagoane.ro■■ BEYFIN GAZ S.R.L.■■ ARGUS S.A.Str. Industrială, Nr. 1, Cod poştal: 900147, Constanţa, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul ConstanţaTel: +40 241 636074Fax: +40 241 634367Email: secretariat@argus-oil.roWebsite: www.argus-oil.ro■■ ASICAR S.R.L.Str. Gen. Dragalina, Nr. 14, Cod poştal: 450135, Zalău, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul SălajTel: +40 260 662066Fax: +40 260 662066■■ ATELIERELE CFR GRIVIŢA S.A.Calea Griviţei, Nr. 359, Cod poştal: 010718, Sector 1, BucureştiTel: +40 21 2240913Fax: +40 21 2241736Email: office@grivita.roWebsite: www.grivita.roProfil companie la pag. / Company profile at p. 200Str Cantonului, Cod poştal 400397, Cluj Napoca, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul ClujTel: +40 264 416755■■ BID ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE S:R.L.Str. Sandu Al<strong>de</strong>a, Nr. 25, Sector 4, BucureştiTel: +40 21 4011047■■ BIO FUEL ENERGY S.R.L.Str. Portului, Nr. 38, Zimnicea, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul Teleorman■■ BOROMIR IND S.R.L. – Sucursala DevaStr. Dr. Victor Suiaga, Nr. 4, Deva, ju<strong>de</strong>ţul HunedoaraTel: +40 254 218963■■ BRD SOGELEASE IFN S.A.Bd. Ion Mihalache, Nr. 1-7, Turn BRD, Etaj 12, Sector 1, BucureştiTel: +40 21 3014188 Fax: +40 21 3014104Email: brd.sogelease@brd.roWebsite: www.brdleasing.ro

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