2011, nr. 3 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2011, nr. 3 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2011, nr. 3 - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei


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Ştiinţe Medicaleas the threshold value for inflammatory syndromebasing on 50 per centile value in Gauss distributionof the studied patients. As well, consi<strong>de</strong>ring knownproinflammatory status of dialyzed population it israther logical to accept the values higher than normalas threshold ones. We have studied erythrocyte count,hemoglobin level (Hb), hematocrit level (HCT),mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscularhemoglobin (MCH) before and after the month oftreatment, as well as their modification (Δ - <strong>de</strong>lta).Statistical analysis was performed with Statistica 7.0program.Results and discussionsAnemia is an important problem in dialysispopulation: in our center only 17 out of 139 patients– 12,23% were free from anemia. The rest of thepatients have different <strong>de</strong>grees of anemia. In 109studied patients the number of transfusions were262 in the first 5 months – mean 2,4 transfusionper patient. Overall in treated groups (1st and 2ndones – 52 patients) there were performed 58 bloodtransfusions and none during the treatment period.Mean hemoglobin in this group increased from89,69±1,47 g/l till 92,52±1,86 g/l (Δ = +2,82±1,30g/l). Therefore α-erythropoietin treatment exclu<strong>de</strong>dthe need for circa 10 blood transfusions during thetherapy period. In non-treated groups (3rd and 4thones – 45 patients) earlier there were performed 98hemotransfusions. In the same time hemoglobinvalues have <strong>de</strong>creased from 88,31±2,25 g/l (p>0,05in comparison with the mean values in treated groups- 89,69±1,47 g/l) till 83,77±2,49 g/l (Δ = -4,53±1,30g/l). Thus, after even a month of treatment withlow-to-mo<strong>de</strong>rate doses of α-erythropoietin there is astatistically significant difference between treated andnon-treated groups: 92,52±1,86 g/l versus 83,77±2,49g/l (p

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