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Înţelegerea fenomenelor, o bucurie divinăLucrări publicate în reviste cotate ISI,în volumele unor conferinţe internaţionalePapers Published in ISI (ranked) Journals andin Proceedings of International Conferences[1] A. A. Raduta et al., Boson expansion method and thecollective negative parity states in even-even spherical nuclei,Phys.Rev. C8 (1973) 1525.[2] A. A. Raduta et al., On the exact solution of the harmonicquadrupole collective Hamiltonian, Nucl. Phys. A296 (1978) 228.[3] A. A. Raduta et al.,Closed forms of the matrix elementsof the quadrupole collective operators, Nucl. Phys. A 311(1978) 118, A.A. Raduta, V. Ceausescu and A. Gheorghe.[4] Phenomenological description of three interactingbands, Nucl. Phys. A 381 (1982) 253.[5] A. A. Raduta et al.,Semi-classical treatment of the interactionbetween individual and quadrupole collective degreesof freedom., Nucl. Phys. A 427 (1984) 1.[6] A. A. Raduta et al., Description of the $K^\pi = 1 +$magnetic states within a generalized coherent state model,Phys. Rev. C36 (1987) 2111.[7] A. A. Raduta et al.,The description of the collective M1 propertiesof the even-odd nuclei, Nucl. Phys. A 513 (1990) 11.[8] A. A. Raduta et al., The two neutrino double beta decayrate within a boson expansion formalism, Nucl. Phys.A534 (1991) 149.[9] A. A. Raduta et al., Scissors mode and nuclear deformation:a generalized coherent state a approach, Phys.Rev. C50 (1994) 127.[10] A. A. Raduta et al., Unified description of the$2\nu\beta\beta$ decay in spherical and deformed nuclei,Nucl. Phys. A, 564 (1993) 185.[11] A. A. Raduta, Description of scissors mode withinthe Moszkowski model, Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 2973.[12] A. A. Raduta et al., Phenomenological description ofrotational bands in the pear shaped nuclei, Phys. Rev. C55 (1997), 1747.[13] A. A. Raduta et al., The nuclear deformation versusthe spin-flip like excitations and the suppression of the$2\nu\beta\beta$ decay amplitude, Nucl. Phys. A 617(1997) 176.[14] A. A. Raduta et al.,Toward a full selfconsistent RPAapproach and a new proton neutron dipole excitation insome even-even nuclei, Nucl. Phys. A 634 (1998) 497.[15] A. A. Raduta et al., Description of the deformed metalicclusters within a projected spherical basis , Phys. Rev.B 59 (1999) 8209.[16] A. A. Raduta et al., Isospin and particle number projectionwith generalized nucleon-nucleon pairing, Ann.Phys. N. Y., 283 (2000) 1.[17] A. A. Raduta et al.,Description of Single and Doubleanalog States in the f7/2 shell:the Ti Isotopes,, Phys. Rev.C, 68 (2003) 044317.[18]A. A. Raduta,New results for the missing quantumnumbers labeling the quadrupole and octupole bosonstates, Jour. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 10951.[19] A. A. Raduta, The CSM extension to the odd-even octupoledeformed nuclei, Phys. Rev. C, 80, 044327 (2009).[20] A. A. Raduta et al.,Simultaneous description of fourpositive and four negative parity bands, Phys. Rev. C74(2006) 044312.[21]A. A. Raduta et al.,Colective dipole excitations insodium clusters, Phys. Rev. A.79, 023202 (2009).Poză de grup la centrul de cercetareFizică Teoretică. De la stânga la dreapta:prof. . Corfas, prof. C. Timofte,prof. A.A. Răduță, prof. A. Costescu,prof. D. Ștefănescu, prof. V. BăranProfesorul Răduță împreună cu președinteleAOSR, prof. dr. Vasile Cândea8

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