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Cooperare internaţionalăInternational CooperationAm beneficiat de colaborarea unor lideri, în țările lor, aidomeniului fizicii nucleare, fiind finanțat de granturiobținute în competiție: R.M. Dreizler (Frankfurt/Main),Amand Faessler (Tuebingen), N. Lo Iudice (Napoli), E.Moya de Guerra (Madrid), Lary Zamick (Rutgers), J. Suhonen(Jyvaskyla), Giu Do Dang (Orsay).Lista granturilor este: Bursă Humboldt, Bursă Copernicus,Premiul Pactul de Stabilitate în Europa de Sud-Est,grant Nato pentru Știință și Tehnologie, Titlul de DistinguishedProfesor la Universitatea Complutence din Madrid,mai multe granturi DFG, visiting professor de mai multe ori.De obicei, aceste colaborări s-au realizat prin vizite de 3 lunila universitățile menționate și scrierea de lucrări comune. LaTuebingen am adus mai mulți studenți de la Fa cul tatea deFizică, Universitatea din București, platiți de programulErasmus, pentru a pregăti lucrările de diplomă, dizertațiilesau tezele de doctorat. Pe de altă parte, tineri de la acesteuniversități au lucrat sub supravegherea mea: Celso Lima,Oliver Haug, Manfred Treftz, Uve Mayer, Alberto Escu -deros. Doctoranzii mei au fost acceptați, în urma recomandărilormele, la universități de prestigiu pentrucolaborare.Manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionaleorganizate1) Critical phenomena in heavy ion physics, Brașov InternationalSchool 1980, ICFIZ, Bucharest, Romania, 1124pagini; Eds: A.A. Raduta, G. Stratan2) Symmetries and Semiclassical Features of NuclearDynamics, Proceedings, 1986, Springer Verlag, 465 pagini;ed. by A.A. Raduță3) New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental NuclearPhysics, World Scientific, Singapore, 1992, 549 pagini; ed.by A.A. Raduță, D.S. Delion and I.I. Ursu4) Collective motion and Nuclear Dynamics, World Scientific,Singapore,1996, 585 pagini; ed.by A. A. Raduță, D. S.Delion and I. I. Ursu5) Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics, Proc. ofshort comm., Int. Summer Sch., Predeal, 1995,Rom. Jour.Phys. v. 41, no 1,2,1996, 210 p., ed. by A. A. Raduță6) Structure and Stability of Nucleon and Nuclear Systems,Predeal 1998,585 pagini, eds. A. A. Raduță, S. Stoicaand I. I. Ursu, World Scientific, Singapore7) Collective Motion and Phase Transitions in NuclearSystems, Predeal 2006, 700 pagini eds. by A. A. Raduță, V.Băran and I. I. Ursu, World Scientific, Singapore8) Structure and Stability of nucleon and nuclear systems,Predeal 1998, Proc. Short Comm., Rom. Jour. Phys.n.1, 2, 1999, ed. A.A. RaduțăCărţi publicate / Published Books1) A. A. Raduta, Coherent State Model for several collectiveinteracting bands, Recent Res. Devel. Nucl. Phys.,1(2004):1-70 ISBN:81-7895-124-XI benefited of collaboration with several leading personsof nuclear physics in their countries, being supported bygrants obtained through competitions: R.M. Dreizler (Frankfurt/Main),Amand Faessler (Tuebingen), N. Lo Iudice(Napoli), E. Moya de Guerra (Madrid), Lary Zamick (Rutgers),J. Suhonen (Jyvaskyla), Giu Do Dang (Orsay).Here is the list of grants: Humboldt fellowship, Copernicusfellowship, the prize Stability Pact in the South-EastEurope, Nato grant for Science and Technology Development,the title of Distinguished Professor at the ComplutenceUniversity from Madrid, several DFG grants, several timesvisiting professor. Collaborations have been concretized bythree months visits to the mentioned universities and writtingcommon papers. Several students from Bucharest University, payed by the Erasmus programe, spent at least one yearin Tuebingen for preparing diplomes, disertaitions or PhDthesis. On the other hand, abroad I had several students whoworked under my supervision: Celso Lima, Oliver Haug,Manfred Treftz, Uve Mayer, Alberto Escuderos. My docto -rands have been accepted, due to my recommendations, forcolaboration at prestigeous universitiesOrganized InternationalScientific Events1) Critical phenomena in heavy ion physics, Brasov InternationalSchool 1980, ICFIZ, Bucharest, Romania, 1124pages; Eds: A.A. Raduta, G. Stratan2) Symmetries and Semiclassical Features of NuclearDynamics, Proceedings, 1986, Springer Verlag, 465 pages;ed. by A.A. Raduta3) New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental NuclearPhysics, World Scientific, Singapore, 1992, 549 pages; ed.by A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion and I.I. Ursu4) Collective motion and Nuclear Dynamics, World Scien -tific, Singapore, 1996, 585 pages; ed.by A. A. Raduta, D. S.Delion and I. I. Ursu5) Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics, Proc. ofshort comm., Int. Summer Sch., Predeal, 1995, Rom. Jour.Phys. v. 41, no 1, 2, 1996, 210 p., ed. by A. A. Raduta6) Structure and Stability of Nucleon and Nuclear Systems,Predeal 1998, 585 pages, eds. A. A. Raduta, S. Stoicaand I. I. Ursu, World Scientific, Singapore7) Collective Motion and Phase Transitions in NuclearSystems, Predeal 2006, 700 pages eds. by A. A. Raduta, V.Baran and I. I. Ursu, World Scientific, Singapore8) Structure and Stability of nucleon and nuclear systems,Predeal 1998, Proc. of short comm., Rom. Jour. Phys.n.1, 2, 1999, ed. A.A. Raduta2) A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta, Fundamente de teoria nucleului(555 pages), Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 2007,ISBN 978-973-737-388-5.3) A. A. Raduta, Elements of special relativity (185pages), Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 2007, ISBN 978-973-737-352-6.Understanding phenomena, o holy joy7

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