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De la Imunologie Tumorală la Medicină MolecularăCooperare internaţională Universitatea “Auvergne” din Clermont-Ferrand, Franţa; Centrul de Oncologie Moleculară “Jean Perrin” dinClermont-Ferrand, Franţa; Universitatea Albert Ludwig şi Centrul de Competenţă înOncologie din Spitalul Universitar din Freiburg, Germania; Unitatea 774 INSERM Lille, Franţa.Manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionaleorganizateCurs Internaţional de Imunologie “John Humphrey” cutema “Imunologie Tumorală”, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 1992, Iaşi,Romania, Organizatorii cursului: Eugen Carasevici şi Prof.Dr. Klaus Eichmann, Societatea Română de Imunologie şiFederaţia Societăţilor Europene de Imunologie - EFISCurs Internaţional de Imunologie “John Humphrey” cutema “Self-Tolerance and Self-Recognition”, 15-19 Mai,2000, Sinaia, Romania, Organizatorii cursului: Eugen Carasevicişi Prof. Dr. Klaus Eichmann Societatea Română deImunologie şi Federaţia Societăţilor Europene de Imunologie- EFISImpactul rezultatelor asupra comunităţiiştiinţifice şi societateÎnfiinţarea, susţinerea şi funcţionarea unui dispozitiv decercetare biomedicală modernă, crearea premizelor fondatoareale unui mediu de cercetare sinergic prin unificareavariatelor expertize ale membrilor comunităţii ştiinţifice şiale clinicienilor într-o resursă combinată de laborator, fo-Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate ISI,în volumele unor conferinţe internaţionalePublished Papers in ISI (ranked) Journals andin Proceedings of International Conferences Giusca SE, Eloae Zugun F, Tarcoveanu E, Carasevici E,Amalinei C, Caruntu ID: Immunohistochemical study ofcolorectal cancer liver metastases: the immune/inflammatoryinfiltrate. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2010;51(1):73-9. Ancuţa E, Ancuţa C, Cozma LG, Iordache C,Anghelache-Lupaşcu I, Anton E, Carasevici E, ChirieacR. Tumor biomarkers in cervical cancer: focus on Ki-67proliferation factor and E-cadherin expression. Rom JMorphol Embryol. 2009;50(3):413-8. Ancuţa E, Ancuţa C, Zugun-Eloae F, Iordache C,Chirieac R, Carasevici E. Predictive value of cellularimmune response in cervical cancer. Rom J MorpholEmbryol. 2009;50(4):651-5. Roxana-Georgiana Tauser, Florin Zugun-Eloae, DanielaJitaru, Eugen Carasevici Hipoxia-Inducible factor HIF-1alfa: Pharmacogenetic perspective for Bevacizumab therapyRomanian Review of Laboratory Medicine 2009,vol.16, Nr. 3,: 7-12. Daniela Constantinescu, Carmen Cozmei AndreeaChiriac, Elena Mihălceanu, Irina Dumitraşcu, Eugen Carasevici.Investigarea citotoxicităţii periferice şi uterine însarcinile normale şi patologice de prim-trimestru. RevistaRomână de Medicină de Laborator,2008;11 (2):7-13. Cianga P, Cianga C, Plămădeala P, Brănişteanu D, CaraseviciE. The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) expression inthe human skin. Virchows Arch., 2007, oct, 451 (4):859-60.International Cooperation University “Auvergne”, Clermont-Ferrand, France ; Molecular Oncology Center “Jean Perrin”, Clermont-Ferrand, France ; Albert Ludwig University and Comprehensive CancerCenter University Hospital Freiburg, Germany 774 INSERM Unit, Lille, FranceOrganized InternationalScientific Events"John Humphrey" International Immunology CourseTumor Immunology, Aug.30 -Sept.2, 1992, Iasi, Romania, Course organizers: EugenCarasevici and Prof. Dr. Klaus Eichmann, Romanian Societyof Immunology and European Federation of ImmunologicalSocieties"John Humphrey" International Immunology Course“Self-Tolerance and Self-Recognition”, May 15-19 2000,Sinaia, Romania, Course organizers: Eugen Carasevici andProf. Dr. Klaus Eichmann, Romanian Society of Immunologyand European Federation of Immunological SocietiesThe Impact of the Results on theScientific Community and SocietyTo establish, maintain, and run a modern molecular researchfacility and create the founding premises of a synergisticenvironment for research by pooling the variedexpertises of the member scientists and clinicians in the creationof a combined laboratory resource focused on functionalgenomic technologies that are broadly applicable to Diaconu C., Gavrilovici V., Ghenghe D., Dragomir C.,Cozma L., Ciornea L., Carasevici E. Combined modalitytreatment for locally advanced breast cancer. Acta ChirurgicaBelgica, 2003, 103, 6, pp: 589-592. Petru Cianga, Corina Cianga, Laurette Cozma, E. SallyWard, Eugen Carasevici. The MHC class I related Fcreceptor, FcRn, is expressed in the epithelial cells of thehuman mammary gland. Human Immunology, 2003, vol.64 (12), pp.: 1152-1159. Coman G., Moraru E., Butnaru F., Carasevici E.,Apetrei C. Rhodococcus equi systemic infection in anHIV-1 infected child, Clinical Microbiology and Infection,1998, vol. 4, no. 6, p 353-354. Carmen Cantemir, Carmen Cozmei, Brigitte Scutaru,Sergiu Nicoară, Eugen Carasevici. p53 Protein expressionin peripheral lymphocytes from atrazine chronically intoxicatedrats, Toxicology Letters, 1997, 93: p. 87-94. Lucian Negură, Eugen Carasevici, Anca Negură, NancyUhrhammer and Yves-Jean Bignon, 2009. Identificationof a recurrent BRCA1 mutation in a north-eastern Romanianpopulation. European Journal of Human Genetics,Vol 17, Supplement 2, p. 194. (Impact factor 2007, 4.003). Lucian Negură, Eugen Carasevici, Anca Negură, NancyUhrhammer and Yves-Jean Bignon, 2009. Rapide PCR-RFLP screening for a novel BRCA2 mutation found in anorth-eastern Romanian population. FEBS Journal, Volume276, Supplement 1, p. 331. (Impact factor 2007, 3.396). Lucian Negură, Eugen Carasevici, Anca Negură, NancyUhrhammer and Yves-Jean Bignon, 2008. Preliminary geneticinvestigations of BRCA genes within HBOC familiesin North-Eastern Romania. European Journal of HumanGenetics, Volume 16, Supplement 2, p. 198. (Impactfactor 2007, 4)46

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