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Integrarea europeană a învăţământului superior agricol românescsuccesF) Pavilion Biologie - amenajare/modernizare, dotaremobilier, aparatura informatică, video și de multiplicare,materiale didactice (colecție ornitologică) (finanțareproiecte CNCSIS, TEMPUS, Banca Mondială).G) Câmpuri experimentale și Biobază din incinta universității- motocultoare cu echipamente specifice, instalațieirigare automatizată (finanțare proiecte Banca Mondială,FP5, FP6).H) Spații de cercetare și învățământ (An.II.78, A.II.80,A.II.81, A.II.85, A.I.52, A.I.53) - amenajare/modernizare,dotare mobilier, aparatura informatică, video și de multiplicare,conectare internet (finanțare proiecte FP5, FP6, CEEX,CNCSIS).I) Mijloace deplasare personal cercetare, la câmpuri experimentale,acțiuni de diseminare, manifestări științificeinterne și internaționale (microbuz, finanțare surse extrabugetare).Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate ISI,în volumele unor conferinţe internaţionalePapers Published in ISI (ranked) Journals andin Proceedings of International Conferences Gh.V.Roman, M. Toader, 2009 - The operation throughthe support of Internet Tools for Organic Agriculture in Romania.Proceed. of "4 th Int.Conf. on Energy Efficiency andAgricultural Engineering", Rousse, 8 p. Gh.V.Roman, M. Toader, 2007 - Organic Agriculture - aChance for food availability in Romania. Proceed. of" 5 thInt. Conf. on Organic Agriculture and Food Security",FAO, Rome, 6 p. Gh.V.Roman, A.M.Roman, V.Ion, L.I.Bucata, 2004 - Experimentalresults on Technology of Sunflower Crop in Romania.Proceed. of "2 nd Int.Conf.", Rousse, 8 p. Gh.V.Roman M.Vajiala, C.Leonte, P.Parsan, I.Rotar,L.I.Bucata, 2004 - Agricultural Sciences core curricula forRomanian Agricultural Engineering University studies.Proceed. of the "USAEE 4 th Conf.", Leuven, Belgium, 16 p. Gh.V.Roman, I.N.Alecu, Al.Moisuc, G.Jitareanu et al.,2003 - Current structures of the Romanian University studiesin Agricultural Engineering. Proceed. of the Conf. "UniversityStudies in Agricultural Engineering in Europe",Madrid, 25 p. Gh.V.Roman, L.I.Bucata, V.Ion, Shenglian Luo, 2001 -Evolution of the field crops assortment in Romanian agriculture.Proceed. of the "37 th Croatian Symp. on Agriculturewith International Participation", Opatija, Croatia, 6 p.F) Pavilion Biology - development / modernization,equipment, furniture, computer, equipment for copying andvideo, educational materials (Ornithological Collection)(financing CNCSIS, TEMPUS, World Bank projects).G) Didactic and Experimental fields outside and insidethe university - cultivators with specific equipment, automaticirrigation equipment (financing World Bank, FP5, FP6projects).H) Spaces for research and education (An.II.78, A.II.80,A.II.81, A.II.85, A.I.52, A.I.53) - development / modernization,equipment, furniture, computer equipment, video andmultiplication, Internet connection (financing FP5, FP6,CEEX, CNCSIS projects).I) Personnel travel tools for travel in experimental fields,dissemination actions, scientific internal and internationalevents (minibus, extrabudgetary funding sources). Gh.V.Roman, A.Mitroi, V.Ion, 1998 - Sweet-SorghumCrop in Romania. Proceed. of the "EC-Conference forEnergy and Industry", Würzburg, 4 p. A.Marica, A.M.Roman V.Cuculeanu, Gh.V.Roman, 1998- Modeling Maize Responses to doubling Carbon Dioxideand Climate Changes. Proceed. of "First ÁFITA Conf.",Japan, 10 p. Gh.V.Roman, G.Gosse, D.O.Hall, A.M.Roman, V.Ion,1998 - Research on Sweet-Sorghum Productivity in theSouth Romanian Plain. Proceed. of "First ÁFITA Conf.",Japan, 10 p. Gh.V.Roman, Gh.Bilteanu, B.Cusursuz, A.M.Roman,1996 - Experimental results on the Technology of Sweet-Sorghum cultivation in the South Romanian Plain.Proceed.of the "1st Workshop on Sorghum for Energy andIndustry", Toulouse, 10 p. Gh.V.Roman, Sp.Kyritsis, A.M.Roman et al., 1996 - EnergyBiomass Resources on Romania's Territory. Proceed.of the "3 rd Int.Sci.Conf.", Bucharest, 5 p. Gh.Bilteanu V. Barnaure, Gh.V.Roman, 1977 -Pestovanie obilnin v Rumunsku. "Informacie" no.22-23,Nitra-CSR, 12 pag. Vl.Ionescu-Sisesti, I.Jinga, Gh.V.Roman, Gh.Pricop,1975 - The Efficiency of Using sludge from Pigs GrowingComplexes as Organic Fertilizer. Proceed. of the "3 rd Int.Symp. on Livestock Wastes", SUA, 8 p. Vl.Ionescu-Sisesti, Gh.V.Roman, I.Jinga, 1973 -Ricerche sull'utillizzazione in agricoltura dei fangli risultantidall' epurazione degli effluenti dei complexi deimaioli in Romania. "Convegno Agrobiologia", nr.2,Bologna, 8 pag.Resursa umană implicatăCoordonarea timp de 40 ani (la Facultatea de Agriculturădin București), la 145 teme de cercetare, a colectivelorformate din cadre didactice (12-20 persoane, din care 9 foștidoctoranzi), doctoranzi (20 teze finalizate, 10 doctoranzi înstagiu, din care 3 doctoranzi străini), masteranzi (52 lucrăride disertație îndrumate) și studenți (167 lucrări de încheiereastudiilor îndrumate). Prin proiecte proprii de cercetare-dezvoltareși educație-instruire coordonate, au fost finanțatestagii de specializare/documentare: Universitatea Maribor,Slovenia: 22 stagii (15 la cursuri master european); UniversitateaAgricolă Atena, Grecia: 67 stagii (2 stagii pentru doctorat);Universitatea Evora, Portugalia: 6 stagii (2 mastereuropean); Universitatea Wageningen, Olanda: 5 stagii (1stagiu master); Universitatea Gent, Belgia: 2 stagii mastereuropean; Universitatea Sofia, Bulgaria: 2 stagii master eu-Human ResourcesCoordination for 40 years (Bucharest, Faculty of Agriculture)in 145 subjects, the research teams consisting ofteachers (12-20 people, of which 9 former PhD), PhD students(20 finalized thesis, 10 doctoral students in training, 3of foreign doctoral students), graduate (52 master's thesisguided) and students (167 works for final examinationguided). Through own Research & Development and Education-Trainingprojects, have been funded training / documentationstages: University of Maribor, Slovenia: 22 stages(15 European Master courses); Agricultural University ofAthens, Greece: 67 stages (2 stages for doctoral); Universityof Evora, Portugal: 6 stages (2 European Master); Universityof Wageningen, Netherlands: 5 stages (1 stage Master);Ghent University, Belgium: 2 stages European Master;University of Sofia, Bulgaria: 2 stages European Master;34

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