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Child’s Play, a project curated by Guillaume Désanges, detail, 2008,<br />

credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi<br />

lui Mladen Stilinović, emblematicæ, de altfel, pentru practica acestui artist de formaflie<br />

conceptualæ interesat de analiza interacfliunilor complexe ale semnelor vizuale<br />

øi lingvistice. Stilinović capteazæ în mod vizionar lupta artiøtilor în depæøirea procesului<br />

de tranziflie impus de situaflia socio-economicæ a flærilor nevorbitoare de limbæ<br />

englezæ, unde îmbræfliøarea necriticæ a culturii globale duce la o devalorizare a celei<br />

locale.<br />

Un alt spafliu de expunere l-a reprezentat Sala de Sport a Facultæflii de Artæ, un fost<br />

grajd pentru cai a cærui trecutæ condiflie a fost reactivatæ de hazard: la ieøirea din clædire<br />

se putea vedea într-una din zile un cal înhæmat la cæruflæ, cæpæstrul fiind legat chiar<br />

de balustrada de la intrare. O situaflie, de altfel, sugestivæ pentru contextul în care<br />

a trebuit sæ opereze bienala – pe de o parte, o instituflie de artæ contemporanæ care<br />

se stræduieøte (øi chiar reuøeøte) sæ se ridice la standarde internaflionale, o construcflie<br />

care cîøtigæ premiul pentru arhitecturæ contemporanæ etc., pe de altæ parte, în acelaøi<br />

oraø, un cal legat de unul dintre spafliile de expunere; se putea un exemplu mai<br />

bun de totalæ schizofrenie?<br />

Idee ilustratæ, altminteri, øi în tabloul vivant al lui Yuri Leiderman, un performance<br />

care, pe durata vernisajului øi în ziua urmætoare, a ocupat intrarea în Cubul Teatrului<br />

Naflional. Intitulatæ Geopoetica –15, lucrarea reprezenta douæ femei în costume<br />

populare ruseøti care tæiau varzæ pe fundalul unui portret înræmat al lui Jules Vernes.<br />

Artistul, invitat pentru a doua oaræ la Periferic, creeazæ un sistem de referinflæ de<br />

sine stætætor, în care legæturile dintre semnificafliile øi încærcæturile istorice, dihotomiile<br />

vechi/nou, tradiflie/inovaflie îøi dau întîlnire, aparent, în mod aleatoriu, într-o sincopæ<br />

a discursului zilnic normal øi logic.<br />

Dacæ ar fi sæ identificæm o esteticæ relaflionalæ avant la lettre în Ungaria, atunci lucrarea<br />

lui Miklós Erdély stæ drept mærturie a puterii relafliilor interumane create de momentul<br />

1956. Lucrarea Unguarded Money [Bani færæ pazæ] constæ într-o fotografie a uneia<br />

dintre cutiile amplasate în diverse locuri din Budapesta pentru colecta publicæ de<br />

bani în beneficiul rudelor celor morfli în timpul revolufliei. Acfliunea a constituit un<br />

succes øi au fost strînse sume mari de bani. Unguarded Money are toate ingredientele<br />

ilustrînd, conform lui Nicolas Bourriaud, influenta teorie a esteticii relaflionale<br />

de la mijlocul anilor ’90, dupæ care funcflionalitatea produsului artistic e mai presus<br />

decît contemplarea, pluralitatea interpretærilor øi implicarea privitorului sînt încurajate,<br />

iar autorul colectiv nu mai reprezintæ o curiozitate. În acest fel, „microutopiile“,<br />

intervenfliile la nivel local sînt favorizate øi susflinute, în pofida directivelor<br />

generale care vizeazæ societatea în ansamblu.<br />

Conformîndu-se conceptului bienalei, relafliile dintre jocurile mecanismelor sociale<br />

øi cele ale strategiilor politice menite sæ exercite un control asupra artelor vizuale<br />

– on one hand, a contemporary art institution trying (and even<br />

succeeding) to rise to international standards, a construction winning<br />

a prize for contemporary architecture etc, on the other hand, within<br />

the same city, a horse tied up to one of the exhibition venues; what<br />

better example for a total schizophrenia?<br />

This <strong>idea</strong> was also illustrated by Yuri Leiderman’s “tableau vivant“,<br />

a performance which, on the duration of the opening and the next<br />

day, used the entrance to the National Theatre cube. The work entitled<br />

Geopoetica – 15 presented two women wearing Russian folk<br />

costumes slicing cabbage with the framed portrait of Jules Verne in<br />

the background. The artist, invited for the second time at Periferic,<br />

creates a reference system of its own, wherein the ties between the<br />

historical meanings and valences, the old/new and tradition/innovation<br />

dichotomies meet, seemingly accidentally, as a break in the<br />

everyday normal and logical discourse.<br />

If we were to identify a relational aesthetics avant la lettre in Hungary,<br />

then Miklós Erdély’s work reveals the power of the inter-human relations<br />

created at the 1956 moment. The work Unguarded Money consists<br />

in a photograph of one of the boxes placed all over Budapest<br />

for a public collection of money meant to help the relatives of those<br />

who died during the revolution. The action was a success and large<br />

sums of money were collected. Unguarded Money has all the ingredients<br />

needed to illustrate, in accordance to Nicolas Bourriaud, the<br />

influent theory of the relational aesthetics from the mid 90s, according<br />

to which the functionality of the artistic object is more important<br />

than contemplation, the plurality and the involvement of the viewer<br />

are being encouraged and the collective author is no longer seen as<br />

a curiosity. Thus, the “micro-utopias“, the interventions at a local<br />

level are being favored and supported in spite of the general directives<br />

regarding society as a whole.<br />

Conforming to the concept of the biennial, the relationships between<br />

the plays of social mechanisms and those of the political strategies<br />

meant to exercise a control on visual arts are being synthesized and<br />

explored by CCCK (The Center for Communication and Context Kiev)<br />

as an exhibition in exhibition. It is an installation based on documentation<br />

which raises questions about the Soros institutions and the<br />

“gratuity“ of granting such European financing, calling for a meditation<br />

on the reverse of making gifts (because apparently nothing is for<br />

free) and the further cultural implications within the post-communist<br />

European space (where “the gift“ is the essence of the Soros Foundation,<br />

which can take the form of a neo-colonialism, and the “masters“<br />

are the capitalist system based on the <strong>idea</strong>s of conquering and<br />

monopoly). Thus the biennial has succeeded to take a critical stance<br />

towards the mythology of the gifts received from “masters“, unveiling,<br />

at the same time, a whole set of relations and power systems<br />

around the permutable notion of “truth“ and the derivates, temporarily<br />

and geographically delimited, which it generates.<br />

In the same train of thought, one should say that the film created by<br />

the curator Hila Peleg, A Crime against Art (2007), documenting a<br />

performance wherein known names of the international art life played<br />

different parts in a trial against the abusive way of exploiting the<br />

artistic system for the benefit of personal image. Through embracing<br />

a critical stance towards the artistic and curatorial practices, the film<br />

is in fact meant to reaffirm the position of the participants, revealing<br />

once more the mechanism which compromise, but also activate the<br />

ascension in the world of art.<br />

The Casa Pogor Museum, the third exhibition space, which during<br />

the 19th century hosted the literary society Junimea, has invited the<br />

artist Dora García with a sculpture made out of her favorite books<br />

translated into Romanian, followed by a public debate with the participation<br />

of students from different Iaøi faculties. And since books<br />

are often used as a gift, the work questions the conceptual influence<br />

which the universal literature translated into Romanian had before<br />

and right after 1989.<br />

A novel project for Iaøi was the temporary architectural structure<br />

Info Point placed in front of the A. I. Cuza University and which only<br />


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