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Miloš Jovanović’s presentation, 2008, credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi<br />

Dora García’s colloquium at Casa Pogor, 2008, credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi<br />

Nofliunea de piaflæ liberæ, unde totul, dacæ e regizat cum trebuie, se poate prezenta<br />

sub forma unui dar, a pætruns relativ recent în România, odatæ cu marile teme<br />

ale globalizærii. Ceea ce însæ nu ne împiedicæ sæ ne întrebæm: recenta intrare în Uniunea<br />

Europeanæ este un dar sau creeazæ o situaflie de compromis?<br />

… øi cel moldovean (2008), videoul Aureliei Mihai, a prezentat într-o manieræ proprie<br />

øi evocatoare o situaflie regretabilæ – dispariflia tradifliei practicii oieritului øi a transhumanflei<br />

în favoarea cumpæræturilor de la supermarket. Brînza fæcutæ de oier nu<br />

mai poate fi vîndutæ legal øi echitabil sau folositæ în procesul economic arhaic de troc.<br />

Ce pierdem prin îmbræfliøarea necriticæ a valorilor occidentale? Este capitalismul singura<br />

salvare pentru statele foste comuniste? Lucrarea investigheazæ, de asemenea,<br />

distanflele impuse între cele douæ Moldove de situaflia economicæ øi politicæ diferitæ,<br />

… øi cel moldovean fæcînd parte, împreunæ cu o altæ lucrare prezentæ în bienalæ,<br />

cea a lui Veaceslav Druflæ, La cumpæræturi (2008), din proiectul RO-MD/Moldova<br />

în douæ scenarii, o colaborare a KSA:K (Chiøinæu) cu Vector (Iaøi).<br />

Filmul Aureliei Mihai poate fi considerat o sintezæ a situafliei României actuale, în pragul<br />

adaptærii la o economie de piaflæ, „o nouæ ordine“ impusæ sau doritæ în cadrul<br />

unui proces de neocolonizare, lucrarea analizînd implicit efectul globalizærii asupra<br />

artei locale, într-o epocæ în care „statul“ este tributar unor companii multinaflionale<br />

aflate în afara puterii de decizie a guvernelor.<br />

Acelaøi subiect a fost tratat de An Artist Who Cannot Speak English Is No Artist [Un<br />

artist care nu øtie vorbi engleza nu este artist] (1991) – litere cusute pe o fîøie de<br />

material de culoare roz sugerînd un steag, una dintre cele trei lucræri prezente ale<br />

View of the Mladen Stilinović works, credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi<br />

to the history of performance, in view of the fact that its first form of<br />

existence, in 1997, was that of a performance festival. By emphasizing<br />

the educative and interactive aspect of the biennial, Johanna<br />

Billing’s workshop, which took place at the Students’ House, brought<br />

together a choreographer from Sweden, musicians from the Iaøi<br />

Philharmonic and young people interested in this genre who created<br />

a piece of contemporary dance which shall be issued as a video.<br />

This work with multiple valences marks out the lack in Iaøi of a platform<br />

for those interested in approaching contemporary dance.<br />

The concept of a free market where everything, if properly directed,<br />

may be presented as a gift, has entered Romania recently, along<br />

with the major themes of globalization. But this should not stop us<br />

wonder: is the recent integration into the European Union a gift or<br />

does it create a situation of compromise?<br />

... øi cel moldovean (2008) [... and the Moldavian One], Aurelia Mihai’s<br />

video, has presented in a specific and evocative manner a regrettable<br />

situation – the disappearance of the tradition related to sheep<br />

breeding and transhumance abandoned in favor of the supermarket<br />

shopping. The cheese made by the sheep breeder can no longer be<br />

sold legally or conveniently or used in the archaic economical process<br />

of barter. What do we lose by uncritically embracing Western values?<br />

Is capitalism the only chance for the former communist countries?<br />

The work also investigates the distances between the two Moldavian<br />

regions which were imposed by the different economic and politic<br />

situations, as ... and the Moldavian One, along with another work<br />

exhibited at the biennial, that of Veaceslav Druflæ, La cumpæræturi<br />

[Shopping] (2008), is part of the project RO-MD/Moldova în douæ<br />

scenarii [RO-MD/Moldova in two scenarios], a collaboration between<br />

KSA:K (Chiøinæu) and Vector (Iaøi).<br />

Aurelia Mihai’s film may be seen as a synthesis of the situation in<br />

today’s Romania, which is on the point of adopting a market economy,<br />

“a new order“ imposed or desired as part of a process of<br />

neo-colonization, as the work analyses implicitly the effect of globalization<br />

on local art in an era when “the state“ is tributary to multinational<br />

companies from outside the governments’ power of decision.<br />

The same topic was approached in An Artist Who Cannot Speak<br />

English Is No Artist (1991) – letters sewn on a piece of pink fabric<br />

resembling a flag, one of the three works of Mladen Stilinovic’ present<br />

here, emblematic, in fact, for the practice of this artist of a conceptual<br />

<strong>format</strong>ion interested in analyzing the complex interactions of<br />

the visual and linguistic signs. Stilinovic’ catches in a visionary manner<br />

the artists’ struggle to overcome the transition process imposed<br />

by the social-economical situation of the non-English speaking countries,<br />

where the uncritical acceptance of the global culture leads to<br />

a devaluation of the local one.<br />

Another exhibition space was the Sports Hall of the Art Faculty, once<br />

a horse stable, the former condition of which was reactivated by<br />

chance: one day during the biennial, at the building entrance one<br />

could see a horse and a carriage tied to the hand rail. A situation suggestive,<br />

in fact, for the context in which the biennial had to develop<br />


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