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Gregory Sholette’s lecture, 2008, credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi<br />

Hila Peleg<br />

A Crime against Art, video, 2007, credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi<br />

foarte consistent øi variat în prima sæptæmînæ, în cadrul cæruia artiøti, studenfli, profesori,<br />

teoreticieni ai artei øi activiøti au fost invitafli la Sala Sporturilor øi la Facultatea<br />

de Arhitecturæ.<br />

Teatrul Naflional a pus la dispoziflie, în curtea sa – din pricina renoværii prin care trece<br />

–, propria salæ alternativæ de spectacole, o clædire în formæ de cub negru, proiect ce<br />

a cîøtigat, de altfel, o medalie la Bienala bucureøteanæ de Arhitecturæ. 1 În interiorul clædirii,<br />

pereflii tapetafli cu draperii imense de catifea roøie creau o atmosferæ sumbræ, dar øi<br />

ludic-dramaticæ, spafliu în care curatorul Guillaume Désanges øi-a prezentat instalaflia<br />

de video, desene øi proiecflii de fotografii, însumînd rezultatul workshopului experimental<br />

(istoria performance-urilor faimoase, începînd cu anii ’60, rescrisæ gestic sub<br />

forma unor adaptæri) cu elevii de opt ani ai unei øcoli elementare din Iaøi. Pe lîngæ latura<br />

didacticæ pe care o impune, de a lucra cu aceøti copii explicîndu-le principiile artei<br />

conceptuale, curatorul a reuøit sæ abordeze problematica artei ca limbaj universal,<br />

dar øi pe cea a receptærii, de cætre public, a unui produs artistic decontextualizat.<br />

Era de aøteptat ca Perifericul sæ cuprindæ cel puflin o lucrare legatæ de istoria performance-ului,<br />

dat fiind cæ prima sa formæ de existenflæ, în ’97, a fost cea de festival<br />

de performance. Accentuînd latura educativæ øi de interacfliune a bienalei, workshopul<br />

artistei Johanna Billing, desfæøurat la Casa Studenflilor, a adus împreunæ o coregrafæ<br />

din Suedia, muzicieni de la Filarmonica din Iaøi øi tineri interesafli de gen, care<br />

au creat o piesæ de dans contemporan ce urmeazæ sæ fie difuzatæ ca video. Lucrarea,<br />

cu valenfle multiple, evidenfliazæ însæ øi lipsa, la Iaøi, a unei platforme pentru cei preocupafli<br />

de abordarea dansului contemporan.<br />

The Vector Iaøi Association, led by the artist Matei Bejenaru, which<br />

has been organizing the biennial ever since its first edition (as a performance<br />

festival in 1997) has continued the previous editions’<br />

efforts to broaden the educative program for the young public.<br />

This time it was about two ambitious projects of creative mediation<br />

for pupils and students, but also for the wider public, consisting in<br />

conferences, debates, workshops, guided tours which took place on<br />

the whole duration of the biennial. A studio for artistic practices and<br />

debates has been created, with a very consistent and varied program<br />

during the first week, where artists, professors, art theoreticians<br />

and activists have been invited to the Sports Hall and the<br />

Faculty of Architecture.<br />

The National Theatre came up with its own provisional stage in its<br />

courtyard – due to the renovation process it’s going through –<br />

a building shaped like black cube, a project which has even won<br />

a medal at the Bucharest Architecture Biennial. 1 Inside the building,<br />

the walls draped in huge red velvet curtains created a somber, but<br />

also playful-dramatic environment. This space was used by the curator<br />

Guillaume Désanges to present his video installation, drawings<br />

and photographic projections, the result of the experimental workshop<br />

(the history of famous performances, starting with the 60s, rewritten<br />

in a gesticulatory manner as adaptations) with the 8 year old<br />

pupils of an elementary school in Iaøi. Apart from the didactic aspect<br />

it engages, that of working with these children and explaining the<br />

principles of conceptual art to them, the curator has managed to<br />

approach the issue of art as an international language, but also that<br />

of the reception of a de-contextualized artistic product by the public.<br />

It was expected that Periferic included at least one work related<br />

Mona Vætæmanu & Florin Tudor<br />

Piafla Rosa Luxemburg, 2008, credit: Asociaflia Vector, Iaøi

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