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scena<br />

dintre aceøti participanfli afli lucrat deja øi la Bucureøti – putefli vorbi deja de o continuitate<br />

øi de colaboræri care dau rezultate pe termen lung?<br />

√ Credem cæ, îngæduindu-ne sæ folosim un cuvînt oarecum devalorizat de retorica<br />

„evaluærilor de proiect“, „succesul“ unor proiecte ca Project Space sau Feminisme,<br />

care au caracterul unor platforme unde diferite inifliative se întîlnesc, este dat<br />

tocmai de continuitatea în timp a acestor platforme, chiar dupæ ce spafliul fizic nu<br />

mai funcflioneazæ. Pentru noi, e o mare sursæ de energie øi de inspiraflie faptul cæ<br />

existæ oameni øi grupuri cu care s-a creat o legæturæ continuæ în timp, materializatæ<br />

în diferite alte discuflii, întîlniri, proiecte, prietenii.<br />

¬ Credefli cæ modelul democrafliei participative øi al microcomunitæflilor autoreglate<br />

poate deveni eficient la scaræ largæ? Cæ putem înlocui simboluri „eroice“ ale revolufliei<br />

precum generalii în uniformæ?<br />

√ Chiar dacæ, gîndindu-ne la circumstanflele globale din prezent, pare aøa de puflin<br />

posibil ca modelul unei democraflii puse în practicæ de jos în sus sæ fie aplicabil la<br />

scaræ largæ, totuøi, tocmai avînd în vedere revoltætoarea lipsæ de eticæ øi de responsabilitate<br />

care guverneazæ în mare mæsuræ lumea, consideræm cæ e important sæ credem<br />

cæ o lume diferitæ ar fi posibilæ. Probabil cæ, urmærind ceea ce se petrece în prezent<br />

în lume, acesta este lucrul cel mai greu, sæ crezi cæ mai existæ un punct de întoarcere<br />

øi sæ crezi cæ posibilitatea schimbærii depinde de fiecare dintre noi, sæ crezi cæ felul<br />

în care alegem sæ ne træim vieflile noastre individuale, gesturile cotidiene pe care<br />

le facem pot avea un impact asupra unei schimbæri într-un plan mai larg, sæ nu renunfli<br />

sæ-fli imaginezi spaflii posibile în afara normelor existente øi sæ nu-fli pierzi speranfla<br />

cæ aceste spaflii ar putea fi, la un moment dat, accesibile oricæruia dintre noi.<br />

¬ Ce planuri avefli pentru lunile urmætoare încheierii proiectului Feminisme?<br />

√ Spafliul de proiecte Feminisme va fi deschis pînæ în luna mai, pînæ atunci desfæøurîndu-se<br />

evenimentele publice øi, de asemenea, pînæ atunci fiind accesibilæ<br />

publicului øi o micæ bibliotecæ cu cærfli øi publicaflii relevante pentru proiect, reprezentatæ,<br />

în mare parte, de colecflia Travelling Zines a colectivului Ladyfest România/F.I.A.<br />

În paralel, lucræm la o publicaflie care va reflecta, în afara evenimentelor desfæøurate<br />

în spafliu, diferite poziflii øi practici feministe din România øi din afara flærii, care<br />

au relevanflæ pentru o înflelegere mai nuanflatæ a subiectelor. Aøa cæ, în urmætoarele<br />

luni dupæ încheierea lucrului în spafliul fizic al proiectului, principalul nostru focus<br />

va fi editarea publicafliei. De asemenea, subiectele øi practicile proiectului sînt de<br />

aøa naturæ, încît nu se vor epuiza odatæ cu finalizarea acestuia, ci vor fi, cu siguranflæ,<br />

o constantæ, în continuare, a muncii noastre.<br />

Project Space, within Spafliul Public Bucureøti | Public Art Bucharest 2007, Ladyfest,<br />

October 2007, Bucharest. Photo: H.arta<br />

We think that the way we work as a group and the way we negotiate<br />

the relations among the members of the group, as well as with other<br />

groups or individuals, the way we constantly refer to ourselves as<br />

“I“ and “we“ is an important practice for the ways in which we constantly<br />

try to define our position as artists and as persons who want<br />

to react to the injustices around us. In this respect, we could also talk<br />

about the models which inspire us in our collaborative work.<br />

We think that the need to approach feminist issues was and still is<br />

always present throughout the world. If we think, for example, about<br />

one of the major issues approached by feminism, that of inequality<br />

(who are the outshined, whose voices are not being heard, whose<br />

problems are not being talked about, what is considered worthy<br />

of being talked about, how inequitable and to whom are the states<br />

of fact which we take as “normality“), we will see that this is a problem<br />

never completely solved.<br />

In this respect, the models inspiring us are not necessarily from the<br />

art field. They are diverse and come from various fields, they are all<br />

those questions, actions, approaches, practices which challenge our<br />

prejudices, which broaden our perspectives, activate our creativity<br />

and our courage to think that it is possible to change a compelling<br />

situation.<br />

¬ Practically, the space of the Feminisms project functions as a<br />

meeting point for the public and all those local and international<br />

initiatives you were talking about. You have already worked in<br />

Bucharest with some of these participants – can you already talk<br />

about continuity and about fruitful collaboration on the long term?<br />

√ We think that, if we may use a word rather devalued by the rhetoric<br />

of the “project evaluation“, the “success“ of projects like Project<br />

Space or Feminisms, which serve as platforms where different initiatives<br />

meet, is given by the time continuity of these platforms, even<br />

after the space itself stops functioning. The fact that there are still<br />

people and groups with whom we have a continuous bond in time,<br />

which materializes in various other discussions, encounters, projects,<br />

friendships is a great source of energy and inspiration for us.<br />

¬ Do you think that the model of participative democracy and selfregulated<br />

micro-communities may become efficient on a large scale?<br />

That we can replace “heroic“ symbols of the revolution such as the<br />

generals in uniforms?<br />

√ Even though, if we consider the present global situation, it seems<br />

very improbable for the model of a democracy from bottom to top to<br />

be applied on a large scale, especially considering the revolting lack<br />

of ethics and responsibility which mostly governs the world, we think<br />

that it is important to believe that a different world could be possible.<br />

It is probably, keeping an eye on what happens in the world,<br />

the most difficult thing – to think that there is a point of return and<br />

that the possibility of change depends on everyone of us, to think<br />

that the way we choose to live our individual lives and our everyday<br />

actions can impact on a wider change, not to give up imagining possible<br />

spaces outside the existent norms and not to lose hope that<br />

these spaces could be someday accessible to everyone.<br />

¬ What are your plans for the months after the conclusion of the<br />

Feminisms project?<br />

√ The project space Feminisms will be open until May; until then,<br />

the public has access to a small library of books and magazines relevant<br />

for the project which mostly consists in the collection of Travelling<br />

Zines of the Ladyfest România/F.I.A. collective. In parallel, we<br />

work on a publication which, apart from the space-related events,<br />

will reflect different feminist positions and practices in Romania and<br />

abroad, which are relevant for a more nuanced understanding of the<br />

issues. Thus, during the months after completing the work within<br />

the physical space of the project, our main focus will be on editing<br />

the publication. At the same time, the topics and the practices of the<br />

project will not exhaust once it is completed, but will surely continue<br />

to be a constant of our work.<br />

Translated by Alex Moldovan<br />


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