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Project Space, within Spafliul Public Bucureøti | Public Art Bucharest 2007, “Spaces Set Free by Reni”,<br />

a project by Reni Hofmüller, 2007, Bucharest, photo: H.arta<br />

am primit în acele zile øi din partea lui Emil Moise (un alt invitat în cadrul Project Space),<br />

cu care ne-am aflat în contact telefonic aproape permanent pe parcursul zilei de<br />

2 aprilie (ziua în care jandarmeria a intrat abuziv în spafliul închiriat øi a reflinut toate<br />

persoanele aflate acolo la acea oræ) øi care a depus o plîngere penalæ la Parchetul<br />

de pe lîngæ Înalta Curte de Casaflie øi Justiflie împotriva Jandarmeriei Române øi a<br />

Polifliei Române pentru abuzurile fæcute în acele zile.<br />

¬ Dintre cele patru teme mari pe care le-afli abordat în evenimentele de la Project<br />

Space – educaflie, feminism, postcomunism øi display –, afli ales feminismul ca un<br />

cadru general pentru proiectul pe care îl desfæøurafli acum la Timiøoara. Putefli defini<br />

mai pe larg punctele de plecare ale acestui proiect, explicitînd totodatæ øi titlul complet<br />

al proiectului: Feminisme. Istorii, spaflii libere, democraflie participativæ, justiflie<br />

economicæ?<br />

√ Am considerat cæ e important sæ dezvoltæm în continuare temele abordate în<br />

modulul Feminism din programul Project Space, folosind perspectiva feministæ ca<br />

o bazæ pentru o discuflie mai largæ despre ce anume este relevant øi ce anume este<br />

vizibil în spafliul public.<br />

Deøi nu se pot nega efectele emancipatoare ale „feminismului de stat“ din timpul<br />

comunismului, totuøi, în timpul regimului lui Nicolae Ceauøescu, „emancipare“ øi<br />

„feminism“ au devenit doar niøte cuvinte goale care acopereau morflile a mii de femei<br />

ca rezultat al politicii pronataliste, pe fundalul imnurilor oficiale glorificînd o „Femeie“<br />

genericæ.<br />

Pe de altæ parte, în istoria recentæ, ca o condiflie a integrærii în Uniunea Europeanæ,<br />

România a adoptat o serie de legi cu un conflinut de gen. Aceeaøi „Femeie“ genericæ<br />

este protejatæ de aceste legi. Deøi, bineînfleles, adoptarea unei asemenea legislaflii<br />

este un pas foarte important øi deøi aceste legi se pot dovedi foarte folositoare<br />

pentru cei care au mijloacele sæ le utilizeze, totuøi, o serie de probleme cu un important<br />

conflinut de gen, cum ar fi precaritatea, særæcia, migraflia, avînd ca rezultat direct<br />

violenfla øi discriminarea, nu sînt acoperite de aceste modificæri juridice. Ceea ce<br />

rezultæ din aceastæ „normalizare“ a problemelor de gen e o aparenflæ de democraflie<br />

øi egalitate „impuse de sus“, democraflie øi egalitate care lasæ în afara discufliei categorii<br />

largi de persoane.<br />

Pornind de la istoria „feminismului de stat“ din timpul comunismului øi de la procesele<br />

de gender mainstreaming, conform modelelor „europene“, ni se pare important<br />

sæ creæm condifliile pentru o discuflie între inifliative (din România øi din stræinætate)<br />

the direct discussions with them and the way we saw them trying to<br />

solve various social problems. An important support came from Emil<br />

Moise (another Project Space guest), with whom we maintained an<br />

almost permanent telephone contact throughout the day of April<br />

2nd (the day when the Gendarmerie broke abusively into the rented<br />

space and held into custody all the persons who were there at the<br />

time) and who filed a complaint at the Prosecution of the High Court<br />

of Cassation and Justice against the Romanian Gendarmerie and the<br />

Romanian Police for the abuses they made those days.<br />

¬ Among the four major topics you approached at the Project<br />

Space events – education, feminism, post-communism and display –<br />

you chose feminism as a general framework for the project you are<br />

working at now in Timiøoara. Can you give us a broader definition<br />

of the starting points for this project and at the same time explain<br />

the whole title of the project: Feminisms: Histories, Free Spaces,<br />

Participative Democracy, Economical Justice?<br />

√ We thought it would be important to further develop the topics<br />

approached within the Feminism module of the Project Space using<br />

the feminist perspective as a basis for a broader discussion on what<br />

is relevant and what is visible in the public space.<br />

Although one cannot deny the emancipative effects of the “state<br />

feminism“ during communism, during Nicolae Ceauøescu’s regime<br />

words like “emancipation“ and “feminism“ became void, covering up<br />

for the deaths of thousands of women resulted from the pro-birth<br />

policy, deaths occurring on the background of the official hymns glorifying<br />

a generic “woman“.<br />

On the other side, in recent history, as a condition for the integration<br />

in the European Union, Romania has adopted a series of genderrelated<br />

laws. The same generic “woman“ is being protected by these<br />

laws. Although, of course, the adoption of such legislation is a very<br />

important step and although these laws may prove very useful to<br />

those who have the means to use them, a series of problems with an<br />

important gender-related content such as precariousness, poverty,<br />

migration, which result directly in violence and discrimination, are<br />

not covered by these laws. What does result out of this “normalization“<br />

of the gender problems is an apparent democracy and equality<br />

“enforced from the top“, democracy and equality which leave large<br />

categories of people outside the discussion.<br />

Starting from the history of “state feminism“ during communism and<br />

the gender mainstreaming processes according to the “European“<br />

models, it seems important for us to create the conditions for a discussion<br />

between initiatives (from Romania and abroad) which work<br />

on gender issues starting from the local conditions and which establish<br />

their aims according to the real people they are addressing.<br />

Bearing in mind the necessity of a multiple definition of the term<br />

“feminisms“ not as a label, but as a mobile and flexible basis for<br />

interpretation and action, we would like to give possible answers<br />

to questions such as:<br />

Which are the differences and similarities between the “state feminism“<br />

of the communism era and the new “European“ gender<br />

mainstreaming? How should we relate to the post-communist<br />

silence regarding feminism and the role of women in the communist<br />

period, to the necessity of an objective analysis of them? How could<br />

one use the feminist strategies and perspectives as a way of analyzing<br />

the privileges and power relations which global capitalism is<br />

structured on? What relation does occur between patriarchate and<br />

capitalism? How could one talk about feminism and gender-related<br />

issues avoiding copying a “Western paradigm“ and, at the same<br />

time, talk about local problems without imprinting exoticism onto<br />

oneself?<br />

A possible design for the project would look like this:<br />

HISTORIES: emancipation, the double workday, “the costs of transition“,<br />

reproduction policies, “state feminism“;<br />

FREE SPACES: solidarity, cooperation, queer, resistance against<br />

exploitation, grass roots democracy, net activism, alternative economies,<br />

alliances;<br />


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