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scena<br />

subtil, de o maximæ discreflie, în care surprinde mecanisme sociale complexe. Prin<br />

fabricarea acelor iconuri din fotografii banale, artistul creeazæ o hartæ a istoriei sale<br />

personale, iar prin juxtapunerea acesteia cu harta de energie potenflialæ gravitaflionalæ,<br />

el ne redæ similitudinea acestor procese, tocmai cele prin care sînt ignorate realitæfli<br />

în mod „natural“ istorice în care nu doar respiræm, ci pe care øi pæøim, într-un fel<br />

sau altul, oricare dintre noi.<br />

Note:<br />

1. Lucian Maier, „Un spafliu al artei. Tradiflie øi instituflie, Dénes Miklósi, Concurrency, Studio Protokoll, 2 iunie<br />

– 12 iulie“, in IDEA artæ + societate, #27, 2007.<br />

2. „Caracterul subversiv øi de cod al Mail Artei a fæcut ca acest gen sæ-øi gæseascæ nenumærafli participanfli în anii<br />

’80 în flærile fostului «bloc comunist», nu numai printre artiøtii români, care au ræspuns cu entuziasm la aceste<br />

manifestæri, percepute ca singurele forme de comunicare liberæ cu alte spaflii culturale øi artistice.“ Ileana<br />

Pintilie, Acflionismul în România în timpul comunismului, Cluj, Idea Design & Print, 2000, p. 89, nota 5.<br />

3. Aceastæ parte a proiectului a fost expusæ iniflial ca lucrare de sine stætætoare în expoziflia de grup GPS – Unknown<br />

Scene, 12 octombrie – 25 noiembrie 2007, Muzeul Ernst, Budapesta, avînd titlul Miért buknak meg a magyar<br />

gyermekek románból? Equipotential surface [De ce copiii maghiari picæ examenele la limba românæ? Suprafaflæ<br />

echipotenflialæ], artistul servindu-se de aceeaøi logicæ a punerii laolaltæ a unei realitæfli naturale øi a uneia sociale.<br />

Prima parte a titlului este preluatæ dintr-un articol de specialitate care denunflæ erorile pedagogice impuse<br />

în învæflarea limbii române de cætre minoritæfli în øcolile publice.<br />

View from the exhibition, photo: Zsolt Fekete<br />

projected on the opposite wall which, although is delivered and<br />

offered by a technical means specific to the dynamic image (the video<br />

projector) is very static. We feel intensely this subliminal contradiction<br />

and tension in the exhibition, which is also part of the subtle calculation<br />

– adapted to approach the unknown within the familiar –<br />

proposed by the artist.<br />

The weight of the works of Dénes Miklósi, both in the sense of a difficult<br />

access to them and the consistence which they take on, once<br />

their resistance surmounted, consists not only in the attempt to reveal<br />

this unnoticed presences, but also in the subtle parsimonious way<br />

and the maximum discretion in which he catches complex social<br />

mechanisms. By making those icons out of ordinary photographs<br />

he creates a map of his personal history and by juxtaposing it with<br />

the gravitational potential energy map we are presented the resemblance<br />

of these processes, the very ones used to ignore “naturally“<br />

historical realities in which each of us not only breathes, but also<br />

steps in one way or another.<br />

Translated by Alex Moldovan<br />

Notes:<br />

1. Lucian Maier, “A Space of Art: Tradition and Institution, Dénes Miklósi,<br />

Concurrency, Studio Protokoll, 2 June – 12 July”, IDEA arts + society,<br />

#27, 2007.<br />

2. “The subversive and code-like character of Mail Art made genre popular<br />

with innumerable participants from thecountries of the then ’communist<br />

block’, in the 1980s. Romanian artists, where not the only ones,<br />

enthusiastically rushing to get involved in such events perceived as the<br />

only form of freely communicating with other cultural and artistic areas.”<br />

Ileana Pintilie, Actionism in Romania during Communism, Cluj, Idea<br />

Design & Print, 2002, p. 130, n. 5.<br />

3. This part of the project was initially exhibited as an independent work<br />

in the group exhibition GPS – Unknown Scene, 12–25 October<br />

November 2007, Ernst Museum, Budapest, under the title Miért buknak<br />

meg a magyar gyermekek románból? Equipotential surface<br />

[Why do Hungarian children flunk their Romanian language exams?<br />

Equipotential surface], the artist using the same logic of putting together<br />

a natural and a social reality. The first part of the title is taken from<br />

a specialized article denouncing the pedagogical mistakes imposed<br />

in teaching the Romanian language by the minorities in public schools.<br />


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