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scena<br />

Evenimentele sæptæmînii la B5 Studio<br />

Ciprian Mureøan<br />

Dénes Miklósi, Evenimentele sæptæmînii, 17–30 mai 2008<br />

B5 Studio, Tîrgu-Mureø<br />

Image from the flyer<br />


Ciprian Mureøan<br />

Dénes Miklósi, The Events of the Week, 17–30 May 2008<br />

B5 Studio, Tîrgu-Mureø<br />

B5 Studio este, la Tîrgu-Mureø, un spafliu independent de artæ contemporanæ, rezultat<br />

prin transformarea, în 2007, a atelierului personal al artistului József Bartha în<br />

spafliul de expoziflie al Fundafliei ARTeast. Proiectul lui Bartha e unul ambiflios, în condifliile<br />

în care, în România, lucrurile nu sînt încæ aøezate la nivel instituflional, pufline fiind<br />

locurile în care se promoveazæ arta contemporanæ, iar cele mai multe inifliative le<br />

aparflin artiøtilor înøiøi øi se bazeazæ predominant pe finanflæri private. Intenflia acestui<br />

proiect este integrarea vieflii artistice din regiune în contextul mai larg al vieflii øi<br />

scenelor artistice europene, dar are øi o laturæ pedagogicæ, de formare a unui public<br />

de artæ contemporanæ la Tîrgu-Mureø.<br />

Cel mai recent proiect al Fundafliei ARTeast desfæøurat în spafliul B5 Studio este Reconectare,<br />

iar la el participæ artiøti legafli, într-un fel sau altul, de Tîrgu-Mureø (næscufli,<br />

stabilifli sau øcolifli aici), acum activînd în alte pærfli. Printre aceøtia: Mária Chilf, Pál<br />

Szacsvay, Zsolt Fekete, Dénes Miklósi.<br />

Expoziflia lui Dénes Miklósi, Evenimentele sæptæmînii, respiræ un aer minimalist, mai<br />

ales în informaflia furnizatæ explicit (lucru cu care ne-am obiønuit deja din proiectele<br />

lui anterioare 1 ), spafliul fiind dominat formal de proiecflia pe un perete a unei imagini<br />

statice øi, în partea opusæ, de o hartæ gravitaflionalæ de mari dimensiuni.<br />

Evenimentele sæptæmînii – titlu împrumutat dintr-un film gæsit cîndva de artist – e important<br />

în mæsura în care ne dæ coordonatele în limita cærora trebuie sæ citim expoziflia<br />

ca pe un fragment din demersul mai larg al lui Dénes Miklósi, fragment din care,<br />

la rîndu-i, lipsesc cîteva bucæfli. Aceasta este capcana în care poate pica publicul, cæci<br />

lipsa fragmentelor nu este importantæ. Pe Dénes îl intereseazæ prea puflin imaginea<br />

completæ a puzzle-ului: atît pelicula, cît øi emblema cu vulcanul Etna sînt obiecte gæsite<br />

de artist, probabil nici nu conteazæ cînd øi unde, dar despre care ne putem imagina<br />

cæ øi-au avut propria lor istorie, mai mult sau mai puflin insignifiantæ. Imposibilitatea<br />

arheologiei, øi deci a cunoaøterii acestei istorii infime a obiectului, reprezintæ<br />

B5 Studio is an independent venue for contemporary art in Tîrgu-<br />

Mureø, resulted from the artist József Bartha turning his personal<br />

studio, in 2007, into an exhibition space for the ARTeast Foundation.<br />

Bartha’s project is ambitious, as in Romania, at an institutional level,<br />

things are not settled yet and few places promote contemporary art;<br />

most of the initiatives are run by the authors themselves and are<br />

prominently founded on private financing. This initiative aims<br />

to integrate the artistic life in the area into the broader context<br />

of European life and artistic scenes, but also has a teaching side,<br />

that of forming a contemporary art public in Tîrgu-Mureø.<br />

The most recent project of the ARTeast Foundation which took place<br />

at the B5 Studio is Reconectare [Reconnecting] and it includes artists<br />

related in one way or another to Tîrgu-Mureø (born, settled or who<br />

received an education here), now activating elsewhere. Among them:<br />

Mária Chilf, Pál Szacsvay, Zsolt Fekete, Dénes Miklósi.<br />

Dénes Miklósi exhibition breathes a minimalist air, especially the in<strong>format</strong>ion<br />

explicitly provided (which we already accustomed to from his<br />

prior projects 1 ), the space being formally ruled by a static image projected<br />

on the wall and, oppositely, by a large gravitational map.<br />

The Events of the Week – a title borrowed from a movie once found<br />

by the artist – is important since it provides us with the coordinates,<br />

according to which we should to read the exhibition as a fragment<br />

of the broader action of Dénes Miklósi, a fragment which, on its turn,<br />

lacks some pieces. This is the trap which the public can walk in,<br />

because the missing pieces are not important. Dénes is less interested<br />

in the rounded image of the puzzle: both the film and the Etna<br />

Volcano emblem are objects found by the artists, probably no matter<br />

when and where, but which can be thought of having their own history,<br />

which is more or less insignificant. The impossibility of archaeology<br />

and thus of knowing this insignificant story of the object are<br />

the very material used in the present case. Moreover, the puzzle nor<br />

only consists in found objects; the static image projected on the B5<br />

Studio wall also contains objects “made“ by the hand of the artist:<br />

he clips objects and details from “domestic“ photographs and turns<br />

them in apparently meaningless “icons“, which seem to float on the<br />

projection surface, independent of the medium their were subtracted<br />

from. Any other thing in the clippings created this way is subtracted<br />

from the eyes of the public.<br />

But it’s not only about the pseudo-challenge launched to the viewer<br />

to recreate the “original“ histories of the objects, a challenge kept<br />

alive by the methods put into play by the artist – wiping the original<br />

contexts and restaging. The “afterwards“ history associated to the<br />

stamp is also part of this puzzle. Dénes Miklósi was already using<br />

the emblem in the ’80s in his Mail Art actions. Many of the artists<br />

CIPRIAN MUREØAN este artist, editor la revistele IDEA artæ + societate øi Version.<br />

CIPRIAN MUREØAN is an artist, editor at IDEA arts + society<br />

and Version magazine.<br />


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