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A crea o nouæ culturæ nu înseamnæ doar a face descoperiri „originale“ în mod individual, ci de asemenea,<br />

øi mai ales, a ræspîndi într-o manieræ criticæ adeværuri deja descoperite, a le „socializa“ øi, prin urmare, a<br />

le face sæ devinæ baza unor acfliuni în cadrul vieflii, elementul de coordonare øi de ordine intelectualæ øi<br />

moralæ. Ca o mulflime de oameni sæ fie adusæ la a gîndi în mod coerent øi unitar realul prezent – acesta<br />

e un fapt „filosofic“ mult mai important øi mai original decît hazardul prin care un „geniu“ filosofic dæ peste<br />

un nou adevær ce ræmîne patrimoniul unor grupulefle de intelectuali. (A. Gramsci)<br />

Creating a new culture does not only mean one’s own individual “original” discoveries. It also, and most<br />

particularly, means the diffusion in a critical form of truths already discovered, their “socialization” as it were,<br />

and even making them the basis of vital action, an element of co-ordination and intellectual and moral order.<br />

For a mass of people to be led to think coherently and in the same coherent fashion about the real present<br />

world, is a “philosophical” event far more important and “original” than the discovery by some philosophical<br />

“genius” of a truth which remains the property of small groups of intellectuals. (A. Gramsci)<br />

European Influenza<br />

16 × 23 cm, 264 pag.<br />

20 lei<br />


Adrian T. Sîrbu,<br />

Alexandru Polgár (coord.):<br />

Genealogii ale<br />

postcomunismului<br />

16 × 23 cm, 336 pag.<br />

35 lei<br />

Konrad Petrovszky,<br />

Ovidiu fiichindeleanu (coord.):<br />

Revoluflia Românæ televizatæ<br />

16 × 23 cm, 248 pag.<br />

35 lei<br />

Adrian T. Sîrbu,<br />

Alexandru Polgár (eds.):<br />

Genealogies of<br />

Postcommunism<br />

16 × 23 cm<br />

Konrad Petrovszky,<br />

Ovidiu fiichindeleanu (eds.):<br />

Romanian Revolution Televised<br />

16 × 23 cm

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