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Twombly = Tiepolo, Warhol = Tintoretto (portretist) etc. Încæ se mai<br />

crede oare despre cvasimonocroma Guernica cæ ar fi fost un protest împotriva<br />

ororilor ræzboiului din Spania, mai degrabæ decît o reluare (conceputæ<br />

genial, începînd cu <strong>format</strong>ul øi dozajul exclusiv gri-negru al paletei) a<br />

motivelor din Hypnotauromachia øi a Suitei Vollard din anii care au precedat-o,<br />

unde temele sînt uciderea, violul, femeia, calul spintecat, lampa øi<br />

întunericul, noaptea øi scena Minotaurului victorios? Ar fi ca øi cum ai spune<br />

(în pofida a ce zicea concluziv despre asta Bataille) cæ scandalul cu Olympia<br />

se trægea de la nudul unei prostituate celebre ce-i pozase lui Manet.<br />

„Dacæ credem cæ arta ar trebui sæ fie moralæ, reamintea Jünger în 1990,<br />

asta ar fi sfîrøitul artei.“ Mobilizarea actualæ se lipseøte de agit-prop, kinopravda,<br />

culturpop etc. Orice avangardæ militantæ este deja integratæ sistemului,<br />

care face uz necontenit de un advertising færæ frontiere, de la scutecele<br />

de bebeluøi la candidaflii la preøedinflia SUA. Aprecierea mea e realistæ øi,<br />

prin asta, optimistæ. Ceea ce s-a numit minimal øi conceptual deja o presimfleau.<br />

Însæ fundalul lor filosofic era încæ naiv, drept dovadæ afirmafliile<br />

pletorice øi sentenflioase ale lui D. Judd øi ale altora. Din triada: Mind, Craftmanship,<br />

Weltanschauung, tehnica a înlæturat termenul al doilea, pentru<br />

a øi-l apropria. Arta a ajuns aøa sæ øchioapete. Øi, poate, de aceea øi-a pierdut<br />

de asemenea øi mirarea respectuoasæ dinaintea lumii. Drumul ei ar<br />

putea lua direcflii în care creaflia artisticæ ar fi o remanenflæ underground, cum<br />

anunfla Duchamp în ultimul lui interviu: ceea ce ræmîne, însæ curæflit; un<br />

soi de flatness precum cea apæratæ de troflkistul C. Greenberg „în epoca<br />

de argint“ (Øcoala de la New York; dar el apæra încæ pictura: voia s-o salveze,<br />

insistînd, pe bunæ dreptate, pe terenul nord-american dintr-un punct de<br />

vedere antieuropean), determinatæ de saturaflia datoratæ împlinirii tehnicii<br />

– un acid iconoclast, nu antiestetic, ci antiartistic; aventura formelor ar urmæri<br />

(însæ sîntem într-o perioadæ de îndoialæ: Physis se îngreuneazæ) elaborarea<br />

naturii trans<strong>format</strong>æ în elaborare a oamenilor de cætre oameni (Marx). Unde<br />

prevaleazæ un subiect, sarcastic øi transcendental deopotrivæ, al unui întreg<br />

material, permutabil, utilizabil, care e lumea ca piaflæ; un ezoterism care<br />

a rupt legætura cu contrariul lui, exotericul; litera nemaifiind un înveliø, ci<br />

sensul secret al suprafeflei.<br />

Cæutarea de Neugestalten, Neuformen prin esteticæ, imperativ øi uneori alibi<br />

al avangardelor istorice, a fost masiv înghiflitæ de inovaflia tehnologicæ. Tehnica<br />

e un magnet care atrage øi adæposteøte o mulflime de capacitæfli øi de<br />

cunoaøteri. Aici montajul dominæ. Orice obiect tehnic este, literalmente,<br />

deja un Gestell. Totul, sau aproape totul, se aflæ în aceastæ înghiflire øi aceastæ<br />

deprivare. Cine ar putea zice cæ tehnica nu a dovedit cæ reuøitele ei sînt<br />

doar o acumulare de urîflenii? Admiraflia pentru o elice de avion din lemn,<br />

de Brâncuøi, ne reaminteøte asta. Însæ la vremea aceea, acum un secol, tehnica<br />

øi estetica ræmîneau încæ duale øi chiar, în mod eroic, în competiflie.<br />

the night and the scene of the winning Minotaur? It is like saying (despite<br />

of what Bataille had to say about it in a conclusive manner) that the Olympia<br />

scandal originated in the nude of a famous prostitute posing for Manet. “If we<br />

believe that art should be moral“, Jünger recalled in 1990, “this would be the<br />

end of art.” The present mobilization can do without agit-prop, kinopravda, culturpop<br />

etc. Any militant avant-garde is already part of the system, which makes<br />

an endless use of borderless advertising, from pampers to the candidates to the<br />

presidency of the USA.<br />

My account is realistic and therefore optimistic. What has been called “minimal”<br />

and “conceptual” had already foreseen it. But their philosophical background<br />

was still naïve, as it is proved by the plethoric and sententious assertions of<br />

Donald Judd and others. The technique has removed the second term from the<br />

triad Mind, Craftmanship, Weltanschauung and appropriated it. That’s how art<br />

became limp. And maybe that’s why it has also lost its respectful wonder before<br />

the world. Its path could turn into directions where artistic creation would be an<br />

underground permanence, as Duchamp proclaimed in his last interview: what<br />

remains, but cleaned up; a sort of flatness such as the one defended by the<br />

Trotskist Clement Greenberg “during the silver era” (the New York School;<br />

but he was still defending painting: he wanted to save it by insisting, justly, on<br />

North-American ground, from an anti-European point of view), determined by<br />

the saturation provoked by the skill of technique – an iconoclast acid, not antiaesthetic,<br />

but anti-artistic; the adventure of forms would aim (but we are in<br />

doubt: Physis is getting heavy) at the elaboration of nature turned into an “elaboration<br />

of the people by the people” (Marx). Where one subject, both sarcastic<br />

and transcendental, prevails, of an entire material, permutable, usable, which is<br />

the world as a market; an esotericism breaking with its opposite, the ex-otericism;<br />

where the letter is no longer the cover, but the secret sense of the surface.<br />

The search of Neugestalten, Neuformen through aesthetics, an imperative and<br />

sometimes an alibi for the historical avant-gardes, was massively swallowed up<br />

by the technological innovation. The technique is a magnet which attracts and<br />

shelters a sum of capacities and knowledge. Here, the montage is dominant.<br />

Any technical object is literally a Gestell. Almost everything was within this swallowing<br />

and deprivation. Could we say that technique hasn’t proved that its<br />

accomplishments are but a bunch of ugly things? The admiration towards<br />

a wooden airplane propeller by Brancusi reminds us of that. But at that time,<br />

a century ago, technique and aesthetics were still dual and even, heroically, in<br />

competition.<br />

Summer 2008<br />

Translated by Alex Moldovan<br />

vara 2008<br />

Traducere de Adrian T. Sîrbu<br />


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