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+ (presences of art)<br />

„Discursul critic“ via arte este fie o viclenie interesatæ politic, prosteascæ,<br />

însæ eficace, trebuie sæ admitem – arta este propagandæ (cf. seriile mele<br />

de conferinfle cu acest titlu, în 1996, la universitæflile din Moscova øi Sankt<br />

Petersburg) –, fie o retoricæ særacæ, ajutatæ de ignoranfla satisfæcutæ a „consumatorilor“,<br />

în cel mai bun caz a flâneur-ilor, øi a mobilizærii permanente<br />

prin culturæ, impusæ recent de puterea politico-economicæ, de cînd, în lipsæ<br />

de ceva mai bun, ea încearcæ sæ-øi gæseascæ un drum al sæu, de reprezentare,<br />

alæturi de complexul militaro-industrial care continuæ sæ comande<br />

întregul. Festivaluri în loc de parade militare øi, în momente solemne,<br />

ambele deodatæ.<br />

Cît priveøte SUA, ele par sæ fi ieøit din iluziile lor øi din influenflele venite<br />

din Europa (transavangardæ, arte povera, anii ’80–’90), însæ cu certitudine<br />

nu øi din trecutul lor; aceastæ istorie oarecum biblicæ, în care mîntuirea nu<br />

se mai poate incarna în vreo new frontier, ci ræmîne un soi de metabolism<br />

al Pæcatului, diferit – alterat – faflæ de acela pe care, de la Sfîntul Augustin,<br />

se întemeiazæ creøtinismul Lumii Vechi. Drept dovadæ stæ aspiraflia cætre<br />

puritate (întinatæ) prin obsesia ræului care trebuie vînat øi izgonit: Ahab øi<br />

Moby Dick, înainte (Thoreau), ca øi dupæ (Pound, Olson, Stevens – Ginsberg<br />

øi el, doar cæ într-o manieræ corcitæ øi clovnescæ). Odiseea devenitæ<br />

vînætoare a Balenei Albe øi reîntoarcerea în Itaca – o rætæcire færæ alt epilog<br />

decît naufragiul. Cu speranfla ca un supraviefluitor („Call me Ishmael“)<br />

sæ poatæ nara istoria (în felul acesta face Pynchon, cel puflin la început øi<br />

pînæ la Vineland, cu evocarea anilor ’60 øi a trædærii lor succesive. Dupæ<br />

aceea, el dæ în cartoon literar, øi îl prefer atunci pe Crumb).<br />

Am încercat de mai multe ori sæ descîlcesc iflele acestei istorii, de cînd, cu<br />

regularitate – se fac, iatæ, 30 de ani –, træiesc periodic în aceastæ flaræ; ultima<br />

oaræ într-un scurt eseu, In Praise of America (Stonebrooks, Texas, 2006),<br />

dedicat unui prieten artist, pictor, originar de-acolo. Originalitatea Americii,<br />

devenitæ Republicæ imperialæ, rezidæ øi în milenarismele ei (e flara cargocult<br />

cu anticipaflie), veritabile ori presupuse, într-un soi de radicalism fanatic<br />

al extremelor la care au contribuit øi contribuie, prin reflele zærite la modul<br />

metaforic numai de cætre marii poefli øi romancieri, în povestiri øi iluminæri<br />

în jurul amerindienilor øi negrilor. Heart of Darkness: promiscuitatea temutæ<br />

øi ispititoare; acesteia America, de voie, de nevoie, i-a asumat experienfla.<br />

Existæ cu mult mai mult de învæflat citindu-i pe Melville sau Faulkner, deopotrivæ<br />

vizionari øi profetici, în acord direct cu locurile øi istoria lor („Iar Sibila,<br />

rostind lucruri cu o guræ dementæ øi færæ sæ rîdæ, færæ podoabæ, nici balsam,<br />

se cufundæ prin mijlocirea zeului cu vocea ei de mii de ani“), decît din publicafliile<br />

socio-antropologice ale Øcolii de la Chicago din anii ’50. Yankeii, mai<br />

mult ca alflii, sînt acum pe punctul de-a depæøi trash-ul californian cu care<br />

s-au îndopat (anii ’70–’90), isteriile ombilicale, gæselniflele gata confecflionate,<br />

módele de import, care pe coasta esticæ, la New York, se læfæie dintr-o<br />

galerie într-alta. Maturizafli prin criza de conøtiinflæ consecutivæ sfîrøitului<br />

Ræzboiului din Vietnam øi læmuririle (dureroase) care i-au urmat, maturizafli<br />

deopotrivæ de vidul european – cam de pe la moartea lui Beuys øi muzeografizarea<br />

participanflilor la Fluxus, miøcare care îi datoreazæ mult –, ei<br />

îmi par în stare sæ ia în seamæ depæøirea sau fie øi doar abandonarea ideii<br />

de avangardæ, sæ realizeze cæ craftmanship øi militantism (de idei) nu fac<br />

neapærat pereche øi sæ întrezæreascæ aspectul de împrumut, subaltern, al<br />

metisajelor „din voia expresæ a Curflii“, nocivitatea muzeofiliei pentru creaflie,<br />

ea care cautæ nu sæ inspire o imitare (a celor Vechi), ci sæ sugereze<br />

improbabile afinitæfli, gen Duchamp = Leonardo, Beuys = Pico,<br />

ing something better, it tries to find its own way, that of representation, along<br />

the military-industrial complex which continues to rule the whole. Festivals<br />

instead of parades and, during solemn moments, both.<br />

As for the USA, they seems to have left their illusions and their European<br />

influences behind (transavanguardia, Arte Povera, the ’80–’90s), but certainly<br />

not their past, that rather biblical history, where redemption cannot hypostatize<br />

a new frontier anymore, but remains a kind of metabolism of Sin, different<br />

– altered – from that on which, starting with St. Augustine, the Old World Christianity<br />

has been established. The proof is the aspiration to purity (tainted) by the<br />

obsession of the evil which needs to be haunted and cast out: Ahab and Moby<br />

Dick, before (Thoreau), just like afterwards (Pound, Olson, Stevens – Ginsberg,<br />

too, but in a mixed and clownish manner). The odyssey turned into a hunt of the<br />

White Whale and the return to Ithaca – a wandering with no other epilogue than<br />

the shipwreck. Hoping that a survivor (“Call me Ishmael”) may tell the story<br />

(that’s what Pynchon does, at least in the beginning and until Vineland, evoking<br />

the ’60s, and their successive betrayals. After that, he turns into a literary cartoonist<br />

and then I prefer Crumb).<br />

I’ve tried many times to puzzle out this history since, regularly I’ve been periodically<br />

living in this country; last time it was in a short essay, In Praise of America<br />

(Stonebrooks, Texas, 2006), dedicated to an artist friend, a painter who is from<br />

there. The originality of America, which has become an imperial republic, resides<br />

also in its millenarianisms (it’s the cargo-cult country with anticipation), genuine<br />

or just imagined, in a sort of fanatical radicalism of the extremes to which it has<br />

contributed and still contributes through networks metaphorically seen only by<br />

the great poets and novelists, in histories and illuminations evolving around the<br />

Amerindians and black people. “Heart of Darkness”: the feared and alluring<br />

promiscuity; the experience of which America, willingly or not, has assumed.<br />

There is much more to learn in reading Melville or Faulkner, both visionaries and<br />

prophets, directly connected to their places and history (“And Sybilla, saying<br />

things with a demented mouth and without laughter, with no adornment, no<br />

balm immersed by means of the god with her thousand years voice”: Satyricon)<br />

than from the social-anthropology’ publications of the Chicago School in the<br />

’50s. The Yankees, more so than others, are about to overcome the Californian<br />

trash they’ve been feeding themselves on (during the ’70s–’90s), the umbilical<br />

hysterias, the ready-made tricks, the imported trends, which on the East Coast,<br />

in New York, pass from one gallery to another. Having grown-up due to the crisis<br />

of consciousness subsequent to the Vietnam War ending and to the (painful)<br />

explanations which followed, having also grown-up due to the European void<br />

– approximately since Beuys’s death and the museumification of the Fluxus<br />

members, the movement which owns it so much – they seem to me capable<br />

to consider the overcoming or even the departure from the <strong>idea</strong> of avant-garde,<br />

to realize that craftsmanship and the militantism (of <strong>idea</strong>s) don’t necessarily go<br />

together and to foresee the borrowed, subaltern character of the crossings made<br />

“out of the express will of the Court”, the harmfulness, in terms of creation, of<br />

the museophilia which seeks not to inspire an imitation (of the Ancient), but to<br />

suggest improbable affinities, such as Duchamp = Leonardo, Beuys = Pico,<br />

Twombly = Tiepolo, Warhol = Tintoretto (portraitist) etc. Does anybody still<br />

believe that the almost monochrome Guernica was a protest against the horrors<br />

of the war in Spain, rather than a revival (brilliantly conceived, from the form<br />

and the exclusively grey-black dosage of the palette) of the motives in Hypnotauromachia<br />

and Vollard Suite in the preceding years, where the topics are<br />

killing, raping, the woman, the ripped up horse, the lamp and the darkness,<br />


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