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+ (presences of art)<br />

Vietnam. Paradise Now øi Apocalypse Now sub aceeaøi plapumæ. O hecatombæ<br />

de trægætori pe nas. E aøteptat mîntuitorul. Va veni lunga reaganomics<br />

– ea fline încæ øi astæzi. Arta, glamorous precum seratele la Morocco.<br />

Se revine mereu la the lost generation, perioada interbelicæ – preistoria<br />

modernæ. Damned and beautiful, la oraø ca øi pe malul mærii. Se plînge,<br />

se pileøte, se face amor, se scrie, se cælætoreøte, se revine and back again.<br />

Hora nemulflumiflilor care se væicæresc, dar cu toate astea o duc mai degrabæ<br />

bine. Nefericifli de lux.<br />

*<br />

Despre antropologie. Acest corp funcflionæresc nu mai pare nici mæcar<br />

motivat, atras de exotism. Se lucreazæ „acasæ“ øi iute, cu susflinerea financiaræ<br />

a enormei maøinærii birocratico-universitare a culturii. Etnism læbærflat<br />

peste tot pe un fundal unanimist. Etnologia e ajunsæ din urmæ de turism,<br />

cu singura deosebire cæ turistul îøi plæteøte sejurul øi cælætoria. În sînul ei<br />

se înmulfleøte o armatæ de apærætori ai „colaborærii dintre culturi“, apærætori<br />

peste care suflæ adierea unui optimism surprinzætor, datæ fiind starea<br />

actualæ a lumii. Forflæ multiplicatæ a instinctului gregar, în privinfla cæruia spiritul<br />

critic regæseøte foarte greu Unicul stirnerian, omul din subteranæ ce<br />

rævæøeøte metafizica, martor al ireversibilei pierderi de demnitate. Dezrædæcinarea<br />

e condiflia suportatæ øi recunoscutæ ca atare – numai cæ-n grup.<br />

Beach-comber-ul (vagabond-al-insulelor), the Ethnologist in charge, colonial,<br />

curiosul gata de orice, aventurierul la care visa suprarealismul (au existat),<br />

øi chiar misionarul à la Kurz sau à la Brazza; acest bunch of fools, club<br />

de poefli øi capete bîntuite, ex-ofifleri øi spleenatici de talent (Griaule, Leiris),<br />

epave iluminate, exilafli din Germania în flinuturile locuite de American Indians<br />

(Boas, Lowie, Goldenweiser, Sapir, Richards, Curt Nimuendaju);<br />

oiflele negre øi rætæcite ale gentry, de „familie bunæ din provincie“ (Cantal,<br />

Pas-de-Calais, Brianza, Oxfordshire), care-øi vîræ nasul, scotocind, între<br />

un templu la Madrastan, siturile cu cranii fidjiene, Saqqarah øi Buckingham<br />

(Hocart); exploratori în marginea convenfliilor, purtîndu-øi ticurile cu anduranfla<br />

unor buni soldafli (Needham, Leach, Rassers); Inventatorii de Teorii,<br />

tot atît de generoøi, de emoflionanfli, de talentafli – øi de ridicoli pe undeva<br />

– precum Courtial al lui Céline (Bateson, Pitt-Rivers, Josselin de Jong,<br />

Radcliffe-Brown, Lévi-Strauss); ambiflioøii de academie, poliglofli, neobosifli<br />

la Tropice øi în campus-uri (Malinowski), care contestæ freudismul, care<br />

se vor, via Marx, fideli darwinismului: toatæ aceastæ adunæturæ de ispravæ,<br />

care face cît un panteon de divinitæfli, a scris un capitol, unul, dens, sclipitor,<br />

al Comediei umane parauniversitare øi universitare. Ea a fost înlocuitæ,<br />

o generaflie dupæ aceea, de înghesuiala turiøtilor.<br />

În felul acesta a avut loc o singularæ anamorfozæ a antropologiei. Cantitativ<br />

mai întîi: nu mai pofli fline socoteala departamentelor, grupurilor de lucru,<br />

seminariilor, institufliilor, colocviilor, încruciøærilor zise interdisciplinare, a<br />

subiectelor de tezæ. Apoi øi-n ce priveøte retorica: nicicînd nu s-a vorbit<br />

atîta despre etnie, diferenflæ, humanrightism, ca în prezent. Argumentele<br />

acestea ræmîn în acelaøi timp tributare øi falsificatoare ale consensului, dependente<br />

de densa omogenitate a affluent society – chiar dacæ jumulite de<br />

cîtva timp încoace (oil peak & al. aøteaptæ la cotituræ) –, de „devalorizarea<br />

tuturor valorilor“ printr-un gregarism spectacular: acela al încæperii<br />

albinei-matcæ, televiziunea (cæreia i se potriveøte aøa de bine cuvîntul „cablu“,<br />

reunindu-le pe ananké, „necesitatea“, nodul – care strînge – øi circuitul<br />

like at the seaside. They cry, they drink, they make love, they write, they travel<br />

and they come back and back again. The choir of the displeased who keep<br />

whining, but do rather well. Deluxe unhappy people.<br />

*<br />

On anthropology. This clerks’ body doesn’t even seem motivated or drawn by<br />

exoticism anymore. They work “at home” and fast, financially supported by the<br />

enormous bureaucratic-academic machine of culture. Ethnicism spread all over<br />

an unanimist background. Ethnology is being overtaken by tourism, with the<br />

only difference that the tourist pays for his trip and stay. Within it, an army<br />

defending the “collaboration of cultures” proliferates, defenders inspired by<br />

the wind of an optimism which is rather surprising, given the state of the world<br />

today. The multiplied force of the gregarious instinct, for which the critical<br />

spirit finds it very difficult to regain the Stirnerian “Singleton”, the subterranean<br />

man who ravages the metaphysics, witness to the irreversible loss of<br />

dignity. Being uproot is the condition endured and recognized as it is – but<br />

collectively.<br />

The colonial beach-comber, the ethnologist in charge, the curious ready for<br />

everything, the adventurer the surrealism dreamt about (they have existed) and<br />

even the missionary à la Kurtz or à la Brazza; this bunch of fools, a club of poets<br />

and haunted minds, former officers and talented spleeners (Griaule, Leiris), illuminateds<br />

wrecks, exiled from Germany to the American Indians’ lands (Boas,<br />

Lowie, Goldenweiser, Sapir, Richards, Curt Nimuendaju); the black and lost<br />

sheep of the gentry, of “a good province family” (Cantal, Pas-de-Calais, Brianza,<br />

Oxfordshire), who stick their scrounging noses among a Madrastan temple, the<br />

Fijian skulls funerary sites, Saqqarah and Buckingham (Hocart); explorers to the<br />

edge of conventions, wearing their tics with the endurance of good soldiers<br />

(Needham, Leach, Rassers); the Theory Inventors, as generous, moving, talented<br />

– and somehow ridiculous – as Céline’s Courtial (Bateson, Pitt-Rivers, Josselin de<br />

Jong, Radcliffe-Brown, Lévi-Strauss); the academy ambitious, polyglots, restless<br />

at the Tropics and in the campuses (Malinowski), contesting Freudism and who<br />

see themselves, via Marx, faithful to Darwinism: this whole worthy bunch, who<br />

can match a pantheon of divinities, has written a dense, bright chapter of the<br />

para-academic and academic Comédie humaine. It was replaced after only one<br />

generation by the tourists’ crowd.<br />

Thus, a unique anamorphosis of the anthropology occurred. First, quantitatively:<br />

one cannot keep up with counting departments, working groups, seminaries,<br />

institutions, colloquia, so called interdisciplinary crossings, thesis topics.<br />

Then with respect to the rhetoric: there has never been so much talk about ethnicity,<br />

difference, humanrightism. These arguments remain, at the same time,<br />

tributary to and falsify the consensus, depending on the dense homogeneity of<br />

“the affluent society” – even though ripped off for some time now (oil peak &<br />

al. are waiting around the corner) –, on the “devaluation of all values” through<br />

a spectacular gregariousness: that of the bee queen room, the television (which<br />

is so well matched by the word “cable”, uniting ananké, “necessity”, the knot<br />

– which ties – and the electric circuit) with its multiple derivates, in the streets,<br />

as well as in the aspirations, ambitions, dreams, fears of the crowds, in cities as<br />

well as in rural areas. The specular [le miroirique] reigns everywhere: each<br />

demands a “self” while watching another one, to imitate it, and overbidding<br />

in this self-projection which is the offspring (a cult of the child, from cradle to<br />

the academy – after that, for those lacking safety nets, precariousness and<br />


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