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spune cæ e bine plasat ca s-o øtie, el care a lansat movida de Mexico: o<br />

jerbæ de særbætoriri în jurul galeriilor, cu tineret øi pseudotineret la unison,<br />

arie rezervatæ în mijlocul fantasmagoricei megalopole, înspre zona rezidenflialæ<br />

din Las Llomas. Guggenheim New York inaugureazæ retrospectiva<br />

unui artist contemporan cu dansatoare despuiate pe fundal de raga<br />

la intrare, la baza pîlniei, øi muzicæ tehno reværsatæ în întreg spafliul în formæ<br />

de melc (mæ gîndeam la Wright venind de la Talyasin pentru a-i vizita pe<br />

comanditarii muzeului în anii ’50, debarcînd în oraø din caleaøcæ, dupæ ce<br />

refuzase un taxi, øi întrebînd „What’s that?“ dinaintea colecfliei lor de Klee,<br />

Mondrian, Malevici, Kandinski etc.).<br />

„We are all beautiful“ exclamæ doamna de culoarea Caraibelor, iarna ca<br />

øi vara (nu e de culoare), acoperitæ de coliere, pierrot lunaire „færæ vîrstæ“<br />

(speræ ea): permanent în stare de ebrietate, sprijinindu-se de însoflitorul<br />

ei în floale scumpe – „A purest poet and a close friend…“. Artistul amfitrion<br />

aøteaptæ sus, la ultima volutæ a muzeului, întreaga albeaflæ a spafliului<br />

fiind stræpunsæ de stræfulgeræri de lumini colorate – un omagiu la adresa<br />

Stones-ilor øi-a lui Velvet, în preajma unei „capele“ deschise spiritualitæflii<br />

færæ granifle, „a noastræ“, reaminteøte el, conceputæ, presupun, pentru a<br />

desævîrøi in gloria, înælflætor, evenimentul. El va decora mai apoi o altæ capelæ,<br />

la Napoli, în vreme ce gunoaiele se îngræmædesc deja în oraø – o tradiflie<br />

localæ de care vorbeau deja Goethe øi Malaparte.<br />

La Beijing, în cartierul artelor la scaræ chinezæ – un întreg arondisment parizian<br />

–, unde se îngræmædesc mao-pop øi pop de recoltæ memorabilæ [pop<br />

millésime], neo-pop made in China øi artiøti contemporani de renume,<br />

creativitatea chinezæ e promovatæ precum alte mærfuri de lux. Preflurile<br />

sînt aceleaøi ca la Basel sau la New York. La fel ca-n cazul ceasurilor, gadgeturilor<br />

din materii preflioase, veømintelor semnate, afacerile merg strunæ.<br />

Brizbizuri scumpe. Ubicuitate a luxului. Hilaritate generalæ, care te face<br />

sæ regrefli frenezia pætatæ cu spleen, jumate real, jumate jucat, a lost generation<br />

– acum aproape un secol deja. Spirit care se bælæceøte într-un „Spleen<br />

færæ <strong>idea</strong>l“.<br />

Cum zicea, perplexæ, o prietenæ, mare colecflionar de-o jumætate de veac,<br />

la ieøirea de la un vernisaj: „Acum existæ mai mulfli artiøti decît instalatori“.<br />

Versiune de masæ, realizatæ, a fægæduinflelor lui Beuys la Kassel în epoca<br />

Rote Fraktion, care le reluau pe-un ton lipsit de ironie pe-ale suprarealismului<br />

de dupæ ræzboi: „oricine poate fi artist“, corijate în „oricine e artist“.<br />

Cum zice dictonul italian: „Troppa grazia, Sant’ Antonio!“.<br />

În arta contemporanæ nici vorbæ de s-booms (neologism italian pentru:<br />

descreøtere, crizæ: pæresimi). Corabia înainteazæ, cu cîrma bine flinutæ, prin<br />

furtunile financiare, bræzdînd apele agitate. Culmi mereu depæøite într-o<br />

supralicitare færæ limite. Nu conteazæ ce teritoriu, regiune, judefl, naflie, land,<br />

ghost-town îøi înalflæ propriile prelate sub care se înghesuie „publicul“, negustorii,<br />

aspiranflii, veline-le (animatoare TV italiene în aøteptarea succesului).<br />

Artistul care vrea acolo are aerul unui vucumprà (imigranfli semiclandestini<br />

care rætæcesc vara pe plajele italiene). Face turul galeriilor øi, ca orice<br />

încurcæ-treabæ, e expediat dintr-o clipire. Artiøtii øi peøtii care au vad, ei<br />

parcurg un interminabil Tur planetar. Ale cærui etape sînt Art fairs. Te întrebi<br />

cum rezistæ ei, numai cæ o fac mai degrabæ prost. Banii îi grizeazæ øi<br />

apoi îi degrizeazæ, iar afacerile continuæ sæ se-nvîrtæ.<br />

Asta a început pe vremea Factory, uzina de confecflionat succes a lui Andy.<br />

Bob Zelig din New Jersey, alias Dylan, devine pentru scurtæ vreme preacher<br />

cu ghitara, în acelaøi timp în care cocaina bate stînjeneala postresidential<br />

area in Las Llomas. Guggenheim, New York hosts the opening of a<br />

contemporary artist, with naked dancers on the sound of ragas at the entrance,<br />

at the base of the dome, and techno-music invading the whole snail-shaped<br />

space (I was thinking of Wright coming from Talyasin to visit the pay-masters<br />

of the future museum in the ’50s, reaching in the city in a carriage after refusing<br />

a cab and asking “What’s that?” before their collection of Klee, Mondrian,<br />

Malevich, Kandinsky etc.).<br />

“We are all beautiful” says the lady of a Caribbean color, both in the winter and<br />

in the summer (she is not “coloured”), covered by necklaces. An “ageless”<br />

(she hopes) pierrot lunaire, constantly inebriated, bearing against her companion<br />

wearing expensive clothes – “A purest poet and a close friend...” The host<br />

artist waits upstairs, at the last turn of the museum and the entire whitish space<br />

is penetrated by flashes of colored light – a homage paid to the Stones and the<br />

Velvet, next to a chapel open to the “borderless” spirituality, which is “ours”,<br />

as he reminds, created, I suppose, in order to complete the event in gloria, in<br />

an inspiring manner. Next, he will decorate another chapel in Naples, while the<br />

garbage is already pilling up the city – a local tradition of which Goethe and<br />

Malaparte have already talked about.<br />

In Beijing, in the art neighborhood of a Chinese scale – an entire Parisian district<br />

– where one can find crowded mao-pop and good pop [pop millésime], neo-pop<br />

made in China and renowned European artists, Chinese creativity is being promoted<br />

like any other luxury products. The prices match those in Basel or New<br />

York. The same as with watches, the precious metals gadgets and the designers’<br />

clothes, the business is going strong. Expensive ornaments. A ubiquitous luxury.<br />

A general hilarity, which makes one regret the frenzy tainted with the half real,<br />

half staged spleen of the lost generation – already almost a century ago.<br />

A self-indulgent spirit of “Spleen without <strong>idea</strong>l”.<br />

In the perplexed words of a friend, a serious and famed collector for half a century,<br />

after an opening: “Now there are more artists than plumbers.” An accomplished<br />

mass version of Beuys’ promises made in Kassel during the Rote Fraktion’<br />

years, which reproduced, in a version lacking irony, those of the postwar surrealists:<br />

“everybody can be an artist” redressed as “everybody is an artist”. Just like<br />

the Italian saying: “Troppa grazia, Sant’ Antonio!”.<br />

No sign of s-booms (this is an Italian neologism for decrease, crisis: “fast”) in<br />

contemporary art. The ship goes on, well driven, amidst the financial storms,<br />

cutting through the stirred waters. Heights ever surpassed, in a limitless overbid.<br />

It doesn’t matter what territory, region, county, nation, land, ghost-town raises<br />

its own tents under which “the crowd” crams, the sellers, the aspirants, the<br />

veline girls (Italian entertainers looking for success). The artist who wants to be<br />

there looks like a vucumprà (quasi-clandestine immigrants wandering on the<br />

Italian beaches during the summer). He tours the galleries and, just like any<br />

goof, is sent away on the spot. The artist and the pimps who can sell: they travel<br />

in an endless planetary tour. Its stops are the art-fairs. One could wonder how<br />

they manage and the truth is they do pretty badly. Money inebriates them and<br />

then de-inebriates them while the business keeps rolling.<br />

This has started in Andy’s Factory. Bob Zelig from New Jersey, alias Dylan,<br />

becomes a guitar preacher, while cocaine discards the post-Vietnam embarrassment.<br />

“Paradise Now” and Apocalypse Now tucked under the same blanket.<br />

A hecatomb of junkies. The savior is awaited. What does come is the long reagonomics<br />

– which lasts even today. Art, glamorous like the “Morocco” night-club<br />

in New York. Evening parties. They keep returning to the “lost generation”, the<br />

interwar period – modern prehistory. “Damned and beautiful”, in the city just<br />


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